The most vivid parody of the Italian family will seem like a pale semblance of what can be seen between two emotional Gemini at the most inopportune moment. A storm of emotions of the most diverse spectrum, a bunch of mutual claims and the most sincere passion between partners – such a scenario can develop daily between a Gemini man and woman. Astrologers believe that such a tandem is something more than just love. If two Gemini were destined to meet one day, they will not forget this romance for the rest of their lives. The union of two energetic Gemini does not fit into the generally accepted framework. Due to the intensity of feelings and the strongest unwillingness to part with their freedom, this connection is rarely strong. An exception may be friendships or relationships without obligations. However, this couple may have a great future and a lot of good memories to share in their old age with their grandchildren and children.
The sign is ruled by Mercury. The Gemini brain works 25 hours a day. Representatives of this zodiac sign live at the speed of light, and physically cannot sit in one place with their hands folded. Most astrologers are convinced that the union of two Gemini leads to amazing results, because it is easy for each of its participants to understand each other.
In relations between Gemini, absolute chaos or serene harmony can reign. For this reason, astrologers recommend starting a serious relationship when both wards of Mercury have already walked a lot and are fed up with dubious adventures. The union of mature Gemini will most likely lead to the creation of a strong family and complete understanding between partners. The Gemini man and woman feel quite comfortable in relationships with each other. Especially when each of them has their own hobby. However, routine and stability quickly tire them out, which often causes disagreements out of the blue. They perfectly understand and complement each other, until one of the partners begins to be burdened by the monotony of everything that happens: then a stream of mutual claims (most often unfounded) and quarrels begins. The twins break up repeatedly: most often they return to each other, but again step on the same rake. What should two dynamic, energetic and freedom-loving people do if they want to keep the union and grow old together?
Love compatibility
The compatibility of the two Gemini is quite organic. They, like any other sign of the Zodiac, quite easily understand their soul mate, because she is essentially their reflection. Winning the heart of a Gemini man and woman is quite simple – you need to be yourself. Such a deep nature can only be surprised by the same diversified person with a sparkling sense of humor and natural charm. Gemini is a combination of two personalities that get along well with each other: a wise and sociable “I” and a thoughtful “alter ego”. Two Gemini are able to love each other with the power of four hearts. They quickly pick up new information and together they are fond of the humanities, explore new routes and are constantly in search of something that will quench their thirst for curiosity. An incredibly beautiful pair of two Gemini often becomes the envy of others: they look painfully harmonious next to each other. However, wedding rings can be that sad reminder that both Geminis have responsibilities that limit their freedom. Therefore, representatives of this zodiac sign are in no hurry to tie the knot.
From an astrological point of view, we can say that the Gemini man and the Gemini woman are an almost perfect couple, but there is one “but”. Partners must constantly feed each other with new information and emotions, they must attend various events together and meet friends. If one of the partners becomes an avid family man, the second will quickly get tired of family everyday life and rush in search of new interests and even acquaintances.
At the same time, the compatibility of Gemini is greatly influenced by psychological aspects. These are such contradictory natures that sometimes it is difficult for them to understand when they are real, and when a completely different character enters the stage. The insight of this zodiac sign makes it easy to understand people and analyze the situation immediately from several sides. This is a very useful quality, because it is thanks to him that the Gemini quickly go to reconciliation, looking at the conflict from the position of another person. Harmony in relationships is possible when neither a man nor a woman will restrict each other’s freedom. This is really important for Gemini: they are too afraid of losing their sense of lightness and serenity. Air element, what to take from it? For this reason, it is important to maintain a balance between permissiveness and reasonable restriction. Both a man and a woman should regularly expand their horizons and share the information received. In a relationship, it is important that partners change roles from time to time: today she listens with a breath to the crazy ideas of her chosen one, and tomorrow he listens to her every word. Otherwise, Gemini may go in search of a new interlocutor who will share his interests.
