Gastritis of the stomach
We tell what is actually the most common cause of gastritis of the stomach, what are the symptoms of the disease and what is the modern approach to effective treatment

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) are among the five most common health problems in modern man. And gastritis – inflammation of the mucous membranes of the stomach – is the most common problem with the gastrointestinal tract. Unfortunately, many of us do not attach due importance to the manifestations of gastritis for a long time, they “mask” the symptoms with the uncontrolled use of drugs and folk remedies. There is also a myth that it is completely impossible to cure gastritis of the stomach, it will definitely return with stress and nutritional errors.

Together with experts, we figure out what is actually the most common cause of stomach gastritis, how not to miss the first symptoms of the disease and choose a modern competent treatment regimen.

The processes of digestion in the human body

Our stomach is the most vulnerable organ of the digestive system. It contains the most important and complex processes of digestion:

  • food is mixed in the stomach – this is a mechanical process;
  • further there is a splitting of food – this is a chemical process;
  • and absorption of nutrients.

If at least one of these processes goes wrong, the entire digestive system suffers, all further stages of its work are disrupted.

Most often, the inner wall of the stomach is damaged, its mucous membrane, where the most important components of digestion are produced – gastric juice and protective mucus.

Symptoms of gastritis of the stomach

The symptoms of gastritis can worsen with errors in nutrition (a lot of fatty, spicy, salty), stress (it has been proven that in acute emotional situations the production of gastric juice increases), taking certain medications, severe fatigue, sudden changes in time zones if you travel. But all these manifestations are already a consequence of the fact that the stomach is unhealthy and needs help.

The most common symptoms:

  • pain and heaviness in the abdomen;
  • bloating;
  • rapid satiety, intolerance to certain types of food;
  • the so-called “hungry” pains, they occur on an empty stomach or during the day if you have not taken food for a long time;
  • also, with gastritis, pain often occurs shortly after eating, especially if you have eaten heavily;
  • feeling of general discomfort in the abdomen during the day.

In fact, the most common cause of stomach gastritis is the microbe Helicobacter pylori (Helicobacter pylori). The discovery of this microbe and the proof of its destructive effect on the human stomach is one of the most important discoveries in medicine at the end of the XNUMXth century.

What causes stomach gastritis

In 2005, Australian scientists Barry Marshall and Robin Warren received the Nobel Prize in Medicine and Physiology for the discovery of a microbe that causes gastritis of the stomach, as well as for the development of a fundamentally new system for diagnosing and treating this disease.

For the first time, the “microbial” theory of gastritis was discussed somewhere in the mid-80s of the twentieth century. Marshall and Warren discovered a microorganism in the analysis of the gastric mucosa in patients with gastritis and called it “Helicobacter pylori.” No one believed the scientists then: it was believed that hydrochloric acid released in the stomach kills all living things, including any bacteria.

Colleagues laughed at Marshall even when he accomplished a professional feat: he grew Helicobacter pylori in a test tube, drank it and … two weeks later he fell ill with gastritis!

Helicobacter pylori is a bacterium that infects various areas of the stomach and duodenum. Many cases of gastritis are associated with contamination of the mucous membranes with Helicobacter pylori.

It has only recently been possible to obtain reliable evidence for the theory. It turned out that insidious bacteria do not die in the stomach, because they secrete a special enzyme – urease, which neutralizes hydrochloric acid.

In 2015, the medical journal Attending Doctor published a large-scale study conducted in Germany by several medical centers and laboratories in Berlin and Hannover. The authors of the study said, in particular, the following: Helicobacter is transmitted through hands, saliva, dishes, kissing, etc. The microbe can enter our body with infected food and water. Then it settles on the gastric mucosa, multiplies, forming microbial colonies. And it begins to corrode the mucous membrane – this is how foci of inflammation appear, which lead to gastritis of the stomach. The authors of the German study write: “Infection with Helicobacter pylori can lead to an inflammatory response, increased stomach acid and gastritis.”

Treatment of gastritis of the stomach

In September 2015, the so-called Kyoto Consensus was published, which defines the gold standard of gastroenterology. It states that in the treatment of gastritis, eradication is recommended, that is, the elimination of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. Without this, treatment may be ineffective, there is a high risk that the symptoms of gastritis will return again and again.

Since Helicobacter is a bacterium, the gastritis treatment regimen includes antibiotic therapy. But this is not a panacea. Here is what Russian experts say: “The widespread use of antibiotics to eliminate Helicobacter is associated with significant problems. Among them is a decrease in the effectiveness of treatment due to resistance (addiction) to antibiotics. The Kyoto consensus noted concerns about this, in particular, an increase in allergies or obesity, a violation of the composition of the intestinal microbiota (microflora) ”(data from the Central Research Institute of Healthcare, GBUZ MKSC DZM, published in the journal The Attending Doctor in 2016).

