Garlic Sail: characteristics and description of the variety

Winter garlic Sail: variety description, reviews and growing features will be of interest to gardeners in all regions. The variety was included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements of Our Country in 1988.

History of breeding

Varus Parus is an achievement of Soviet breeders. It was bred in Our Country at the enterprise of the Federal State Budget Scientific Institution “Federal Scientific Center for Vegetable Growing”, which is located in the Odintsovo district of the Moscow region. Agronomists managed to obtain a high-yielding winter variety resistant to frost and diseases. Winter garlic Parus can be grown in all regions of the post-Soviet space.

Garlic Sail: characteristics and description of the variety

Detailed description

The shape of the bulbs of the Parus garlic variety is round-flat, they consist of 6-8 cloves with a dense, spicy pulp. The outer scaly cover is gray-white, near the teeth – brown with purple streaks. The fibrous root system is located close to the surface, the plant needs regular watering, but does not like waterlogging of the soil.

Lanceolate, long leaves – about 1 cm wide, have a pointed end. A false stem is formed due to the growth of young leaf blades from the middle of old leaves.

Peduncles twist into a spiral at the ends before flowering. In the inflorescence – an umbrella covered with a dense wrapper, along with sterile flowers there are air bulbs – bulbs. Seeds on garlic varieties Parus are not formed.

Characteristics of a variety

The winter variety Parus refers to the mid-season, shooters. It takes 3-3,5 months from germination to full technical ripeness. The maximum height of narrow long leaves is about 55 cm, the arrows are 2 times longer. The grade differs in productivity, resistance to cold and illnesses, excellent taste. The crop is suitable for growing in regions with a harsh climate, without harm to further vegetation, it tolerates soil freezing down to -22 ° C.

Parus garlic is propagated vegetatively – by dividing the bulbs and air bulbs formed in the peduncles. Arrows of plants not intended for reproduction must be removed in a timely manner. Winter garlic is stored after harvesting in dry, cool rooms, at a temperature of +1 … +3 ° C. Planted in beds in September.


One bulb of garlic Sail weighs from 30 to 47 g. With good care from 1 square. m can be harvested up to 1,8 kg of crop. If the site is not watered during the summer, the yield will be 2 times less. The size of the bulbs is affected by the timely removal of growing arrows. If the arrows are not cut off, all the growth force will be used to set air bulbs in peduncles, the mass of bulbs with arrows does not exceed 15-20 g.


Winter garlic Sail, according to gardeners, is well preserved, frost-resistant. Suitable for cultivation in all regions of Our Country suitable for vegetable growing. In rare cases, it can be affected by downy mildew, stem nematodes or bacterial rot. Parus garlic variety is not picky about care, but responds well to watering and top dressing.

The harvested crop is perfectly stored for a year. Planted in autumn, the teeth give friendly shoots in the spring. Preventive spring treatment of garlic beds with fungicides and insecticides helps to get a good harvest in July.

Garlic Sail: characteristics and description of the variety

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of the variety is high yield, frost resistance, good taste. Garlic Sail, shown in the photo, is suitable for growing in regions with a harsh climate, it is little affected by diseases. From the planted bulbs, you can independently obtain high-quality planting material. The disadvantages include the ability to shoot.

Attention! Young arrows on garlic The sail must be removed in time, otherwise the crop will decrease by a third of what was expected.

Planting and care

Garlic variety Parus is planted in fertile soil with a neutral reaction of the environment. On acidic soil, a high yield can not be expected. The culture does not tolerate the close standing of groundwater and shading. Poor precursors for garlic are potatoes, onions, and garlic itself. The culture grows well after legumes, cucumbers, zucchini, cabbage.

The beds are prepared 3 weeks before planting, so that the soil compacts and settles. To increase the fertility of the site, fertilize it with humus, ash, superphosphate and potassium sulfate. If the soil is acidic, add dolomite flour to it.

Landing order:

  1. Selected bulbs with large teeth are planted.
  2. Planting material must be clean, without damage and stains.
  3. The teeth are sorted by size, they should not have the dead part of the old bottom, this will prevent the formation of roots.
  4. Landing is carried out 35-40 days before the onset of stable winter cold. For the Moscow region and the Leningrad region – this is the end of September.
  5. In a month, the teeth have time to take root, which allows them to overwinter well, and give new shoots in the spring.
  6. Small bulb bulbs from inflorescences are planted separately to obtain high-quality planting material for the next year.

