Gastranin Zdrovit

Gastranin Zdrovit is a drug used in the symptomatic treatment of dyspeptic ailments (heartburn, indigestion, hyperacidity) not related to organic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The active substance of the drug is ranitidine, which reduces the pH of gastric juice. The effect of the mentioned substance lasts up to 12 hours. The preparation is in the form of effervescent tablets and is dispensed without a prescription.

Gastranin Zdrovit (NP Pharma)


H2 receptor antagonist

Gastranin Zdrovit – indications and dosage

Gastranin Zdrovit are effervescent tablets recommended for the symptomatic treatment of recurrent epigastric pain, not related to an organic disease of the gastrointestinal tract:

  1. heartburn,
  2. indigestion,
  3. hyperacidity.


Gastranin Zdrovit is in the form of effervescent tablets to be dissolved in water. They should be dissolved in 1/2 glass of water and taken regardless of meals.

  1. Adults and children after 16 years of age 150 mg / d; max dose – 300 mg / d.
  2. In people with renal insufficiency (creatinine clearance
  3. In chronic dialysis patients 150 mg immediately after dialysis.

Gastranin Zdrovit – contraindications

Contraindications to taking Gastranin Zdrovit are:

  1. allergy to any component of the preparation (porphyria, phenylketonuria),
  2. use in patients under 16 years of age.

Gastranin Zdrovit – warnings

  1. The use of the drug may camouflage the symptoms of stomach cancer and delay diagnosis, especially in middle-aged and elderly people.
  2. Caution should be exercised in patients with renal insufficiency and the daily dose should be reduced as the ranitidine contained in the drug is mainly excreted by the kidneys.
  3. Patients with hepatic insufficiency should be careful as ranitidine is metabolised in the liver.
  4. People using concurrent steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and ranitidine should be under medical supervision (especially the elderly with a history of peptic ulcer disease).
  5. Patients with a history of acute porphyria should not use the drug as ranitidine may cause acute porphyria attacks.
  6. Sorbitol contained in Gastranin Zdrovit may cause diarrhea and irritate the stomach.
  7. People on a low sodium diet should exercise caution as this medicine contains sodium.
  8. Pregnant and breastfeeding women may take the drug only with the consent of a doctor and if necessary.
  9. The drug may cause side effects that may impair the psychophysical ability of people driving motor vehicles. Dizziness, headaches and blurred vision may occur.

Gastranin Zdrovit with other drugs

  1. nie
  2. There is no information on the interaction between ranitidine and amoxicillin or metronidazole.
  3. Absorption of ketoconazole and other drugs whose absorption depends on gastric acidity may be reduced by ranitidine.
  4. The effectiveness of ranitidine may be reduced by smoking.

Gastranin Zdrovit – side effects

When using Gastranin Zdrovit, the following may appear:

  1. hypersensitivity reactions: urticaria, angioedema, fever, bronchospasm, hypotension, anaphylactic shock,
  2. the following may occur: transient changes in liver enzymes, hepatitis with or without jaundice, acute pancreatitis, transient changes in the blood picture (leukopenia, thrombocytopenia), pancytopenia, sometimes with bone marrow hypoplasia or aplasia, anemia, transient states of confusion, depression and hallucinations, especially in seriously ill or elderly patients, headache (sometimes severe), dizziness and transient involuntary movement disorders, temporary blurred vision, decreased heart function (bradycardia) and atrioventricular block, alopecia, gynecomastia, rare cases of erythema multiform,
  3. very rarely, interstitial nephritis.

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