
Heartburn is a popular ailment, the direct cause of which is acid gastric juice in the esophagus – the so-called gastroesophageal reflux. It is most often manifested by a burning sensation in the area of ​​the breastbone, chest and upper abdomen (between the breasts and the navel).

Gaviscon – a remedy for heartburn

In case of symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux, it is best to take a drug that lowers acidity and soothes the irritated area of ​​the esophagus. The pharmaceutical market offers many preparations that are effective in combating the symptoms of heartburn. One of them is Gaviscon, a mint preparation available as an oral suspension and chewable tablets.

Heartburn can be influenced by factors such as the way and type of both food and drink during a meal, as well as some other factors such as uncomfortable clothes that tighten the stomach, taking medications that increase the production of stomach acid, smoking or smoking. pregnancy.

Gaviscon – action

The medicinal preparation Gaviscon is characterized by a pronounced mint flavor, which many patients have long associated with the relief of symptoms of acidity. The tendency to heartburn should not affect the regular consumption of meals, even when traveling and away from home, so it is worth having Gaviscon chewable tablets with you, the use of which normalizes the acid level and prevents the reflux of gastric contents into the esophagus.

The active substances of the preparation for heartburn Gaviscon are sodium alginate and potassium bicarbonate. Once in the stomach, they act in two ways, lowering acid secretion and forming a protective layer on the acidic surface of the stomach, keeping it away from the sensitive walls of the upper gastrointestinal tract. Safety of use predisposes Gaviscon to be taken also by the youngest and pregnant women.

Nursing mothers and future mothers can use Gaviscon without fear – there are no contraindications for using the preparation during pregnancy or lactation. Studies show that Gaviscon is 90% effective during ailments related to hyperacidity in pregnant women.

Gaviscon baby (or infant), in the form of self-dissolving sachets, is specially provided for infants. This way you get the amount of suspension that is appropriate for a single use and is to be administered to the child. Bottle-fed babies can take the medicine with food, which is an additional aid in dosing and protects the little one from the discomfort of heartburn symptoms both during and after a meal.

Gaviscon – dosage

The directions for its use depend on several factors such as the age and weight of the patient and the preferred form of the drug. There are two possible doses of the active substances for the mint-flavored oral suspension: 500 mg sodium alginate and 267 mg sodium bicarbonate in 10 ml Gaviscon and 1000 mg sodium alginate and 200 mg potassium bicarbonate in 10 ml Gaviscon advance. Due to the high safety of use, all forms of Gaviscon are available without a prescription.

For chewable tablets, the maximum dose for adults and children over 12 years of age is 16 tablets a day. In case of heartburn, chew on 2 to 4 tablets at a time.

In the case of Gaviscon Advance oral suspension, use up to 2 teaspoons of the preparation (10 ml) 4 times a day (after each meal and at bedtime).

Gaviscon as a mint-flavored suspension can be taken in doses of up to 4 teaspoons (20 ml) up to 4 times a day (after meals and at bedtime).

The sachets for self-preparation of oral suspension for infants are used depending on the weight of the toddler and feeding habits. Children weighing 4,5 kg and less should take 1 sachet of the preparation at a time, which can be mixed with 115 ml of food in a feeding bottle and administered simultaneously with a meal. For babies who are breastfed, make a homogeneous paste from the contents of 1 sachet with 5 ml of boiled and cooled water, which then should be spread in another 10 ml of water. The suspension is given with a spoon or using a bottle with a nipple. Children weighing more than 4,5 kg may take 2 sachets of the preparation at a time, mixed with 225 ml of food in a bottle or in the form of a suspension prepared analogously in a double dose of water (10 ml of water + 2 sachets + additional 20 ml of water).

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