Installing a gas boiler allows you to forget about cold water in batteries and taps. Double-circuit models are able to simultaneously work for heating and hot water supply (DHW) of the room. But what if the boiler does not heat water? If you are faced with a similar problem, our recommendations will help you find the cause and fix the problem yourself.
Boiler working principle
To understand the causes of the breakdown, you need to understand how the boiler works. Double-circuit devices “Ariston”, “Baksi” and other models have several blocks. Ignition and combustion take place in the gas node, the water node is responsible for the water supply and pressure in the line. The chimney block brings combustion products to the street.
As soon as you start the boiler, a pump is activated that pumps water into the system. The gas valve opens. The liquid circulates through the tubes of the heat exchanger, and the burner evenly warms up its body. Sensors control the heating process. As soon as the temperature reaches the set temperature, the gas supply is turned off, heating stops.
When the temperature begins to decrease, the sensors will send a signal to the control module – the heating cycle will start again.
When the mixer is opened, the flow sensor is triggered. It gives a signal to the board to switch the three-way valve to DHW heating. When the mixer closes, the valve switches to the heating system. Some models are equipped with a “quick start” mode. Then the valve periodically switches, heats up both the first and the second heat exchanger.
Why does the boiler heat poorly, does not gain temperature
No hot water? Why is the technology not working? Sometimes it’s about external factors. Let’s consider in more detail.
The appliance works, but does not heat up or heats up weakly
Airlock. Check if air has accumulated in the batteries. Use faucets to remove excess air. If you do not have an air vent on the radiators, then you need to install one. Adjusting its faucet, you can release the accumulated air in the system.
Also inspect the valve for blockage. Most of the time it gets clogged up.
Clogged radiators. After cooling, drain the water from the pipes. If it is very dirty, run it through the batteries until a clean one flows.
Wrong connection. If there is no hot flow, make sure that the diameter of the pipes corresponds to those stated in the instructions. Are the hoses connected correctly, shut-off valves installed?
Low line pressure. It is not enough to open the valve and ignite the burner. Add water.
Accumulation of scale in the heat exchanger. You may notice that the equipment heats up the liquid for a long time, the batteries heat up slightly. Clean the radiator tubes from deposits. To do this, it is better to remove the knot, but this can not be done in all models. Therefore, remove the casing, disconnect the device from gas and water. Connect the pipes from the pump to the heat exchanger, run the cleaning liquid through the system. Special tools can be picked up in the store. Then rinse the parts with running water.
The addition of reagents to the heat transfer fluid helps to reduce the formation of salts on the parts.
When buying, it is important to pay attention to the brand and model of the boiler. For example, manufacturersNavien“,”Electrolux“,”Arderia“,”Ariston“,”Buderus» prohibit the use of the reagent. It is recommended to install cleaning filters or use distilled water.
Antifreeze can be applied to models Baxi, who are “Beretta“,”Vaillant“,”Protherm“,”Celtic“,”Korea Star“. But for each manufacturer, a separate reagent is produced.
Filter clogging. Another reason for poor battery warm-up. The mesh filter is clogged with small debris, so it is periodically removed and cleaned under running water. In case of severe blockage or wear, it is better to replace the part.
Incorrect adjustment. Check the set values on the panel. Perhaps the temperature is too low, so the gas does not heat hot water.
Problems with the operation of the circulation pump. Overheating, the pump turns off when hot water is turned on. Its power may not be enough for normal circulation. Adjust settings.
Battery design does not match your equipment. Each design has its own permeability and heat transfer. The wrong choice leads to a decrease in heating due to the permeability of the system.
Non-compliance with the slope of the highway. The problem is typical for systems with natural circulation, which is ensured by compliance with installation standards. According to the documents, the slope of the pipes for each linear meter must be at least 10 mm. No slope – no heating. The coolant stagnates, the batteries remain cold.
The gas boiler does not turn on, does not provide hot water for domestic hot water
The main cause of malfunctions is salt deposits. The larger the scale layer in the heat exchanger, the worse the conductivity. The water heats up for a long time, a thin, slightly warm stream flows at the exit. Also, a piece of scale could break off and block the passage to the mixer. What to do in this situation, we described above.
Flow sensor problems. The part works on the principle of a fan, which rotates due to the movement of the flow. The sensor may not work if it is clogged. For cleaning without dismantling, open and close the tap located near the circulation pump.
If the procedure did not help restore operation, you will have to remove the sensor, clean it and reinstall it.
Three-way valve malfunction. If the valve is stuck or broken, it will not be possible to switch the water supply from the heating system to DHW. The cause of the problem could be a clogged part, gas hose or filter. Clean all elements.
There are many reasons for failures. To determine what problem has arisen in your circuit, the signs we have described will help. Pay attention to the operation of the technique and compare with the indicated problems. If you cannot fix the problem yourself, contact a specialist.