This type of geyhera is fully consistent with its name. The original leaves of various shades resemble a box of marmalade. Everything your heart desires is here. Geuchera Marmalade, like a chameleon, periodically changes the color of the leaves. Bright, saturated shades are replaced by deep dark tones.

Geichera Lime Marmalade: description and photo

The mysterious nature of this plant conquered the whole world. Heuchera appeared from North America. As a true representative of the saxifrage family, in nature it grows on the slopes of the mountains. Such unpretentiousness to the composition of the soil and high decorativeness brought the geyher Marmalade to the leaders of garden plants.

Description of Heuchera Marmalade

Geichera Lime Marmalade: description and photo

Geichera Marmalade, the photo and description of which are presented below, is one of the most beautiful varieties. A compact dense bush about 50 cm high is decorated with corrugated leaves. Their color palette includes various shades of green and pink. Purple and silver specimens look especially impressive. From above, the leaf plate is decorated with original patterns consisting of spots, specks and veins.

The flowering period of geyhera Marmalade begins in June and lasts two months. The buds are like little bells. When they bloom and re-bloom, in their place pods with seeds are formed, each of which is no larger than a poppy seed.

Attention! Geichera Marmalade is resistant to drought and frost. In regions with a mild climate, the leaves retain their decorative effect until December-January.

In order for the plant to please with its beauty for a long time, the soil is not waterlogged and every 3-5 years a rejuvenation procedure is carried out.

Geichera Marmalade in landscape design

Geichera Lime Marmalade: description and photo

In the flower beds of Geichera, Lime Marmalade (pictured) easily solos. A bright prima often does not need the company of other plants. Bushes of contrasting colors or specimens of the same color, but with different patterns on the leaves, are planted nearby. Single plantings are usually decorated with borders and borders.

To create shading for geyheram Marmalade, they are placed next to coniferous and deciduous trees. Ornamental grasses, roses, hostas, tulips, irises and daffodils will also be good neighbors. In all its glory, geyher Marmalade will be able to prove themselves in high fenced flower beds. These plants are also grown in containers. Tubs are placed at the main entrance to the house or on the terrace.

Growing geyhera Marmalade from seeds

Geichera Lime Marmalade: description and photo

Planting material can be harvested independently or bought in a specialized store. Be sure to pay attention to the expiration date. For seeds in ordinary bags, it is six months, in foil – 18 months.

Sowing seeds of geyher Marmalade consists of several stages:

  1. Choice of containers. The container should be wide, with a side height of about 5 cm. Holes must be made in the bottom to drain excess moisture.
  2. Soil preparation. Loose earth is mixed with perlite and sand. The resulting mixture is disinfected in the oven (from 5 to 7 minutes). You can just pour boiling water and let dry a little.
  3. Landing. Geyhera Marmalade seeds are microscopic grains. It is difficult to work with them. It is preliminary recommended to combine them with sand, distribute them on the surface of moist soil and level them. It is not necessary to deepen the planting material. From above, the container is sealed with transparent polyethylene and placed on a light windowsill away from drafts. Then provide the usual care, consisting of regular airing and moisturizing. With the advent of the first sprouts, holes are made in the film shelter. So the plants will quickly get used to the air.
  4. Picks. On each sprout of geyher Marmalade, three strong leaves should form. Now you can plant the geyhers in new containers, leaving 5-6 cm of free space between the shoots. During this period, it is especially important to monitor watering. Dampness or drought will kill young plants. When stable heat is established (approximately by the second half of May), a container with Marmalade geyhers is dug into the garden soil in a shaded place. This will enable the shoots to get stronger and calmly carry out the final transplant in open ground.

Planting and caring for geyher Lime Marmalade in the open field

Geichera Lime Marmalade: description and photo

Although Heuchera Marmalade is undemanding in care, in order for this herbaceous perennial to please with its appearance, some rules must still be followed.

