Gastronomy with Cheese

The dairy sector dresses up in an event dedicated to the exciting world of cheeses in the capital of Spain

Cheese Q, is the new meeting dedicated to the world of cheese, which for 10 days will develop an immersion into the origin, development and production of one of the best exponents of our dairy products.

The format chosen for the debut is the gastronomic hall, which will take us along an unprecedented journey through the wide variety of elaborations and names that the national cheese industry and production houses.

On October 24, at the Palace of the Mission of the Casa de Campo in Madrid, Multiple manufacturers will meet with their best varieties, to honor the dairy ferment and one of our best exponents of Spanish gastronomy.

The informative and tasting day, is carried out by the cheese masters, flagging their reference brands, to show the visitor their characteristics, varieties and product differentiation.

Hoteliers, distributors, wholesalers, specialized stores and especially lovers of the world of cheese are invited to the event, to learn more about the tasty and delicious art of cheese making.

The informative day of Q de Quesos

Within the program of activities that are prepared for the day of the cheesemaking event, we will be able to attend lectures, round tables and show cooking in the best format that could be chosen for the occasion. The Cheese Board in presentation or conference format.

  • Table number 1; The Best Cheese Board or Cart in Madrid.
  • Table number 2; How to make a cheese board.
  • Table number 3; Round table on the future of the cheese sector.
  • Table number 4; Talk about “Cheese in health, benefits, myths and realities.”
  • Table number 5; Showcooking “Cheese in the kitchen.
  • Table number 6; Cheese couples, new forms of consumption and pairings.

A different and especially interesting way to learn more and better about the world of cheese and above all, take advantage of this product in the hotel industry that is too framed in the sandwich or portion, being able to be a true protagonist of the culinary activity and desserts.

Tapas with Cheese

To whet your appetite, the organization of the Q de Quesos event has developed an interesting gastronomic proposal through a Tapas Route, where the main ingredient is cheese.

From October 21 to 30, fifty hospitality establishments in the capital of Spain will participate in these interesting days tribute to cheese.

Different preparations, formats and culinary elaborations made from or based on cheese will meet in the bars and restaurants of Madrid assigned to the conference.

The format is simple cover and drink at a fixed price, to facilitate and help consumers try various ways of taking this delicious snack as ours as the milk it houses inside.

In order to participate in the day on the 24th, we leave you here a link to the q de cheeses website so that you can register directly, and discover where and when you can taste a good Cheese Tapa.

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