Among the hundreds of faces in the crowd, their eyes will meet and never again diverge. The Gemini man is a charming guy whom nature generously rewarded with charisma, charm and a flexible mindset. A million ideas are rummaging through his head, which are also aimed at seducing women. It is difficult to find a girl who can resist an intellectual and a rake who easily goes through life. He knows how to make a lasting impression. Geminis are great combinators who often play roles. In his person there is Romeo, and the magnificent Don Juan, and the charming Casanova, and, of course, the jealous Othello. The Aquarius woman is an eternal girl, hovering in the clouds or immersed in her own thoughts. But sometimes she can turn on a kind of “city crazy”, which is why others consider her slightly eccentric and infantile. The latter quality, by the way, is characteristic of both Aquarius and Gemini. Here is the first point of contact that unites these people.
Finally, a man whom all women accuse of frivolity and frivolity meets a kindred spirit with whom you can look at the stars at night, climb roofs, drink wine and talk for hours about infinity. She will listen to his embellished stories with wide eyes and listen to every word. Together they will make crazy plans for life and just dream.
The beginning of the relationship between Leo and Aquarius is like a Hollywood love story, when two dreamy people accidentally bumped their foreheads and immediately understood everything without words. If conflicts occur between them, then it is more like a warm and short-term rain in the middle of a hot summer, after which there will definitely be a rainbow. Even third parties will not be able to destroy their relationship: by the way, it is the relatives of this couple who often get into their own business, believing that the lovers have played too much and their union will not lead to anything serious. But this is not so: Gemini and Aquarius become more serious over the years, raise children well and cope with household chores. But with all this, they do not part with their childish spontaneity, which helps to survive life’s troubles.
Over time, when the flower-bouquet period ends, and the couple begins to “grind”, the “pitfalls” of an outwardly ideal tandem may be exposed. Uranian notes are increasingly noticeable in the character of a woman: she begins to rationally manage the household and manage the family budget, she thinks more and more about additional square meters, looks for profitable offers for children and family, and also does everything to make her life more comfortable. And the man? And what can be demanded from a man who cherishes a small child in his soul even in extreme old age? A woman expects concrete actions and wise deeds from him, and he behaves exactly the same as in the first months of the relationship. Let’s not exaggerate, but take a closer look at this unusual union of the Gemini man and the Aquarius woman.
Love compatibility
Feelings between the Gemini man and the Aquarius woman flare up almost from the first minutes of their acquaintance. They, like two halves, understand each other perfectly. A distinctive feature of this union is the tireless desire of partners to develop. It can be joint travel or training, sports or personal development. Moreover, they never stop there. It seems that the couple had just returned from Tibet, having learned the intricacies of spiritual balance, as they immediately gathered in India to get acquainted with ancient art. A man in this tandem is most often an idea generator: his brain works 24 hours a day. The Aquarius woman enthusiastically supports her partner and is sincerely surprised at his abilities. I must say that a girl born under the auspices of Uranus often shines with creativity herself. She can find a lot of interesting and fascinating even in the most mundane things.
Gemini and Aquarius can have both common and separate interests. I must say that this does not affect the relationship of the couple in any way: they spend time together with great pleasure and just as enthusiastically talk about personal achievements.
Entering into a relationship with a Gemini, a woman does not expect a hurricane of passions from her partner: she likes to bathe in tenderness, affection and care. I must say that the man in this tandem begins to behave differently, contrary to standard manners. He sees that next to him is a fragile and sensual woman who cannot be surprised by a cheap “tackle”. Therefore, Gemini tries to move in a relationship carefully and very carefully so as not to frighten away his birdie. At the very beginning of the novel, complete mutual understanding reigns between the partners: they can enthusiastically discuss the cosmos and the theory of the origin of all life on Earth for hours, after some time they will talk about the books they read with the same interest or argue together about which director is better. But over time, feelings will cool down, and it is important not to miss this moment.
Astrologers unanimously argue that the union of the Gemini man and the Aquarius woman has the highest compatibility, so partners should think a thousand times before breaking the cosmic connection.
And indeed, over time, passions subside, and both partners begin to look closely at each other’s shortcomings. But to maintain a relationship, you need to make quite a bit of effort. Problems arise when a woman “grows” out of a relationship with Gemini and begins to seriously think about family life. She expects concrete actions and decisions from a man. And he? And he doesn’t really understand why his muse, his queen, begins to pout offendedly and slowly move away. The last one is the most dangerous stage. Since the Gemini man is clearly not used to being abandoned. He will not immediately understand what happened, and the woman at this time will slowly begin to delete him from her life. She will not sort things out, throw tantrums and ask direct questions – she will simply quietly leave Gemini’s life if he stops appreciating her presence. Therefore, the wards of Mercury should be very attentive to the Aquarius woman and appreciate her contribution to the development of relationships.
