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The gas in the intestines appears mainly as a result of swallowing air, e.g. when eating in a hurry. Gases can also be the result of a poorly balanced diet, drinking carbonated beverages, or consuming a lot of protein. There are times, however, that the presence of gas in the intestines indicates an illness.
The formation of gas in the intestines is normal, natural. A bit like freckles on the nose – that’s how nature has arranged it that whether we like it or not – they appear from time to time. But Homo sapiens he has his own point of view on natural processes: he accepts some of them, others as embarrassing, others – unacceptable phenomena. Gases fall into the latter category: allowing them a little freedom is perhaps one of the worst blunders in our savoir vivre. Because although everyone in private allows themselves freedom, if something like that happens in the company – surely all friends will remember it until the end of our days …
Gases in the intestines and digestion
Meanwhile, gases and intestines are like twin brothers: always together. Scientists have calculated that the human body produces them from 200 to 750 g per day. They are a natural side effect of digestive processes. However, in the “first version” they do not have any smell – that is why sometimes it is possible to farther even in the company so that no one will notice. However, as a result of fermentation, the winds turn into … well, gases. This means that the odorless mass of air is joined by other chemicals that give it a scent note – sometimes really hard to bear. What it depends on? From many factors.
Take advantage of the health properties of kombucha, which has a positive effect, among others on the digestive system. Buy Kombucha Wellness – a set for 2 weeks available at a favorable price on Medonet Market.
If you have digestive problems, buy the ECO Digestive Regulating Tea, which you can buy at a favorable price on Medonet Market. You can also choose from a variety of dietary supplements to support digestion. See the offer.
Gases in the intestines and bacterial flora
We all have cultures of bacteria in our gut. However, the composition of the gut flora varies – sometimes, even within the same family, people can boast of different conditions of the gut bacteria. It happens that people suffer from disturbed intestinal flora, have too little bacteria or their wrong composition – then the fermentation processes will be disturbed, slower; food will take longer to digest, so putrefactive processes in the gut can take place. The fermentation then produces methane and other fragrances. This state of affairs results in a real “combat gas”. In addition, people differ in their ability to absorb individual food components: it happens that someone digestes carbohydrates worse, others have problems absorbing fats. Such people will tire of gases more often and with more spectacular effects.
To reduce gas and improve cardiovascular function, try Original Langsteiner Swedish Herbs available in 100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml and 1000 ml packs. We also recommend RefluxoHerbs stomach – a herbal mixture with lemon balm leaf, sage and calamus rhizome in the composition.
Gases in the intestines – causes
There is no need to convince anyone that some foods promote increased gas production. Each of us ate some kind of food at least once in our lives – and then clutching a bloated stomach complained that it looked like a balloon. Which foods have the most bloating effect? Of course, beans and other legumes, cabbage and onions, especially fried, are famous for this, although they can bloat in any form. Other cruciferous vegetables such as Brussels sprouts, Chinese cabbage, kale, broccoli, kohlrabi and cauliflower can fill us with masses of air. Many people have bloating from beets and even potatoes. The same applies to raw fruit, such as plums and cherries. In general, raw food is flattering, because it is burdensome for the stomach and liver, which find it much easier to digest cooked food. Along with raw material, bloating dishes are sometimes fried, spicy, or sprinkled with alcohol. Sweets and even – unfortunately – whole grains also work in a similar way.
It would seem that there is nothing easier than to eliminate gas by eliminating the triggers from the diet. Unfortunately, this is not a good idea, because (maybe apart from alcohol and sweets) all the above-mentioned foods are simply very healthy. They have anti-radical, anti-cancer, vitaminizing and mineralizing properties. Fortunately, we usually respond most with bloated bellies to one or two types of food. It is necessary to track the culprit experimentally and provide him with a worthy successor – so as to eliminate the tendency to flatulence, but not to lose the nutritional effect.
