Gasoline poisoning – symptoms, treatment, prevention

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Gasoline poisoning is a condition that can occur through the respiratory or digestive tract. Gasoline is a product of the distillation of crude oil, a mixture of its more volatile components, i.e. chain (aliphatic) hydrocarbons. Poisoning with the substance can lead to severe symptoms, including coma.

Gasoline poisoning

Gasoline is a colorless substance with a specific smell, mainly used as a propellant for internal combustion engines or as a solvent. When inhaled or swallowed, the body responds sharply. This is due to the presence of toxic substances in gasoline, such as benzene, wood alcohol and lead tetraethyl. The amount of admixtures of benzene and its derivatives depends on the species. Inhaling gasoline 1-2% by volume of air for a few minutes or drinking 20-50 ml can cause severe symptoms of poisoning, including coma.

Acute gasoline poisoning may occur through the respiratory or digestive tract. Swallowing gasoline provokes vomiting due to the irritating effect on the gastric mucosa. Aspiration of even a small amount of this substance (1/2 to 1 ml) may cause hemorrhage, edema and secondary pneumonia. Besides, the mechanism and symptoms of poisoning are as above. Currently, unleaded gasoline is sold for sale, and poisoning with it is much less frequently observed. Nevertheless, it has toxic properties.

Symptoms of gasoline poisoning

We can poison ourselves with gasoline through skin contact, inhalation and drinking this toxin. In each case, the disease symptoms are different and depend on the damaged systems and organs. In a person who drank even a small amount of gasoline, the gastric mucosa is irritated, accompanied by:

  1. nausea,
  2. vomiting,
  3. stomach pain,
  4. dizziness,
  5. bloody stools
  6. hematuria.

After drinking about three tablespoons of gasoline, convulsions, shortness of breath and a bluish skin appear. In extreme cases of gasoline poisoning through the alimentary tract can lead to death.

When gasoline comes in contact with the skin, it causes reddening and the formation of blisters and ulcers. On the other hand, inhaling gasoline vapors causes unpleasant symptoms such as drowsiness, dizziness and headaches, problems with balance, irritation of the conjunctiva and mucous membranes, a drop in temperature and, as a result, loss of consciousness. It is very dangerous to choke on gasoline during vomiting, as this may lead to toxic pulmonary edema or chemical lung inflammation.

Gasoline poisoning – how to treat?

We diagnose gasoline poisoning on the basis of disease symptoms in combination with the fact of drinking it, inhaling it or contact with the skin. First aid is essential for a person who has poisoned himself with this toxic substance. First of all, if the poisoning has occurred by inhalation – provide the injured person with access to fresh air. In people who have irritated the skin with gasoline, it is enough to wash it with soap and water. However, when poisoning occurs through the ingestion, it should be remembered not to induce vomiting, because the opposite effect can be achieved. In such a situation, it is best to give the patient about 200 ml of paraffin oil or bitter coffee / tea / salt to drink. Salt has a laxative effect.

The next step is to call an ambulance. Further treatment will be the task of specialists (dermatologist, ophthalmologist, gastroenterologist). In rare cases, gastric lavage is performed on a person who has drunk gasoline. Usually, the body excretes the toxin by itself through the skin and urinary tract.

Gasoline poisoning – how to prevent it?

Above all, it is important to handle gasoline carefully and use it in accordance with its intended purpose. Thanks to this, the risk of poisoning is much lower. If your profession requires daily contact with this toxin, you should take care of appropriate protective clothing, which should be replaced every time it becomes soaked with gasoline fumes. The best solution is to avoid prolonged contact with gasoline, but in the case of gas station employees or fuel quality inspectors it is rather impossible.

1 Comment

  1. ja sam popijo benzin ili nisam isao sam na izvor i smrdila je voda poput benzina ili nesto drugo pa sad se bojim da nisam popio stantrebam pojest ili popit

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