Gastric adenoma – symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Adenoma is a benign epithelial tumor that originates in the epithelium of the glands of external and internal secretion and the ducts of these glands.

Adenomas are most often diagnosed in the pituitary gland, thyroid gland, parathyroid glands, adrenal cortex, pancreatic islets, and the gastrointestinal tract. Adenoma located in the stomach is considered a precancerous condition and along with gastric polyps, chronic ulceration and irritation of the gastric mucosa by hot food, it is one of the factors contributing to the development of this organ cancer.

Increased risk of turning into cancer is observed with the existence adenomatous polyps, the diameter of which exceeds 2 cm. This applies to as much as 40 percent. sick. When an adenoma develops into a malignant tumor, it is called an adenocarcinoma.

Approximately 4 patients suffer from adenocarcinoma of the stomach each year. men and half as many women. Unfortunately, the number of deaths is almost identical to the number of new cases.

Gastric cancer is one of the most common malignant neoplasms of this organ, usually occurring after 50 – 60 years of age. It affects men much more often than women.

What symptoms?

Unfortunately, early gastric cancer does not have any specific symptoms. The ailments that may arise are sometimes confused with other diseases of the organ. Initially, chronic indigestion and lack of appetite appear. A little later, nausea, vomiting, epigastric pain (characteristic of both on an empty stomach and after eating) occur, and then swallowing disorders. This tumor quickly metastasizes to nearby lymph nodes and then spreads to distant organs.

The guilty list

We have already mentioned several causes that can initiate the development of stomach cancer. It is known that the disease is promoted by alcohol abuse and smoking. A diet consisting of canned, heavily salted and smoked products is also of great importance in this case. Therefore, all those who want to protect themselves against stomach cancer are advised to eat fresh vegetables and fruits that contain vitamin C and other antioxidants.

It is also worth remembering that in the case of stomach cancer, the hereditary burden is of great importance. If there have been tumors of this organ in the family, even in the absence of any digestive system ailments, it is worth around 35-40. years of age have a check-up at a genetic clinic. Such clinics exist at oncological centers.

Making a diagnosis

The list of tests that allow you to make a diagnosis is quite long.

The basic examination is endoscopic examination, i.e. gastroscopy.

During the examination, the gastroenterologist carefully examines both the esophagus, the gastric cardia and its other sections, as well as the duodenum and, above all, the lining of the stomach fundus. If there is a tumor, he takes samples (3 to 6) for histopathological examination.

– Radiological examination, which is a popular stomach X-ray is performed after administering the contrast. It consists in the fact that before the examination, the patient has to swallow the barite mush, thanks to which the location of the tumor can be determined.

— Ultrasonography (USG) allows you to assess the entire abdominal cavity, identify the presence of metastases to other organs or lymph nodes. The doctor may also order endoscopic ultrasound, which is an examination performed with the probe located at the end of the endoscope, placed directly against the stomach wall. This test allows you to assess the thickness of the neoplastic infiltrate and the lymph nodes.

– Computed tomography (CT) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) are tests assessing the local tumor advancement.

An examination that is rarely performed is diagnostic laparoscopy.

– Tumor markers it is marked quite rarely because there are no reliable and sensitive markers which would define the stage of the disease and its prognosis for the future.

Treatment – many methods

The basic method of treating stomach cancer is surgical removal of the tumor along with a smaller or larger part of the stomach. The rest of the stomach connects with the small intestine. Even after removing the entire stomach, it is possible to lead a normal lifestyle. Early forms of gastric cancer can be removed laparoscopically, that is, without opening the patient’s abdomen.

In Poland, such procedures are rarely performed, because most cancers of this organ are detected in the advanced form. However, it should be remembered that the surgical technique is always adapted to the size and location of the tumor. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy are also used as complementary treatments.

The prognosis and long-term survival (over 5 years) depend on the size, extent and advancement of the neoplastic disease.

Text: Anna Jarosz

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