In the relationship of the two Gemini, new people should regularly appear: the larger the circle of mutual acquaintances, the more the energy potential of the representatives of the air element will be filled. In addition, partners should take a break from each other from time to time. This is one of the necessary conditions for creating a lasting union. Gemini easily switch from one task to another, often do not complete what they have started and quickly get tired of the measured pace of life. Therefore, it is so important to give freedom to your partner, not to limit his conditions, and even more so not to threaten a break: this definitely does not scare the Gemini.
Marriage compatibility
Mercury’s wards in love are in no hurry to stamp their passports. They can be in an open relationship for a long time, carefully checking feelings and weighing the pros and cons. But when all the planets line up in a beautiful row, the cancer will whistle on the mountain and it will rain on Thursday – the Mendelssohn waltz will sound and the happy Gemini will step on the threshold of family life. Here, both need to cut one simple truth on their noses: if you want to be happy, look at your reflection. Gemini, like no other sign of the Zodiac, is easy to understand the same person. Therefore, problems can be avoided without much effort. The twins need freedom, despite being stamped in their passports and obligations in the form of children, mortgages and trips to their parents. No, this does not mean that immediately after the registry office, the newlyweds will push their problems onto their relatives and rush into the sunset, leading a wild life. But from time to time, partners should take a break from family life and dilute it with new hobbies, interesting hobbies and other ways.
Astrologers say that the union will be very successful if the Gemini woman takes on the role of guardian of the family hearth. At the same time, her chosen one should, at least as a pleasant surprise, take care of washing, cooking, cleaning the house and raising children. In this case, the chances of creating a strong family increase significantly.
These are good parents who bring up children in a playful and entertaining way. No, there will be no permissiveness and a bunch of screaming little ones in the house, but the Gemini parents are not very good at showing strictness either. It is worth noting that the approach of women and men is slightly different. The Twin Mom feeds her child with practical skills that will really be useful in life. She will not waste time and money on tutors if her son or daughter is stubbornly not given mathematics. Here it is worth remembering Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin (the same was born under the constellation Gemini, by the way), who became the greatest writer, knowing nothing about mathematics. Most likely, mom will cite this fact as an indisputable argument. At the same time, she will tell the child why it is important to learn Russian, even if he will never become a teacher.
The Gemini man does a good job of being a father, but his methods of raising children are different from what a spouse does. Most likely, he will instill curiosity and the desire to obtain new information in a playful way. He will definitely assemble the constructor, taking direct part in this. The Gemini man easily turns into a child, thereby inspiring confidence in children.
As for the financial sphere, some disagreements may arise here. Representatives of the air element do not know how to take care of money: they are impulsive, so they often buy absolutely useless things, later regretting a spontaneous act. At the same time, Geminis easily find additional sources of income. In addition, astrologers claim that the wards of Mercury are still those lucky ones, so they can find money more often than others and even win the lotteries.
Pros and cons of the union Gemini man and Gemini woman
The downside, or rather the problem in relationships, paradoxically, is the notorious inconstancy of the representatives of this sign. A twin can rave about marriage and a crowd of kids, dream of a house in the country and a quiet, measured life, but tomorrow he will say that he wants to get a tattoo and rush off on a trip around the world. And it’s all the same person. Now imagine there are two of them. It is this inconstancy that often plays a cruel joke with a completely beautiful and harmonious couple. They are afraid of routine and everyday life, but at the same time, they madly want kids and a real family. Another quality that does not allow you to live in peace in marriage is vindictiveness. Who would have thought that one of the easiest signs of the zodiac knows how to accumulate resentment? It turns out that the Gemini in this regard succeeded even the Scorpios themselves. Therefore, often in a quarrel, when the level of emotions literally rolls over, a woman and a man can blurt out very unpleasant information that will only aggravate the situation.
As for the pluses in this alliance, there are a huge number of them. Geminis are ready to talk incessantly, learn foreign languages and master an exciting activity. This means that there will never be room for boredom in a couple. If the Gemini has a common cause with a creative streak and a financial perspective, the union will be almost 100% successful. The main thing is to give each other the opportunity to take a break from the relationship and feed on energy. No matter what the horoscopes say, there is one simple rule that helps to build relationships and strengthen the alliance – learn to hear each other and make compromises. When these conditions are met on both sides, any signs of the Zodiac will be able to create a strong and happy family.