
Useful properties and application of harmala

Botanical characteristics of harmala vulgaris

Garmala – a perennial plant with many stems, its height is 40–50 cm, the grass has a characteristic smell. Branched winding stems with a bare surface have dense foliage. Sessile, alternate leaves are fleshy, palmately dissected into three re-dissected segments with linear segments.

The plant blooms with numerous yellow flowers located on the tops of the stem and branches. The fruit is a capsule, has three nests, in which up to 100 seeds of a trihedral wedge-shaped dark brown color ripen. A powerful multi-headed root, growing, penetrates deep into the soil.

Useful properties of harmala

All parts of the harmala medicinal herb contain useful substances that have an excellent effect on the human body in various diseases. More than half of all alkaloids are harmaline, harmalol, harmine, d, l-peganine, 2,3-trimethylenequine solone are also present. The seeds revealed the presence of 14,2% fatty oil. Leaves, flowers and stems are rich in macronutrients – potassium, magnesium, iron. There are also trace elements – manganese, copper, chorus, aluminum, nickel, lead. The plant has a high concentration of zinc, strontium, molybdenum and barium.

The use of harmala

Harmala contains harmine, in medicine this alkaloid is used in the treatment of diseases of the extrapyramidal system, such as brain diseases – encephalitis, vascular diseases – atherosclerosis, hypertension. The action of the alkaloid effectively affects the process of recovery from craniocerebral and birth injuries, tumors or hematomas of the brain. This substance quickly removes toxins from the body, removes the effects of intoxication with manganese, carbon monoxide, helps to recover from complicated allergies, asphyxia and polyglobulia (an increase in the number of red blood cells). Garmin has a sedative and hypnotic property.

The herb affects the motor centers of the cerebral cortex, so it is used to increase blood pressure, relax the muscles of the intestines, uterus, and to expand peripheral vessels. Harmala helps to relieve tension, quick and free movements, it is applicable in Parkinson’s disease and trembling paralysis.

harmala seeds

Harmala seeds are used for medicinal purposes as an antiseptic. In India, they are set on fire to fumigate wounds. Traditional medicine of Asian countries recommends a decoction of harmala seeds to excite the central nervous system in certain diseases. Also, the drug is taken to relieve pain in the abdomen, with problems with the cardiovascular system, with sciatica. A strong decoction has the properties of a tranquilizer.

Garmala peganum

Harmala peghanum is used in folk medicine in the form of infusions and decoctions in the treatment of colds and malaria, it is an excellent natural medicine with diuretic and diaphoretic properties. It is useful to use herbs in gastrointestinal diseases. Baths with decoctions of harmala excellently relieve pain and inflammation in rheumatism, relieve scabies and other skin diseases.

Decoction of common harmala: 1 tablespoon of harmala herb must be poured with 500 ml of boiled water and, tightly closing the dishes, boil for 15 minutes over low heat. You need to insist for about 2 hours, then the broth should be filtered and used to wash the affected areas on the skin.

Contraindications to the use of harmala

When starting treatment with products prepared on the basis of harmala herbs, it is necessary to remember that the correct dosage is observed. The plant can cause depression, convulsions, heart palpitations, hallucinations, drowsiness, and a decrease in body temperature. With prolonged use, difficulty breathing, impaired digestive function, and increased urination may occur. The main alkaloids – harmine, peganine, harmaline – in high concentrations can lead to trembling, convulsions and even paralysis of the motor apparatus.

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