Gave birth in the subway: photos, details, childbirth in unusual places

This is the first child born on the Russian subway.

41-year-old Natalya Lebedeva from St. Petersburg was expecting a baby in mid-October. Therefore, at the 37th week of pregnancy, she went to the subway without any fear on her business. Natalia is a mom with experience. This pregnancy was her fourth. And then something went wrong. Sitting in a train carriage, the woman suddenly realized: she was giving birth.

I went to the platform, tried to reach the escalator, but could not. So she gave birth in the middle of the station in the middle of the day in front of hundreds of passengers.

The ambulance workers arrived after. The birth attendant and one of the local cleaners took part in the delivery. By the time the doctors arrived, the metro workers had already tied the umbilical cord, and the baby was placed on the mother’s chest. The station attendant did not regret the last shirt, in which the baby was wrapped.

After that, the mother and child were taken to the nearest maternity hospital. The boy was named Oleg.

“Everything is fine with mom and baby,” they said in the St. Petersburg metro. – This is the first metro kid who was born in the St. Petersburg subway in more than half a century of history!

However, we will not be lying if we say that little Oleg is the first child born in the Russian metro. And here are 7 more unusual places where children decided to be born.

Epiphany night this year has become special for a 38-year-old resident of Tyumen. Exactly on January 19, she gave birth. What’s special? What she gave birth to at a construction site. In a bitter frost!

The woman came to visit her husband at work and suddenly felt a sharp pain. The stomach just twisted. Contractions, she could not be mistaken. I have experience. The ambulance arrived to the call at two in the morning and barely had time: the birth had to be taken right on the spot. The doctor had just put on medical gloves when a newborn appeared.

“The baby is all right, but the lighting was bad,” the obstetrician noted. Colleagues had to illuminate him with a flashlight. “He will be a builder” – joke social network users, having learned about the birthplace of the baby, who is now eight days old.

Ashley-Miller Cross, a resident of the Canadian city of Halifax, went shopping in the store and returned with the baby. No, she was not given it and sold at a discount, he was born himself, but completely unexpected for his mother.

Less than a year ago, mom had her first child, a girl. It never occurred to the woman that a second child was on the way! She did not recover, did not experience the quirks and ailments usual for pregnant women. And that there are no menstruation – so while you are breastfeeding, this is normal. Therefore, I was walking serenely along the shelves of the supermarket, when I suddenly realized that she was not feeling well.

The store staff helped her to the toilet. And suddenly they heard from behind the door, in addition to the moan of a woman, also a child’s cry. One can imagine the surprise of the store manager, the woman herself, and her husband, whom his wife made happy with an unexpected gift – her little son.

In St. Petersburg, the employees of the traffic police post No. 3 on Pulkovskoye Highway became famous: they delivered childbirth three times on the highway. For the first time in March 2013. On that day, early in the morning, Maxim Gusarov took his pregnant wife from Kingisepp to the maternity hospital in St. Petersburg.

But the spouses did not have time to get there, on the way Oksana began to have contractions. The husband asked for help from men in uniform. The police were not taken aback and gave birth. By this time the ambulance arrived. The woman with the baby was already taken to the postpartum department. The chief doctor of the maternity hospital explained that the emergency delivery ended safely only thanks to the competent actions of the police officers. The police met their “godson”, little Georgy Gusarov, on discharge, presented him with a car seat.

And here’s a coincidence: a year later, employees of the same post again took delivery of another couple, and then another! The police even took a crash course in medical care for women in labor.

And their colleagues in the Frunzensky district of St. Petersburg once had to equip a maternity ward right in the department: a woman passing by began to have contractions. It was at the end of December 2014, a few days before the New Year. The ambulance doctors said that there was no point in taking the woman in labor to the hospital, and they took baby Lisa right there.

There are also many sensational cases when the umbilical cord has to be cut by the conductors of the railway. So, in April 2017, the head of the train and the conductors of train No. 97 Kislovodsk – Tynda met with the passenger. The woman in labor hoped to get from Kurgan to Rostov-on-Don, but the contractions began earlier. The girl was born in a carriage at the Miass station. While they were waiting for an ambulance, the head of the train and his subordinates cut off the umbilical cord, washed the newborn with an antiseptic solution.

It turns out that railway employees undergo special training, because there is no guarantee that a professional medical worker will be on the train. And knowledge is often useful to them: according to statistics, in Russia they give birth in a carriage about once a month. Russian Railways even issue unofficial birth certificates to “their” newborns, as a reminder of the extreme conditions under which the child was born.

Sometimes women in labor find themselves almost literally in seventh heaven, of course, with happiness. The airlines warn that if the birth is close, it is better not to fly, but the mothers are sure that they will have time to get to the place. And sometimes they are wrong.

In January 2013, the flight attendant of the St. Petersburg-Osh flight had to try on the role of an obstetrician. There was only an hour left before landing, when it became clear that one of the women would have a baby any minute. The flight attendant was not taken aback, prepared everything he needed and soon, at an altitude of 10 thousand meters, he cut the umbilical cord. The newborn was named after him Alexei.

Some airlines abroad, if such a happy event happened on board the plane, give their “godchildren” the right to fly their planes free of charge all their lives.

Childbirth on a sea or river cruise is the least common, but still happens. In May 2017, Tatyana, a 33-year-old resident of Samara, went on a two-day cruise along the Volga. On the motor ship “Surgeon Razumovsky” she was going to sail to Saratov and back.

The woman at the eighth month was sure that she definitely had time, because it was her second child. But the kid thought differently. Mommy suddenly started having contractions. Fortunately, an experienced ship’s doctor worked on the ship, and doctors of the perinatal center of the city of Volsk consulted her on the phone. Half an hour later, baby Maya was born, from the shore, the Ministry of Emergency Situations sent a boat for her and her mother, and an ambulance was already waiting on the shore. Both were taken to the clinic.

The most typical situation is when children are born on the way to the hospital. According to statistics, about sixty babies a year appear on the high road. And this is understandable: for one reason or another, the dads do not have time to take their mothers to the place.

A year ago, on Christmas Eve, on the Leningradskoye Highway near Moscow, a private car with a woman in labor got stuck in a traffic jam, and the girl was born right in the salon. When the ambulance arrived, everything was in order.

In October 2015, a woman gave birth to a child in a car on Kashtanovaya Alley in Zelenograd. And in January 2016, on the Orenburg – Orsk highway during a snow storm. The car, which was driving the girl from the Kulminsky village with a premature birth, got stuck in the snow, the ambulance car, which was driving towards him, too, so that the newborn was accepted by several neighbors. One of the women warmed the baby on her chest for several hours until the rescuers arrived.

And in the American city of Houston, the birth in the car was filmed by a camera installed in the cabin. It took the couple longer than they thought to get to the clinic, and the woman gave birth to a baby in the front seat. Parents made a four-minute video from the recording and posted it on the network. Warning: it is better to watch without sound.

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