Planting depth is important. Winter garlic of the Sail variety, according to gardeners, should not be planted too shallow or buried. The distance from the top of the clove to the surface of the earth should be about 3 cm. Between the rows make an indent of at least 20-25 cm. Leave 5-8 cm between the teeth. After planting, it is advisable to mulch the beds with humus, peat, rotted horse manure.

Care for winter garlic varieties Parus:

  1. The first top dressing with a solution of urea is carried out in early spring, as soon as garlic shoots appear. Water the bed on moist soil.
  2. The next top dressing is carried out after 15 days with a complex mineral fertilizer, this is repeated until harvest.
  3. Garlic is watered every 7 days, spending at least 1 liter of water on each plant.
  4. As soon as an arrow appears, it is cut off.
  5. To obtain planting material, several of the strongest and largest plants are left.
  6. Around the middle of July, when the mantle on the arrows begins to burst, it’s time to dig out the garlic. By this time, half of the leaves will dry up and turn yellow.

The day for harvesting is chosen dry and sunny. When digging, try not to damage the bulbs with a shovel. Hang the collected garlic of the Parus variety by the stems in a dry room and wait until it dries. After 2 weeks, the stems with dried leaves are cut off, the roots of the bulbs are singeed over a fire.

Garlic Sail: characteristics and description of the variety

Important! Ripe bulbs cannot be kept in the soil, they will not be stored well.

Diseases and pests

Parus garlic varieties can affect bacterial, fungal and viral diseases. They need to be distinguished in order for the chosen method of protection and treatment to be effective.

Common diseases:

  • black spot;
  • neck rot;
  • bacterial decay;
  • downy mildew;
  • fusariosis;
  • rust.

Diseases often appear during storage, leading to rapid spoilage of garlic stocks. For prevention use only healthy planting material. In the spring, in order to destroy pathogenic bacteria in the soil, the site is treated with copper-containing preparations.

Fusarium is a dangerous fungal infection of winter garlic. The plant begins to lag behind in growth, the lower leaves and stem turn yellow, the bottom rots. The development of the disease is promoted by compacted soil and excessive moisture. For prevention and treatment, the drug “Fundazol” is used.

When affected by rust, garlic leaves turn yellow, black dots appear on them. To prevent the disease, garlic beds are treated with fungicides in the spring.

Viral diseases – yellow dwarfism and mosaic, are most often transmitted with seed material, pests, contaminated soil and working tools. Sick plants are destroyed.

Garlic is parasitized by various pests:

  • root mite;
  • stem nematode;
  • onion moth.

To combat parasites, garlic beds are treated with insecticides and acaricides in the spring.

Advice! Every 5 years, it is advisable to renew the Sail garlic with young bulbs and bulbs from the arrows. Otherwise, the culture will begin to degenerate, being affected by fungi, bacteria and infections.


Garlic Sail: a description of the variety, reviews and photos allow you to verify its reliability and quality. This is a good choice for planting in a summer cottage. Its productivity and stability are confirmed by the experience of many gardeners. Good, sharp taste allows garlic to be used for cooking and preservation. The Parus variety practically does not get sick, it is frost-resistant, the crop can be grown in any region of the Federation.

How to grow good garlic.

Garlic Reviews Sail

Lyudmila Boyko, 40 years old, Omsk
Like most summer residents, I plant winter garlic in my area. The store has a wide selection of varieties. I wanted to buy Parus garlic. I remember growing it with my parents in an old dacha. The variety lived up to expectations, gathered a good harvest in the summer, which was safely stored for a year. Now I will plant my favorite parus garlic constantly, leaving a few bulbs for the next planting.
Andrey Rysenko, 38 years old, Astrakhan
Growing good garlic is not easy. You dig up, like good bulbs, and they lie down for a couple of months, they begin to rot and dry out. I decided this year to plant a culture of the Parus variety on my site, and I was very pleased. In the spring, shoots appeared together, there was no time for careful care, he came to the dacha once every two weeks, watered, fertilized the beds. Gathered a good harvest in the summer. I will grow the proven Parus garlic variety further.
Elena Osipova, 30 years old, Samara
My mother advised me to plant garlic Parus. She has been growing it in her dacha for a long time. We bought a plot and allocated a bright place for garlic beds, filled the ground with humus and manure. The Parus variety turned out to be good, the plants did not get sick, they grew together and shot. We realized it when the arrows had already grown to a decent height. They cut off and fried them in oil, it turned out very tasty.

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