GastroTea, Haute cuisine for solidarity

The fourth edition of GastroTea envelops us once again in culinary preparation, participatory creativity and, above all, solidarity.

Next February 15 is the day chosen for the celebration of the fourth edition of this Haute cuisine Solidarity Event.

Gastro Tea is a Gastronomy Solidarity Day, organized by ASTEAMUR, the non-profit parents’ association, which aims to help people with autism spectrum disorder.

They also collaborate to make the solidarity event a reality, The gastronomic club of Murcia AMURECO, and a large number of institutions and companies that participate as collaborators or sponsors of the event.

For the occasion there has been a cast of true teachers who, as in previous editions, as already demonstrated Andoni Luis Aduriz o Eneko Atxa show and develop their talent in collaboration with visitors, demonstrating an enormous spirit of solidarity and selflessness with this type of initiative.

This year is Paco Pérez, the Master of Ceremony, and his prestige as Chef and Restaurateur It is endorsed by its establishments such as Miramar de Llança Restaurant, el Restaurante Enoteca of the Hotel Arts of Barcelona and the Restaurant 5 of the Hotel Das Stue of Berlin.

How GastroTea is developed

As we have already advanced before, its purpose is social and disinterested to help those most in need, and its mission is to raise funds to finance therapeutic interventions aimed at the integration and improvement of children with autism.

The Event has three different spaces within the program of activities that will be developed in this edition:

  • Un show Cooking live that will take place in the Murcia Circus Theater, where the Chef Paco Pérez you will be accompanied in the delicious live elaboration of Pablo González (La Cabaña Restaurant) of José Álvarez (La Costa Restaurant), de Thomas Ecija (El Albero Restaurant) and at Ginés José Nicolás (Restaurant Rincón de Pepe).
  • Un Cooking Workshop for the Benjamins of the ASTEAMUR Association, which will take place in the Murcia Tourist Qualification Center, where the imagination will give free rein to the elaborations in conjunction with these potential artists.
  • The traditional Solidarity Gala Dinner, that this year will take place at the La Casa de la Luz Restaurant, where the planning, design and preparation will be carried out by the protagonist of the conference Paco Pérez, who will have his entire kitchen team from Miramar.

Success is assured, all tickets for the event are already sold out and from the GastroTea 2016 website they encourage the collaboration of this charitable action.

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