Gastronomy around the Cherry
The cherry is a fruit, and also an ingredient in Extremadura gastronomy.
La Cerecera, is a festive, cultural and gastronomic program which takes place during the months of June and July in the Valle del Jerte region, and is organized into various activities of all kinds.
The Gastronomic Days of the Picota Cherry Cherry fair or Visits to agricultural farms are good proof of this, and all of them coincide with the cherry picking season, which will last until the end of July.
After the impressive landscape that the flower leaves, becoming one of the main gastronomic tourism destinations of the station, the red fruits arrive, which are the delight of locals and visitors, and are the best example of local agricultural activity.
This is the best time of year to enjoy the cherry in the Extremadura region and its collection and tasting are part of the content that we now present to you, along with the agrotourism offer, where excursions to the valley or views of the farms, you will discover all the secrets of the most famous pillory in the world, with Designation of Origin and one of the most beautiful places in the shocking geography.
Gastronomic days and food Fair
The collection of the different varieties of cherries, Bourlat, Early Lory, etc., lasts during these three months, and while we can enjoy the interesting activities that are grouped around the festivities of the “Cerecera “
Next June 4, in Navaconcejo, the Cherry Fair, in which you can taste some of the varieties collected in those days, with interesting samples and product tastings, as well as games, street animations.
Along the same lines, the Cooperativas del Valle and the Agrupación Valle, develop their open days and guided tours to the countryside, to learn more about this star product of the Jerte region.
Companies that Picota Cherries Gastronomic Days They are the main tourist attraction of gastronomy lovers, and the restaurants of the region participate in it with special menus based on picota cherry, and their best traditional preparations.
For the occasion, the dozen hospitality establishments that participate in this edition, will prepare their best culinary preparations from June 1 to July 23, time in which the star product of the season is available, the cherry .
Here is a link to the extensive program of the conference, its participants and its gastronomic menus, in the brochure published by the Jerte Valley tourism website.