Gel eye mask

In the word “gel” there is a hint of something pleasant, gentle, light and cool. It is no coincidence that reusable gel eyeglass masks have taken their rightful place in skin care around the eyes. We will tell you how and when to use them.

What is a reusable gel mask

The reusable cooling mask is a gel-filled soft silicone goggle mask. It is stored in the freezer, and at the right time, when you need to cheer up, smooth the skin around the eyes, get rid of swelling and dark circles, relieve tension, the mask is applied to the skin to restore its tone due to the cooling effect: the swelling resolves, the skin tightens, vessels become less visible.

And in general, such a mask has an invigorating and refreshing effect. The girl in the photo clearly needs it.

By the end of a hard day at the office, you want to change your computer glasses for a gel mask, which gives more than a cosmetic effect.

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Why you need a gel eye mask

Such a mask can be useful in a variety of life circumstances:

  • with lack of sleep;

  • in moments of extreme fatigue;

  • with jetlag.

The first two points are everyday reality for a huge number of women.

The main function

  • Gives a feeling of freshness. After all, gel in French means “ice”, “frost”.

  • It has a smoothing and tightening effect (from wrinkles and bags).

  • Helps eliminate dark circles.

  • Helps reduce puffiness.

  • Provides relaxation. Yes, you have to close your eyes and, ideally, lie down. This in itself helps relieve fatigue, which is most often the cause of the “panda effect”.

Operating principle

In general, this is a kind of home “physiotherapy”, since low temperature acts as an “active component”. It provides:

  • bringing blood vessels into tone, which improves microcirculation and reduces swelling;

  • reduction of bruises and dark circles under the eyes – the vessels contract from the cold and become less noticeable under the skin;

  • reduction of wrinkles as a result of increased skin tone.


Obviously, the reusable gel mask does not contain any nourishing or moisturizing ingredients. And the main purpose of the gel contained in the base is to maintain a cool temperature. In this case, the mask can be filled with both a homogeneous gel and gel balls. If you press lightly on the mask, the latter will also provide a pleasant massage effect.

Relaxation and good sleep are the best skin care products, they will be helped by a pleasant gel mask, warm or cooling.

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How to use a gel eye mask at home

The gel eye mask is perhaps the most versatile and easy-to-use beauty tool. You just need to remember about it at the right time. The instruction consists of three points.

  1. Cleanse your face.

  2. Attach a mask. It is worth keeping it in the range from 10 to 20 minutes, during which time the temperature of the gel will gradually equalize with room temperature.

  3. After applying the mask, do not forget about skin care around the eyes. After all, the mask will refresh, but it will not provide moisture.

The mask is supposed to be stored in a clean container in the freezer – yet we put it on the face. After a session of home “cryotherapy”, the mask should be washed with soap and cool water, wiped dry and put back in the freezer. Of course, you can just keep it in the refrigerator, but then the gel will heat up much faster and the effect will be less pronounced.

Cool Gel Mask

There are no restrictions when using cooling gel eye masks. They are suitable not only for emergency relief from the “panda effect” after lack of sleep, but also for relaxing the eyes.

Warm gel mask

The warming effect is appropriate, for example, before going to bed, as well as for general relaxation. The mask is dipped for a couple of minutes in hot water (but not boiling water) so that the gel warms up to a comfortable temperature.

Before applying a warm gel mask, you can use a cream for skin care around the eyes. Thanks to the warm compress, the product is better absorbed and has a more effective effect.

After heating, the gel mask should also be washed, dried and put into a clean container.

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Types of gel masks

With a general passion for multifunctionality, a complex effect is often required from a mask. Today, gel masks are often called, for example, patches under the eyes. Indeed, if a special cellulose base is impregnated with the ingredients necessary for the skin, a kind of gel “sticker” is obtained.


In literal translation, “patch” means “plaster”. That is, a special material impregnated with a gel composition literally sticks to the skin. Usually the patches are shaped to follow the contours of the lower eyelid. This is the most convenient express care if you need to quickly reduce swelling and dark circles under the eyes after a working day or before an important event. The patches are also suitable for routine care, for example, during a multimasking session.

Glasses mask

Like patches, this tool provides express care for the skin around the eyes, when you need to refresh your eyes, and at the same time make less noticeable “crow’s feet”. An example of such a product is sheet mask for the skin around the eyes “Moisturizing + elasticity”, Garnier.
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Rating of gel masks for the skin around the eyes

These under eye patches are suitable for all ages and are suitable for all skin types.

Eye mask in patches Advanced Génifique Yeux Light-Pearl, Lancôme

The essence of the formula is a complex based on an extract of probiotics (bifidobacteria). Under the cover of patches, the composition is well absorbed. The skin becomes fresh, moisturized, smoothed.

Маска Prodigy Powercell Eye Urgency, Helena Rubinstein

The biocellulose patches are impregnated with a gel with active cells of the sea crimmum. Suitable for daily restorative use as an anti-aging treatment. And for emergency recovery at any age.

Fabric patches under the eyes “Moisturizing + fresh look”, Garnier

The fabric is impregnated with a gel-like composition with hyaluronic acid. Pleasantly cools, moisturizes and smoothes the skin.

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Recipes for making cooling masks at home

Improvised patch masks are very popular. If you have time to do homework, why not give it a try. For maximum cooling effect, you can cover the mixture or cotton pads with a gel mask from the freezer.

Milk mask with soda

Act: makes the skin smooth and the eyes rested.


  1. 1 Art. l milk;

  2. ½ st. l. soda.

How to cook:

  1. mix the ingredients until a homogeneous creamy paste;

  2. put in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

How to use:

  1. cleanse the skin around the eyes with special means;

  2. apply an even layer of the mask on the lower and upper fixed eyelids, as well as on the “crow’s feet” area;

  3. leave for 15 minutes;

  4. Rinse with warm water and apply moisturizer.

Gel mask “Cucumbers”

Act: moisturizes, evens out tone, relieves puffiness and dark circles.


  1. small cucumber;

  2. ½ st. l. green tea.

How to cook:

  1. brew green tea in 2 tbsp. l. water;

  2. grind the cucumber in mashed potatoes with a blender;

  3. pour a little tea (without leaves) and mix to get a sparse jelly-like mixture;

  4. put a few cotton pads in the mixture and leave to soak for a few minutes;

  5. without wringing, put the discs in a clean bag and put in the refrigerator.

How to use:

  1. take out two disks from the package and put them on your eyes;

  2. lie down for 15 minutes with disks on closed eyes;

  3. throw away used discs.

Discs soaked in cucumber-tea mixture can be stored in the freezer for up to two weeks and used as needed.

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Safety measures

  • If you wear contact lenses, check if there are any contraindications associated with this in the means that you use. Be especially careful with homemade masks.

  • In the case of using warm beauty compresses, do not heat the mask above 40-45 ˚С.

  • Keep your mask out of the sun! If the mask has changed color, cracked, the gel has lost its fluidity, this means that it is unsuitable for use.

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