Madmen dancing on the edge of the abyss … Perhaps this is how the union of the Gemini man and the Scorpio woman can be characterized. They can slip at any moment. Unfortunately, the astrological compatibility of these two signs is very small, but experts give a chance that inspires hope that such different and contradictory personalities will be able to find a compromise. After all, it was about such fatal and sometimes tragic relationships that poets of all times composed the most touching and heartfelt ballads. Scorpio’s interest in Gemini can be compared to a scientist’s observation of a fluttering bird that jumps from branch to branch. Try to put such a bird in a cage, and it will immediately fly away to another window sill. Gemini’s interest in something changes like the weather: today he enthusiastically talks about fishing and swears that he will spend the rest of his life on the river, and a week later he says that this is not his sport. Loyalty is absolutely not their quality. Men born under the auspices of Mercury rarely fall in love once and for life. For Scorpions, this is a rusty nail in their heart. And if a woman wants to catch the wind, then her attempts will turn into an ocean of tears.
These people have completely different views on life and moral values. And the nature of each of them is very specific. It is the categoricalness of Scorpions and Gemini that most often does not leave a chance for a calm relationship.
Scorpio women are very demanding not only in relation to other people, but also to themselves. Her vow of love is sacred. The desire for constancy is a natural state. Moreover, “permanence” in Scorpio women is very specific. In her opinion, the place of a man in her life is on a chain, next to her throne. The only reason why Gemini is now next to Scorpio is that he wanted to. Right now. And who knows what will hit the head of the changeable zodiac sign in a few days? However, getting away from a femme fatale is not so easy. Scorpios have a highly developed sense of justice and innate intuition. According to astrologers, this is one of the few signs of the Zodiac that can see what is hidden from the common man. Therefore, fate often takes revenge on the offenders of Scorpions, which makes it seem that these women have some kind of gift. Of course, this is only the assumption of astrologers, who are based on some character traits typical for each sign of the Zodiac. In real life, Gemini and Scorpio always have something to talk about. Moreover, often such a tandem gets along well in the professional field. And this means that a man and a woman have every chance of creating a strong and lasting relationship. Especially if fully formed individuals who know what they want from life and know how to make concessions approach the creation of a family.
Love compatibility
The relationship between a Gemini man and a Scorpio woman will be at least strange. Slightly angular, illogical and in places incomplete. She needs depth, he is absolutely superficial. She is used to dramatizing and sorting things out, and he tries to avoid any conflicts. If such different people nevertheless came together, both will have to seriously work on themselves. By the way, in this union, most often the Scorpio woman will work on relationships. She will have to become softer and stop getting under the skin of the Gemini in order to save the union. The ward of Mercury, in principle, does not seek to establish harmony somewhere in his life: he prefers to live for today.
Astrologers recommend that a couple build relationships based on the law of attraction of opposites. Gemini is a changeable and many-sided zodiac sign. One part of it reaches out to the Sun and the joys of life, while the other part cooperates with the dark side. A Scorpio woman can be a great life partner.
Scorpio is wise and purposeful, strong and strong-willed. It is quite possible that she will help the changeable Gemini find its place under the Sun. Moreover, Scorpios are such a sign of the Zodiac that is constantly waiting for a dirty trick. Sometimes they really need that same lightness and ease of Gemini. In this regard, the union can become very strong and happy if both partners learn to complement each other, and not conflict. A Scorpio woman in alliance with Gemini often takes on the role of a caring mom. And this, it must be said, is a mistaken tactic. The twins quickly get tired of the comprehensive care and total control (and he will be just that on the part of the scorpion), so they are in a hurry to retire from the love front. Therefore, partners should find out on the shore what scenario their relations will develop and distribute responsibilities.
A Scorpio woman in a relationship with Gemini must arm herself to the teeth with natural wisdom and tolerance. This does not mean that a man will live his life, have fun, meet new people and return to his woman only when he gets bored. No, a man born under the auspices of Mercury also knows how to love, and Scorpio definitely arouses his special interest. The fact is that a woman in this tandem should never, under any circumstances, limit his freedom. Gemini do not like to conflict and prove the truth. Most often, they simply walk away from the conversation, which offends the Scorpio woman. As for friendships, Scorpio and Gemini can find common ground. Both signs are quite erudite and well-read. The only difference: Gemini superficially perceive information, and Scorpios penetrate into its very essence. On this basis, disagreements may also arise due to the fact that a woman cannot understand how one can treat vital things so lightly. What about Gemini? They can really get into something or someone. True, this happens very rarely.