To improve bowel movements, drink regularly For peristalsis – a herbal-fruit tea that contains natural ingredients that have a beneficial effect on the digestive system. You can also order Daily Lightness ° for digestion for this purpose. It is a smart supplement that, after initial use, can be personalized and adapted to your needs and expectations.
Let’s also pay attention to the way the meal is prepared. If the food is cooked, stewed or steamed, it will also be easy to digest and less bloating. The formation of gas is also limited by adding certain herbs to the dishes – it has not been for nothing that fat, heavy and incredibly bloating bigos has been cooked with cumin, juniper and marjoram for centuries. After lunch, mint tea has a diastolic effect, so it will accelerate the digestion and passage of the eaten food, and thus minimize unfavorable fermentation. We can also reach for something that was not available to our grandmothers – the ginger rhizome. Whether as an addition to the dish or as a ginger tea after dinner, it will speed up digestion and facilitate the discharge of gases, which, however, will arise. HeartWarming Bio Yogi Tea, which is such a tea that strengthens and supports the body in case of flatulence and indigestion, can be purchased on Medonet Market at a promotional price. Try also Hop Cones, from which you can prepare a tea that supports the digestive system, has a relaxing effect and prevents flatulence.
Gases in the intestines and chewing gum
Hardly anyone realizes how, in addition to fighting tooth decay, chewing gum works. Meanwhile, she is one of the more common culprits when it comes to bloated stomachs. It turns out that when chewing gum, we ingest a lot of air, which can come out of the stomach in two ways. In people with a weaker gastric sphincter and prone to reflux, the air will go up. For those who have an efficient sphincter in the upper digestive tract, the air must travel through the intestines and exit the bottom. Carbonated drinks have a similar effect – but here the amount of gas swallowed with the drink is so large that most people get rid of gas upwards – although some of it will go downwards.
People who swallow more air than others also include cigarette smokers, people who eat meals very quickly and greedily, people who love extremely hot food, and even those of us who like to chat over dinner. It turns out that talking in conjunction with eating also results in aeration of the digestive system.
To help get rid of your flatulence problems, you can use Oxymel daily with mint, lemon balm and St. John’s wort. You can buy it on Medonet Market at an attractive price.
Gases as a disease symptom
According to doctors, a few to a dozen farts a day is the norm. If there are more of them for a long time, they suddenly increase in volume, you feel difficult to release them, or if they smell bad for a long time, consult your doctor. Because although it may be that a change in diet or even a change in drinking water will increase the amount of wind, the forewarned will always ask twice before concluding that nothing is happening.
The more that excessively produced gases can be a disease symptom. They accompany many ailments related to the digestive system, e.g. problems with the gallbladder, pancreas, liver or stomach; accompany is acidosis, parasite infections (lamblia or even pinworms). They also appear in irritable bowel syndrome or ulcerative enteritis. It even happens that gases are a signal of cardiovascular disease or neurosis.
Who to go to? First, see your family doctor, who will order additional tests (e.g. blood or urine tests) and prescribe basic treatment. Only later will he refer us to a gastroenterologist or other specialist.
Prophylactically and supportively during treatment, it is worth drinking For flatulence – herbal-fruit tea, which can be conveniently and safely bought at Medonet Market.
The release of intestinal gases
Holding the gases is unhealthy! Besides, no matter how much we close our buttocks, the gases will leave us one day. If we have difficulties with this, we will be helped by exercises to relax the abdomen, a warm hot water bottle on the lower abdomen, slow and deep breaths, or adopting a comfortable position (many people find a crouching position helpful). However, consultation with a doctor requires extreme situations: if we often have great difficulties in blowing the winds and if they indulge in practically on their own, and we have a feeling of lack of control over this phenomenon – especially if it is accompanied by involuntary passing of small amounts of stool. It can happen once or twice to anyone, especially since in some people coffee, nicotine or alcohol lead to a relaxation of the sphincters. But if the situation repeats itself, it is nevertheless necessary to visit a gastroenterologist.
To get rid of the bloating and gas problem, try Pukka Peppermint & Licorice herbal tea with mint and licorice.