Marriage compatibility
Relations in a couple are dynamic and very promising. Astrologers say that Gemini and Aquarius can become a happy married couple, which will certainly become an example for everyone around. They perfectly understand each other, look at life the same way and always strive for development. And in family life, their points of view coincide: both signs do not like to solve everyday issues and have a negative attitude towards formalities. Let’s just say that in this case, a guest marriage is the best option for both. Gemini and the Aquarius woman can live under the same roof for several years, but never legitimize their relationship. They will go to the registry office only if there is a good reason (the birth of a child, for example, or the opportunity to celebrate a wedding in an unusual place).
As for family life, there may be some disagreements. Not only do Geminis not really like to maintain order in the house, but also the wife of Aquarius eloquently shirks her duties. It is unlikely that she will go to cooking classes to surprise her beloved, and she will not run around the house with a rag in the mornings and evenings. No, this does not mean that the Aquarius woman is a slob and is absolutely not adapted to family life. She quite calmly cleans the house, cooks and waters the plants, but without fanaticism.
Both signs of the Zodiac belong to the same element – Air. This means that the partners coincide in all aspects: emotionally, psychologically, spiritually, and physiologically.
It is worth throwing a pebble into the Gemini’s garden. It is known that the ward of Mercury is still a rake. Even having met an ideal woman in every sense, he eventually begins to yearn for his youth and can walk to the left. Not necessarily in the physical plane: a man can bombard girls with messages on social networks, suddenly appear on dating sites, etc. He needs to constantly prove to himself that women are crazy about him. The problem is that Aquarius is a sign that has a well-developed intuition, so the girl will feel the virtual smell of a rival in her gut. Therefore, it is better for a man to increase self-esteem in the eyes of his beloved woman, so that at one fine moment he will not be left with nothing. In the intimate sphere, the couple is doing just fine. Since both signs of the zodiac do not like routine and are constantly running from the ordinary, in bed everyone will strive to surprise their partner. Aquarians are sensual and passionate natures, for whom intimacy is one of the ways to demonstrate their feelings. Gemini men also like to experiment, but carnal pleasures are condescending. I must say, in the bedroom, air signs are still entertainers.
Pros and cons of the union Gemini man and Aquarius woman
According to astrologers, this pair has much more advantages than disadvantages. They look at life the same way, understand and complement each other. If each of them works at least a little on their shortcomings, the result will not be long in coming. Of course, the union of Gemini and Aquarius has a lot of advantages:
- There is a joint hobby or passion that strengthens relationships and trust between partners. Even if their interests do not coincide, in the evenings they will enthusiastically tell each other about new achievements.
- They enjoy spending time together. This is not the kind of couple that seeks to escape somewhere for the weekend to dilute their company with other people. They can go to the lake together with a tent, but it is unlikely to be a cottage with friends.
- They are not demanding of each other. The Aquarius woman understands Gemini like no other, so she will not encroach on his freedom and demand to marry her right here and right now. In turn, the Gemini are calm about the fact that for the second evening in a row for udin dumplings from the store.
Despite the colorfulness of this union, the couple may have problems if each of them relax and stop working on the relationship. Astrologers, focusing on the characteristics of the character of air signs, suggested what problems they might have:
- Infantilism. Unfortunately, this quality is inherent in both Aquarius and Gemini. There is no leader in the pair: both signs sometimes naively and frivolously look at important things, which prevents them from building a career and reaching heights.
- financial instability. There is no one in this couple who can do family budget planning. Yes, Geminis know how to make money and easily find additional sources of income. But in the same ease they part with money. In this regard, Aquarius will easily outdo them. A woman born under the auspices of Uranus will easily spend her last savings on a new bag or another trinket.
- Narcissism. Air signs love to be noticed and every time they try to prove their own superiority to others. Often this quality is manifested in family life. One of the partners may begin to impose his point of view on the other, not embarrassed in expressions and openly insulting other people’s hobbies.
Of course, this union can be called harmonious and stable. Often, Gemini men and Aquarius women make a wonderful family in which happy children grow up. Well, if each of the partners learns to hear the other and work on their shortcomings, then everything will certainly work out for them.