Matadero Madrid receives the first edition of Big Food, an event that unites gastronomy with design.
The Madrid Designers Association (DIMAD), Within the activities that it develops in relation to the field of gastronomy, it will convert during the days 25, 26 and 27 of September the Slaughterhouse, in a Hub Foodie where design will be the main feature.
As in previous editions of gastronomy and design events, such as the one that took place in February, where the Design Market invaded the esplanade of the enclosure with the new foodtrucks, full of avant-garde and a certain vintage air, the informative activities, exhibitions and food will be the focus of attention during the days of the event Big Food grrrreat market.
Since Marketing and brands decided to differentiate their products with values, contributions and experiences, gastronomy and culinary preparation has not stopped innovating, and a perfect sample is the field of design, where packaging, product packaging, restaurant rooms, presentations on impossible objects.
The objective of the organization of the event is to unite and gather in a single space producers, hoteliers and chefs themselves, to share experiences with the best designers, to fomente synergies in both fields and as not sure that from there some “new” idea arises.
As a sample to be able to reach the general public, the street food or street food, is the maximum exponent to be able to serve delicious culinary preparations in the format of cover the skewer so that from the prism of the street, assemblages, constructions and deconstructions of product wrapped or served with mastery are developed in the same place of its elaboration.
The sample will be presented through a thirty gastronomic spaces, as if it were a market, so that the visiting public can taste, observe and comment on the culinary activity of its creators.
Different workshops, talks, masterclasses and show cookings, They will be offered to modern consumers of this type of gastronomy that helps bring and socialize culinary culture to all audiences.
The complete program of activities for the three days, we leave it here linked on the Big Food Madrid website.