Gastroesophageal reflux disease (heartburn): complementary approaches

Licorice, d-limonene

Marshmallow, mallow, elm, mullein, nopal, plantain

Stress management, Chinese pharmacopoeia

 Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra). The internal use of licorice roots is recognized by Commission E to treat ulcers of the stomach and esophagus. Licorice indeed facilitates the formation of mucus that lines the stomach wall and protects it against gastric juice. This plant is commonly recommended by naturopaths in cases of gastroesophageal reflux because of its protective effect on the mucosa and its anti-inflammatory properties. However, no clinical study has proven its effectiveness.


Consult the Licorice file.

 D-limonene. In 2007, two small-scale clinical trials (19 and 13 patients) demonstrated probable efficacy of d-limonene against gastroesophageal reflux disease in approximately 80% of participants.4.

The d-limonene would work by improving the peristalsis of the esophagus and by protecting the mucous membrane against stomach acid. It can be purchased as orange peel extracts (1 mg doses). Cures of 000 doses (one pill every two days) would improve symptoms.

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (heartburn): complementary approaches: understand everything in 2 min

 Marshmallow, mallow, elm, mullein, nopal, plantain. Due to their high pectin and mucilage content, these plants have traditionally been used to relieve irritation of the mucous membrane that lines the digestive system.5. They act by protecting the tissues from acid attacks. No clinical studies seem to have been performed so far to support their use.

 Stress management. According to the Dr Andrew Weil6 : “The majority of digestive problems seem to be related to stress. The ability of the mind to interfere with the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal system should not be underestimated. He suggests the following measures:

  • identify its main sources of stress, then find, or at least seek, a solution to eliminate them or reduce their scope;
  • reserve time slots devoted to relaxation;
  • do relaxation or visualization sessions (see Meditating and more).

See our feature Stress and Anxiety.

 Chinese Pharmacopoeia. There is a preparation specifically intended for gastric hyperacidity disorders: the Wei Te Ling. It is used in particular to strengthen and restore the stomach. the Wei Te Ling relieves sensations of burning and bitterness, without however treating the origin of the disease. Consult a professional in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).

Warning against certain home remedies

Some homemade preparations can help temporarily relieve symptoms by neutralizing the acidity. However, consuming water with added baking soda, carbonated drinks (sodas) or milk is strongly discouraged. Used frequently, these drinks make it worse by adding gas and fluids to the stomach, which increases pressure and causes reflux. In addition, their high alkalinity creates a rebound effect: the stomach subsequently tends to produce more acid. Also, consuming baking soda adds a lot of sodium to the diet, which can increase blood pressure.


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