Gemini man – Taurus woman: horoscope compatibility

This couple has every chance of developing a harmonious relationship. With mutual desire, of course. The tandem of the earth and air elements is not ideal, but the wards of Venus and Mercury can build not only warm relationships, but also create a strong family for many years to come. A man born under the constellation of Gemini and a Taurus woman have something in common: for example, both signs are in dire need of love and understanding from a partner. At the same time, astrologers warn: it will be stormy, these zodiac signs are painfully restless.

If Gemini and Taurus at the subconscious level understand that they are not destined to be together, that their opinions about family life differ, but there is still attraction, you should not put an end to the relationship. They have something in common, and it is on these principles that you can build something more than just friendships. Wards of Mercury and Venus are pragmatic and prudent. If a Gemini man and a Taurus woman are united by a common cause and business interests, there is every chance of building a strong and trusting relationship. However, it will not be easy for each partner to build them. On the one hand – the airy lightness of Gemini, the constant search for new information and acquaintances, their inconstancy and passion for new ideas. On the other hand, the solidity and stubbornness of Taurus, who are suspicious of new people in their lives and are in no hurry to change their usual way. Nevertheless, there are chances for building a harmonious union, and they are not small. In this marriage, partners must find a balance: a man inspires and seeks himself, and a woman is a kind of bastion of stability that gives moral nourishment to Gemini.

There are many pitfalls in this union, tied to the difference in temperaments and characters. It is difficult for a Taurus woman to adapt to the energetic pace of Gemini life. In turn, it is difficult for a man to understand why his chosen one is so difficult to adapt to changes in life. Taurus are stable and measured, thorough and unhurried. Gemini, on the contrary, are prone to improvisation and spontaneity. Gemini is frightened by the need to legitimize relationships – Taurus is unnerved by the lack of a stamp in the passport. A woman in this union quickly gets tired of the regular change of events and scenery, she is tired of new people and superficial acquaintances. A man does not understand how you can constantly do the same thing without giving free rein to your imagination. In any case, astrologers unanimously assure that this union can be strong and durable if both partners learn to understand each other’s character and temperament, and also make concessions when the situation requires it.

Love compatibility

Gemini is one of the few zodiac signs that are able to create a pleasant impression from the first minutes of meeting. They are quite erudite, because they are constantly in search of new information. And this only means that the Gemini man is able to support a conversation on any topic. Wards of Mercury are inquisitive and charming. Representatives of this zodiac sign have an inner charisma that helps Gemini to establish useful contacts and achieve significant heights. They are sociable and plastic, easily adapt to changes and always know how to find pluses in any situation. At the same time, such ease often prevents Gemini from building relationships with a partner and creating a career. Taurus women are smart and elegant, they know their worth and will not let men play with them. They are reasonable and purposeful, harmonious and consistent. Nature rewarded them with cunning and wisdom, which helps Taurus to win and keep a man next to them. Most often, representatives of this zodiac sign carefully check every step they take and confidently go to the intended goal. They are intuitive and recognize even the smallest lie on a psychic level. But if a Taurus woman feels sincerity, she will definitely answer her chosen one with boundless and devoted love.

If such a woman is fascinated by Gemini, the whole arsenal will be used: magical attractiveness, soft passion, a refined sense of humor, the ability to support in difficult times and listen carefully to the interlocutor, as well as the typical qualities of an ideal housewife. But if Taurus is not attracted by the courtship of Gemini, the candy-bouquet period may be delayed. A woman will carefully study the behavior of her boyfriend for a long time, look for tricks and reasons for jealousy, and also test his feelings and intentions for strength. Wards of Mercury will also be careful, because ease of relationship is important for them: the need to marry scares almost every representative of this sign. In turn, stability and confidence in the future are vital for Taurus, therefore, on this basis, the couple may have frequent disagreements. A woman will wait a long time for a restless partner. She respects her choice, so she will learn to accept his inconstancy and search for herself. Of course, a woman will be able to break Gemini’s heart, but most often she chooses a wait-and-see tactic and the role of an accommodating wife who patiently waits for her husband in a cozy house. Often, Taurus women, plunging into a love pool with their heads, become blind and stubbornly do not notice obvious things. They do not pay attention to the words of close and dear people, proving to the whole world that the Gemini man whom she fell in love with is an ideal person in every sense.

