Garlic leaves turn yellow, what to do, how to treat – a folk remedy

Garlic leaves turn yellow, what to do, how to treat – a folk remedy

Garlic leaves turn yellow, what to do, how to treat – a folk remedy

Garlic is a rather resistant culture, however, it is also prone to diseases and pathologies of development. Fortunately, any violation of the cultivation of garlic is obvious. The first symptom that something went wrong affects the leaves of the plant – they turn yellow. What to do if the garlic turns yellow? How to treat plants? Is it possible to use folk remedies for the treatment of culture? We will talk about everything in detail in this article. And let’s start with the main thing – with the causes of yellowness.


Garlic can turn yellow for a variety of completely different reasons. This can be both weather conditions and a lack of certain nutrients in the soil. Also, the reason may lie in diseases with insufficient disinfection of the soil, high humidity, or under the influence of pests.

Garlic leaves turn yellow, what to do, how to treat - a folk remedy

Among the main reasons are the following:

  • hypothermia of the plant (if we are talking about winter varieties, then the shoots turn yellow in early spring);
  • increased acidity of the soil;
  • lack of potassium, magnesium or nitrogen in the soil;
  • lack of regular watering (if the plant is not watered on time, its leaf plates begin to dry out prematurely and therefore turn yellow);
  • garlic diseases;
  • leaf damage by nematodes.

Not every cause can be eliminated by folk remedies. Most of them involve either top dressing or the use of drugs designed specifically to combat garlic diseases.

Garlic leaves turn yellow, what to do, how to treat - a folk remedy

How to prevent

You can prevent yellowing of the leaves by observing the technology of planting the crop and caring for it throughout the growing period. Proper selection and fertilization of the soil, timely watering, storage of garlic at the right temperature, timely disinfection – all this will help to successfully cope with the causes of yellowing in the bud. However, it is not always possible to predict temperature changes in winter or calculate the acidity of the soil. Novice gardeners may simply not know some of the nuances, and therefore trial work may not be so easy.

If everything is done correctly, do not delay the deadlines, select fertilizers, regulate the condition of the soil, garlic will grow without any problems, and you will not have to deal with yellowing of the leaves. However, if the leaves do turn yellow, there are methods to combat this unpleasant phenomenon.

Garlic leaves turn yellow, what to do, how to treat - a folk remedy

Fight against yellowing

What to do if the leaf plates of your culture have begun to turn yellow? First of all, determine the cause. Most often, this is a consequence of hypothermia, illness, or you simply forgot to water the garlic on time. In such cases, the essence of the problem is obvious, and picking up medicinal infusions is not difficult.

If the leaves turn yellow due to the harm that onion flies bring, you can make the solution yourself and water your crop with it. For this you will need:

  • 10 liters of water;
  • 200 g of plain kitchen salt.

Leaves can be sprayed with this solution to repel insect pests.

In addition to salt, flies are also repelled by the smell of tobacco. You can prepare a tobacco solution. Take 400 g of dry tobacco and pour 10 liters of warm water. The solution is infused for 48 hours and diluted twice before use. Lime can also be added to the tobacco solution.

Garlic leaves turn yellow, what to do, how to treat - a folk remedy

If the cause of yellowing is a nematode (a larva that eats the plant from the inside), then you have not properly processed the planting material. To do this, garlic cloves are usually kept in water, the temperature of which will be 45 degrees Celsius, even before planting. Or you can put them in a salt solution for half an hour at a temperature of about 21 degrees.

You also need to do watering and spraying with self-prepared means. For example, an ash solution is suitable. To prepare, you need to dissolve 1 kg of ash in 10 liters of boiling water and insist for three days.

Watering should not be done by the infusion itself. Ash concentrate should be diluted in the proportion of 1 liter per 1 bucket of water.

Instead of an ash solution, you can also use a solution of copper sulfate – mix 1 tablespoon of vitriol in a bucket of cold water.

Most of the methods are quite simple and at the same time effective. Even a novice gardener can master them and successfully apply them in their beds. But remember that prevention is easier than cure. And this can be done simply by studying the technology of growing and keeping garlic.

Video “Why garlic turns yellow”

This video will tell you about the main causes of yellowing of garlic leaves, the method for determining them, as well as measures to prevent and eliminate this phenomenon.

Author: Svetlana Galitsina


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