Gastritis, ulcer, stomach cancer: symptoms, treatment

Gastritis, ulcer, stomach cancer: symptoms, treatment

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How to recognize a terrible diagnosis in the early stages?

Recently, the number of patients complaining of problems in the work of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) has been growing exponentially. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are diagnosed in children and adults, in men and women. The reasons are different, but all diseases of the gastrointestinal tract require careful diagnosis and correct timely treatment.

Causes of most gastrointestinal diseases

Most often, doctors identify the following factors:

· improper diet;

· chronic intoxication;

· stress;

· pathogenic microflora.

The most common diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Gastritis. Stomach is affected. They cause changes in the mucous membrane. They have many subspecies, and their treatment is quite simple if it is not started.

Colitis. They affect the large intestine, causing inflammation in the intestinal mucosa. The disease is dangerous with bleeding and promotes the development of tumors. Treatment should be started as early as possible.

Hepatitis. Affects the liver. Viral disease. Certain types of hepatitis are easily transmitted and extremely dangerous.

Cirrhosis. Affects the liver. They cause the death of liver cells. Complete treatment of cirrhosis is often not possible, and the disease is often fatal.

Peptic ulcer disease most often affects the stomach and duodenum. It is dangerous with bleeding and violation of the integrity of the wall of the hollow organ of the abdominal cavity with the development of peritonitis.

Dysbacteriosis. The intestines are affected. They arise after the death of the beneficial microflora inhabiting the organ. As a result, the functions of the gastrointestinal tract are impaired, digestion and absorption are inadequate.

Cholecystitis. The gallbladder is affected, causing an inflammatory process. The formation and outflow of bile is impaired, which leads to digestive problems.

Pancreatitis. They affect the pancreas, causing an inflammatory process. If the treatment of chronic pancreatitis is not carried out on time, then inflammatory processes can cause the development of a tumor, which at the moment is very difficult to treat and often leads to death.

1. Heartburn and burning sensation in the esophagus.

2. Flatulence, rumbling in the abdomen – bloating associated with excess gas accumulation. By the area in which gases are collected, it is possible to approximately determine the location of the main pathological focus.

3. Nausea.

4. Belching. Most often it is a symptom that speaks of problems with the upper gastrointestinal tract.

5. Smell from the mouth. Occurs due to dysfunction of the stomach.

6. Decreased appetite. Aversion to meat and other foods previously taken with pleasure.

7. Decrease in body weight (easily determined without weights by everyday clothes – there is a feeling that clothes that used to fit in size suddenly became large).

8. Pain in different areas of the abdomen.

Prevention is more effective than cure

If you have one or more symptoms, make an appointment with a doctor or, if you are subject to medical examination this year, get tested. If the violation of the gastrointestinal tract function is not detected and treated in time, the disease can progress.

The most insidious pathology, disguised as ordinary disorders, is tumors of the gastrointestinal tract, in which timely surgical intervention becomes the first step towards saving the patient’s life. After surgical treatment, even radical, as a rule, chemotherapy or radiation therapy and the use of modern anti-tumor targeted drugs are required. The duration and quality of a patient’s life after tumor removal depends on how accurately the doctor’s recommendations are followed.

That is why it is extremely important not to miss the moment when treatment is still possible and not to waste precious time. To do this, all insured citizens in the CHI system every 3 years (starting from the age of 21) must undergo a free medical examination. SOGAZ-Med reminds that medical examination includes oncological screening – this examination allows to detect a serious disease in case of existing deviations.

Clinical examination helps to timely identify and start treatment of diseases, including gastrointestinal diseases. In the treatment of intestinal pathology, it is very important to follow all the prescriptions of the attending physician and in no case self-medicate.

Information about the company:

Insurance company SOGAZ-Med has been operating since 1998. The number of insured people is more than 19 million. Regional network – more than 660 subdivisions in 40 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. SOGAZ-Med carries out compulsory medical insurance activities: it controls the quality of services provided to the insured when receiving medical care in the compulsory medical insurance system, protects the rights of insured citizens, and restores violated rights of citizens in the pre-trial and judicial order. In 2018, the Expert RA rating agency confirmed the rating of the reliability and quality of services of the SOGAZ-Med insurance company at the A ++ level (the highest level of reliability and quality of services in the framework of the CHI program according to the applicable scale). For several years now, SOGAZ-Med has been awarded this high level of assessment.

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