Marriage compatibility
Despite all the disagreements and contradictions, the union of Scorpio and Gemini is not so rare. One thing can be predicted unequivocally: you definitely cannot call their marriage calm. Painfully impulsive Scorpio, and Gemini will not put up with unfounded accusations against him. A woman should regularly work on herself and self-esteem. It is good if the spouse has a favorite hobby that generates income: this will distract her from oppressive thoughts and reinforce self-confidence. When a woman has some kind of hobby, she stops thinking about where her missus disappears and what kind of girl regularly evaluates his photos on social networks. At the same time, the Gemini man understands that he is not the navel of the Earth for Scorpio and will begin to reach out to her even more in order to completely take over her thoughts and heart.
Ideally, a Scorpio woman should control absolutely all areas of her life. Often she climbs into other people’s lives without asking and loves to give out advice. This quality seriously interferes with the establishment of harmonious relations in the family. Total control over Gemini is fantastic. They will not tolerate any restrictions. Therefore, Scorpios should slow down and trust their partner. Only in this case, you can count on a happy marriage. A lot of problems for women are caused by their wild imagination. Scorpios are a priori ready for the worst case scenario, so an unanswered call is already a reason for jealousy. And the longer the partner ignores his wife, the more her suspicions will strengthen.
Scorpio and Gemini must share household chores. Otherwise, it will give rise to new conflicts.
Having children can strengthen the union and save the relationship. The fact is that a child often changes the attitude of Gemini to life. They become more stable and start thinking about tomorrow. No, you will not see cardinal changes, but certain changes will still occur. Provided that Scorpios also begin to change and stop harassing Gemini with their jealousy. In intimate terms, the relationship is developing very well. The Scorpio woman has an impulsive character, so in bed she will expect complete dedication from her husband. In turn, Gemini love to experiment and do not tolerate monotony, so the proximity between them is a volcano of passions and an ocean of emotions. The Gemini man radiates solar energy. He is cheerful and optimistic, a smile does not leave his face, and those around him are drawn to him to recharge with positive. The Scorpio woman radiates tension. It seems that she is constantly immersed in her own thoughts and is dissatisfied with something.
Pros and cons of the union Gemini man and Scorpio woman
It is impossible to call the family relationship of Gemini and Scorpio a safe haven. But there are certain advantages in this union for sure. For each of them, love relationships can be a good life lesson. And if both partners learn it, there is every chance of creating a strong and happy family. From an astrological point of view, the connection between Gemini and Scorpio has several advantages:
- Adequate response to life’s troubles. Scorpios are pragmatic people. Geminis are avid optimists. Such a tandem makes it easy to deal with any problem when both partners know how to support each other.
- Despite the difference in characters, Gemini and Scorpio often come to a unanimous opinion. It is possible, however, that this will be preceded by a grandiose scandal and a bunch of broken dishes, but they will still be able to find a consensus.
- A different worldview does not always interfere. Mature individuals do not see anything wrong with their partner looking at the world through the prism of rose-colored glasses. In turn, Gemini normally perceive the readiness of Scorpios for the worst possible development of events.
- Emotional connection. Despite such a striking difference in temperaments, partners are able to feel each other’s mood, which often helps to avoid conflict situations.
Among the advantages of this union, it is also worth noting the commonality of views on the financial side of life. The woman is economical and thrifty. Recall that Scorpios are always ready for the worst scenarios, so the stash is an integral part of life. Gemini easily part with money and often cannot save where the enterprising Scorpio would have done. In this regard, partners are definitely lucky with each other, because Gemini knows where to earn a penny, and Scorpios can save it.
As for the obvious problems in the relationship, they definitely exist. However, as in any other tandem. Here’s what astrologers think about this when they talk about the cons of a couple:
- Stubbornness. This quality prevents both from building harmonious relationships. Both Gemini and Scorpio need to learn how to compromise and listen to each other’s requests.
- A cheerful and cheerful Gemini, after several years of living together with Scorpio, becomes gloomy himself. This is the side effect.
- Mood swings. For both signs of the Zodiac, this is a fairly common occurrence, which will certainly affect the quality of family life.
An obvious disadvantage of this union is the desire of the girl to control her partner. She can impose hobbies, criticize friends and even relatives, which greatly tires Gemini. Astrologers believe that the couple has every chance for a happy future, but they have to seriously work on these relationships and, above all, on themselves. And this applies to everyone.