Garlic: how to peel quickly, video
You can add a sophisticated taste and piquant aroma to almost any dish by using garlic in preparation. And various preparations for the winter time are not at all complete without this fragrant bulbous plant. In this article, we will tell and show with the help of a video how to quickly peel garlic and spend very little time on this work.
How to quickly peel garlic?
How to quickly peel garlic
There are several ways to cleanse garlic easily and quickly:
1) The way of professionals. It is used when you need to finely chop or crush the cloves of garlic. Cut off the top from the clove, place it on a cutting board and apply pressure by pressing on it with a kitchen knife (turn the blade away from you). After a click is heard, the husk comes off perfectly, and it is not difficult to remove it.
If you use a knife with a wide blade for cleaning, then you can safely clean several teeth at the same time.
2) Method for cleaning well-dried cloves. Allows you to quickly peel a lot of garlic. We must take two bowls. Put garlic cloves in one, and cover it with another on top. Then shake the bowls for 15 seconds. When you open the bowls, you will see that the cloves have been successfully peeled.
If you need to peel a little garlic, then perfectly dried garlic can be peeled this way: roll the slices on the table, pressing on them with your palms. Husk with this method of cleaning also leaves remarkably.
3) Method of cleaning insufficiently well dried garlic. It needs to be poured with cold water and kept for half an hour. During this time, the peel gets soaked and easily leaves the slices.
4) A method for cleaning garlic to be used in marinades and sauces. It is necessary to pour boiling water over the garlic for about 1 minute. After such a hot bath, the garlic cloves are quickly peeled off.
5) Method of cleaning with a special silicone tube. You can have on the farm such a device, which is a tube with teeth inside. You just need to fold the cloves of garlic inside the tube and roll it over the surface of the table. After such a manipulation, garlic is poured out of the tube, which is completely peeled from the husk.
Each of these cleaning methods takes very little time and does not require much effort. And then you can use the peeled garlic to prepare a variety of aromatic and spicy dishes and treat them to your household.