Marriage compatibility

I must say, the Gemini quickly get tired of the monotony, quiet family happiness weighs them down. Their chosen one should constantly change and surprise the partner. It is not necessary to dye your hair weekly, but the Taurus woman should open up to her partner from time to time on the other side. However, the representatives of this zodiac sign in love have only three “faces”: tender love, gloomy resentment, and finally rage. The girl needs to learn to accept the inconstancy of the Gemini and their desire for the unknown if they want to save the marriage. You need to be aware that the wards of Mercury begin to mope from the family routine and strive for freedom when they feel that they are trying to limit them in something. In turn, Gemini men who want to maintain a relationship with Taurus must also understand that their chosen one honors stability and strives to streamline everything in her life. They must put up with her stubbornness and stubbornness if they want to find a devoted and faithful spouse. In addition, these relationships will be useful for both parties: Gemini will not be hindered in life by a person who will extinguish his energy with sound arguments and rational beliefs. At the same time, Taurus needs a partner who will shake up their life from time to time, not letting them get bored in one place.

The Taurus woman honors and respects family values, so she perceives any relationship as a potential opportunity to get married. At the same time, Geminis do not like it when they restrict their freedom and try to get away from the conversation when it comes to family. She is looking for stability, and he appreciates the ease in a relationship. When both partners accept these qualities of each other and learn to live with them, harmony will come, which will lead to the creation of a strong union. She loves children and brings them up properly. With such, as they say, you will not spoil. Most often, the girls and boys of the Taurus mother are developed beyond their years, they attend all kinds of sections, learn foreign languages, go in for dancing or music, and also read a lot. Gemini men are good fathers, but their educational approach is more entertaining.

The attitude towards money and the wards of Mercury and Venus is also different. Geminis do not know how to save money and often make impulsive purchases. But at the same time, representatives of this zodiac sign are often lucky: they manage to find additional sources of income very quickly and easily earn money. At the same time, a Taurus woman will never buy something that she does not need. And even if a new washing machine is needed, she will look for reasons for a long time to postpone a major purchase. Taurus take care of money, and Gemini can easily earn it. Both parties need these qualities in marriage, so if a couple has a common cause, there is every chance to strengthen relations and create a wonderful union.

Pros and cons of the union Gemini man and Taurus woman

Despite the stumbling blocks in character, thinking and worldview, astrologers assure that this tandem can have a great future. Here the law of opposites operates, which do not attract, but rather complement each other. And here again it is worth focusing on a common cause that will unite partners. But it should be clearly not a family and children. General business, travel, or even blogging – it should be something like a hobby or passion that has financial potential. Then the partners will be able to complement each other, and there will simply be no time left for mutual claims. Such an alliance has its advantages:

  • The Gemini man knows that there is a reliable and practical woman nearby who will not run away from him at the first opportunity.
  • The Taurus woman understands that she is with a flexible and fairly erudite man who will be able to resolve a problem situation, unlike her, who is used to stability.

Problems can arise when each of the partners begins to pull the blanket over himself: Gemini – to excite the chosen one with innovations and constant changes, knocking her out of the rut of stability, Taurus – to force the man to constancy and balance. It’s good in moderation. But if everyone starts proving their case and teaching how to live better, nothing good will come of it. Therefore, the Gemini man and Taurus woman need to learn to accept the character of a partner and not seek to remake him in their favor. The most expected cons in a relationship:

  • Misunderstanding in relation to rest. What is there to hide, Gemini love to relax in the company (often with alcoholic beverages), which can not be said about Taurus, who prefer to lead a healthy lifestyle and a good book.
  • Gemini is two-faced. Taurus are unwavering in their interests.
  • Disagreements in intimate life. Gemini love to experiment, and Taurus prefer the classic version of the development of events.

It is difficult for both partners to reconcile, both understand their grievances and wait for someone to be the first to ask for forgiveness. Astrologers recommend that this couple learn to see the positive aspects from this tandem. Still, in the relationship between Gemini and Taurus, brilliant projects and wonderful children can be born. But it really is worth it.

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