On average, more than 70% of adult Russians experience symptoms of gastritis. For some, these are episodic manifestations that are “quenched” by painkillers and enveloping drugs, for someone, gastritis becomes chronic and makes itself felt with any errors in nutrition or stress. It is important that in most cases gastritis is caused by the reproduction of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori on the gastric mucosa.


Scientists began to search for less traumatic for the body and effective in the fight against Helicobacter substances. And in the course of numerous studies, it turned out that a pronounced positive effect is observed when taking some beneficial bacteria.

Among the many beneficial bacteria that have a positive effect on the microflora of the stomach and intestines, there are those that are still struggling with “bad” bacteria, in particular Helicobacter. They have also been shown to increase the effectiveness of drug therapy in the treatment of gastritis and reduce the side effects of antibiotics.

The search for truly effective and safe remedies against Helicobacter took many years.

Diet for gastritis of the stomach

Of course, to achieve a positive effect in the treatment of gastritis, you need to adjust the diet. This does not mean that now you will have to eat only pureed soups, porridge-slurry and drink it with rice water for life. But you need to adhere to certain restrictions: in case of inflammation of the gastric mucosa, it is necessary to temporarily exclude spicy, fried in oil, salty dishes, fermentation products (kvass, beer, black bread), products with the addition of vinegar, strong broths, mushrooms, carbonated drinks. In the acute stage of gastritis, you should also not lean on fresh vegetables and fruits, they increase fermentation. Vegetables are best eaten stewed or boiled. Bread is preferably white, dried. Any alcohol will have to be abandoned at the time of treatment.

Don’t overeat. For the stomach, it is better if you eat fractionally and in small portions (5-6 times a day every 3-4 hours).

It’s fun! It should be noted that Helicobacter pylori is one of the most common human infections, residents of megacities are more likely to suffer. According to Russian scientists, the prevalence of this infection in Moscow is 60,7 – 88%, in St. Petersburg – 63,6%, in the cities of Eastern Siberia – up to 90% 2016). The less processed and the simpler the product is prepared, the more beneficial it is for the stomach. Boiled or baked meat for the stomach is more useful than sausages and sausages.

Drink water 30-40 minutes before meals (a glass of warm water drunk before a meal normalizes the acidity of the stomach). At the same time, do not drink during meals and immediately after it, but at least after half an hour or an hour.

Chew food thoroughly. If food enters the stomach in large pieces, this creates an additional load, causes discomfort and bloating.

In the evening, try to eat at least three hours before bedtime, and preferably four. Don’t sleep after a heavy meal.

Do not get used to endure pain and discomfort. If you begin to “feel” the stomach, immediately consult a gastroenterologist.

Numerous studies show that the main problem in the development of gastritis of the stomach is the defeat of the mucous membranes by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. And the elimination of contamination by this bacterium is today the gold standard of gastroenterology. It is clear that not a single diet in the world can get rid of Helicobacter pylori. This requires complex therapy.

Popular questions and answers

We discussed the complications of gastritis, its most alarming symptoms, when you need to see a doctor immediately, and the possibilities of self-treatment with gastroenterologist Ekaterina Zagrebina.

What are the complications of gastritis?
Chronic gastritis is a disease characterized by inflammation of the gastric mucosa. In some cases, gastritis, if left untreated, can slowly lead to the development of stomach cancer. This is especially true of gastritis associated with Helicobacter pylori (a bacterium that lives in the stomach). Helicobacter triggers the mechanism for the development of precancerous changes in the stomach: atrophy appears, against which intestinal metaplasia develops (replacement of the gastric mucosa with intestinal epithelium) with a further risk of malignant degeneration. Atrophy of the gastric mucosa can also lead to anemia due to vitamin B12 deficiency.

However, epigastric pain can be not only due to gastritis, but also due to functional dyspepsia, which is characterized by many complaints, but endoscopic examination and biopsy do not reveal pathology.

Therefore, a biopsy of the gastric mucosa is important to verify the diagnosis of chronic gastritis.

When to call a doctor for gastritis of the stomach?
One of the forms of gastritis is erosive (hemorrhagic) gastritis, in which multiple erosions and hemorrhages in the gastric mucosa are determined. In this situation, it is possible to develop a complication in the form of gastrointestinal bleeding (especially with the use of painkillers and antipyretic drugs), which is manifested by black loose stools against the background of the previous pain syndrome. This clinical situation may be accompanied by general weakness, dizziness, shortness of breath, palpitations, pallor of the skin and requires an ambulance call.
Can gastritis be treated with folk remedies or alternative medicine?
In official medicine, doctors do not use folk remedies for the treatment of gastritis. It is necessary to consult a doctor, undergo an examination, find out the cause of gastritis and, based on the data obtained, the attending physician will prescribe you the appropriate treatment.

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