Site preparation

The decorative effect of geyhera Marmalade will depend on the correctly selected site. Instances in which shades of red predominate in the color of the leaves need a fairly bright place. For other varieties, partial shade is suitable, when the sun shines only in the morning hours. According to the description, geyhera Lime Marmalade belongs to the latter. That is, it must be planted in a shady place. At the same time, the site must be protected from gusts of wind and drafts. Lowlands with stagnant melt and rainwater are not suitable.

Geyher Marmalade prefer fairly loose and fertile soil. The earth must pass moisture and oxygen well. The optimal acidity indicator is 5-6 pH. Before planting, the site is cleared of weeds, dug up and loosened.

Rules of landing

The best time is considered early spring. You can plant your own seedlings or purchase seedlings. A square hole is dug on the site, the width and depth of which are 30 cm. Wood ash, well-rotted compost and fertile soil are poured into it. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed.

The sapling of geyhera Marmalade is cleaned of rot, cut off defective areas. Charcoal is used as a disinfectant. After the cuttings are placed in the hole and sprinkled with earth. After a month and a half, the root system will be fully formed and strengthened. If necessary, the plant can be transplanted. Delenki with sockets are planted in September, providing protection from temperature extremes.

Watering and top dressing

The soil is moistened every two days. It is important to ensure that the top layer of soil has time to dry out. On the hottest days, watering is increased. Water is applied only under the root, the leaves must remain dry.

The condition of a flower is judged by its appearance. If the leaf blades fade, become smaller and become sluggish, it’s time to fertilize.

Attention! Before flowering geyhera Marmalade and after it, mineral preparations are used (the dosage is half that indicated in the instructions).


Geyhera Marmalade flowers are not the most beautiful. So that they do not take away strength from ornamental plants, they are pruned. In summer, young leaves actively grow, and old and dried ones are periodically removed. For the winter, the leaves do not need pruning.

Preparation for winter

In southern regions with warm winters, geyhers can not be covered. If the climate is harsh, the shoots are insulated with lutrasil or spruce branches. Too dense shelter for geykhera Marmalade is not necessary, as the plant must breathe. Container copies are transferred to the winter garden, to the glazed terrace or to the basement. In the spring, with the help of a secateurs, all old shoots are carefully cut out.


Geichera Lime Marmalade: description and photo

In addition to seed propagation, there are two more effective ways to breed Marmalade geyhera:

  1. Division. The most favorable time is May or September. The bush needs to be dug up and rotten or too long roots removed. Then, with a sharp and disinfected blade, the rhizome is divided into several parts. The resulting delenki are immediately immersed in the ground up to the first pair of leaves. Water and cover with a thick film. After 2 weeks, the bushes will take root.
  2. Cutting. Before the Marmalade geyher bush blooms or immediately after that, you can start harvesting cuttings. To do this, shoots are cut from 5 to 8 cm long. The cut sites must be treated with Kornevin or another preparation. After the plants are transferred to containers with moist soil or sand. From above, a cap is made of glass or polyethylene. A month later, the cuttings will take root.

Diseases and pests

Geichera Lime Marmalade: description and photo

Geuchera Marmalade has good immunity to diseases and is rarely attacked by pests. But with improper care, the plant weakens. The cause of the development of diseases is increased humidity or acidity, as well as excessive feeding with organic components. All this leads to the appearance of root rot, rust on the leaves and powdery mildew. The removal of the affected parts and the treatment of the plant with fungicides will help protect the plant from diseases.

Attention! Among the pests of geyhera Marmalade, slugs, snails and caterpillars can most often be found. You can destroy them mechanically or use insecticides.


Geichera Marmalade is one of the brightest and most unpretentious garden plants. Wavy bushes of fancy colors will not go unnoticed. They will turn the backyard into an exotic corner with multi-colored lanterns.

Heuchera hybrid Marmalade (heuchera marmalade) 🌿 review: how to plant, seedlings of geyher Marmalade

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