Hebeloma inaccessible is a common agaric fungus of the Hymenogaster family. The fruit body has a classic shape with a pronounced hat and stalk. This species prefers to grow in moist soils. The official name is Hebeloma fastibile.

What does an inaccessible hebeloma look like?

Gebeloma inaccessible: is it possible to eat, description and photo

The cap in young specimens is hemispherical, but as it grows, it becomes prostrate, slightly depressed in the center. Its diameter reaches from 4 to 8 cm. The surface is mucous. There is a fibrous fringe along the edge of the cap. The upper part of the inaccessible hebeloma is initially reddish in color, and turns white when ripe. On the reverse side are wide rare plates of a whitish hue.

Important! When broken, the flesh is light, does not change its shade. It exudes a strong unpleasant smell, reminiscent of a radish.

The leg of the inaccessible hebeloma is cylindrical, often spindle-shaped with a thickening at the base. Its height reaches 6-10 cm, and its thickness is 1,5-2 cm. White scales can be seen on the upper part. In young mushrooms, the stem has a dense texture, but becomes hollow during the ripening period. There is a barely noticeable flaky ring on it. The shade of the lower and upper parts of the mushroom is identical.

Spores in hebeloma are inaccessible oval or elliptical in shape. Their size is 7,4-10,4 x 4,5-6,3 microns.

Where does hebeloma grow inaccessible

This species grows everywhere on moist soil, less often on rotting wood. Gebeloma inaccessible can be found in coniferous, deciduous forests, and in mixed plantings. And also it can grow in a park area, a square and an abandoned garden if there are favorable conditions for growth.

The ripening period begins at the end of August and continues throughout September. Hebeloma inaccessible grows in group plantings.

This species grows throughout the European part of Our Country, the Far East and Siberia.

Is it possible to eat hebeloma inaccessible

This species belongs to the category of poisonous mushrooms due to the high content of toxins that cause digestive upset and disrupt cardiac activity. With the provision of timely medical care, recovery occurs 2-3 days after the poisoning.

Important! The use of hebeloma inaccessible in case of serious diseases of the kidneys, heart and digestive organs can be fatal.

Symptoms of poisoning

Signs of intoxication of the body can manifest themselves in different ways depending on the state of human health, the amount of mushrooms eaten.

General symptoms of hebeloma poisoning inaccessible:

  • nausea;
  • bouts of vomiting;
  • pain in the stomach;
  • loose stools;
  • impaired vision;
  • headache;
  • elevated temperature;
  • low pressure;
  • general weakness.

With a slight deterioration in well-being, unpleasant symptoms persist for 2-3 days and disappear on their own. In severe cases, emergency medical care and hospitalization are necessary.

First aid for poisoning

With a significant deterioration in well-being after eating mushrooms, you should immediately call an ambulance.

While waiting for the doctor, you need to induce vomiting to clear the stomach of the remnants of questionable food. Then drink activated charcoal at the rate of 1-2 tablets for every 10 kg of weight. And if possible, do an enema.

Important! It is impossible to take other medicines, except for absorbents, as they can lubricate the clinical picture.


Hebeloma inaccessible is a dangerous fungus that is recommended to be avoided. Therefore, one should learn to distinguish between edible and poisonous species so as not to harm health.

In case of doubt, it is better to refuse to collect mushrooms, and if alarming symptoms of poisoning appear, provide first aid to the patient.

Hebeloma sacchariolens – fungi kingdom

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