Food, wine and their gastronomic accessories are necessary in the human being’s day to day and at the same time the key to the nearest technological future.
On July 8, the Debate forum What is going on in these emerging sectors? Is held, led by TechFood Community to seek a sharing environment where the vision of the new productive sectors will be the key to understanding the near future.
Since the irruption of the samrtphones, it seems that any business that does not have their presence will be difficult to last or succeed, for that reason the technology applied to food In any of its aspects, a lever for new projects is necessary and at the same time.
Business opportunities and consumer trends are the keys to understanding the experiences that the XNUMXst century consumer is looking for, and from the networking platform for startups, companies, entrepreneurs and investors, invaluable information and strategic value for projects of FoodTech, AgTech, WineTech, eCommerce.
We are suffering upheavals in the markets and transformations, which are key to being able to undertake the nearest future and we must attend to all the people of the value chain to know how to adapt projects and ideas to the real opportunities that may arise within the supply chain. supply of food products.
From the field, to the table, through the factory or the supermarket and, of course, through our smartphone. Apps, sensors, Big Data, IoT, Smart Dinning, beacons, drones, robots or gadgets … the opportunities for disruption are countless.
The ideas accelerator projects that have been followed by the participants and organizers are a constant source of inspiration during these months to promote this first meeting.
There are precedents of success around the world, which have brought incalculable value to the market, it is about RethinkFood (Napa Valley) o Seeds&Chips (Milán)
The event program or MeetUp de TechFoodies, to be able to contribute value and experiences in the exciting world of food and gastronomy.
• 19:30 Networking
• 20:00 Brief introduction Beatriz Romanos. Director of TechFood Magazine
• 20:15 Gathering
TechFood Magazine has witnessed and participated in specific events such as RethinkFood (Napa Valley, Califormnia) or Seeds & Chips (Milan) that turn the traditional conference around to become exponents of the exchange of ideas and projects.
Who signs up to share their experience?