Garlic Gribovsky winter: planting and care

Gribovsky winter garlic is a time-tested variety that is very popular with both amateur gardeners and owners of industrial farms. Thanks to excellent taste, ease of cultivation and immunity to many diseases, the demand for Gribovsky garlic not only does not fall, but is steadily growing.

Garlic Gribovsky winter: planting and care

History of breeding

Garlic variety Gribovsky includes several varieties that are similar in morphological characteristics and differ in terms of ripening, taste and keeping quality:

  • Gribovsky Jubilee;
  • Gribovsky 60;
  • Gribovsky 80.

The Gribovsky Yubileiny variety was bred by Soviet breeders from the All- Research Institute of Vegetable Breeding and Seed Production in the early 70s of the last century. It was included in the State Register of the Federation in 1976, the originator is the Federal Scientific Center for Vegetable Growing. When breeding garlic Gribovsky, scientists focused on the versatility of use, frost resistance and high immunity. The culture of the variety is recommended for cultivation throughout Our Country.

Comment! The variety got its name in honor of the Gribovskaya breeding station of garden plants, where it was bred.

Description of garlic Gribovsky

Garlic Gribovsky belongs to the mid-season arrowing winter varieties. The vegetation period from friendly shoots to yellowing of foliage is 80-125 days. The ground part of the plant is formed from 10-12 leaves with a width of 2,5 cm and a length of 15-20 cm. The leaf plates are painted matte green, there is a moderately pronounced wax coating on the surface. At the height of the summer season, Gribovsky’s garlic throws out long arrows reaching 1-1,5 m in height. At the tips of the arrows, dense green umbrellas are formed, in which bulbs subsequently ripen.

The garlic bulb of the Gribovsky variety has a rounded flat shape with a characteristic upward slope. The teeth are covered with 4-6 dry lilac scales with darker purple streaks. In one garlic head, there are 5-12 even wide cloves of a simple structure, each covered with a thin yellowish shell. The content of solids in the pulp is about 40%. The fruits of the variety are distinguished by a rich pungent taste and a spicy persistent aroma.

Characteristics of a variety

Garlic Gribovsky has the following varietal characteristics:

  • good winter hardiness and drought resistance;
  • ripening period is average (83-122 days according to the description in the State Register);
  • keeping quality is good, in Gribovsky Yubileiny – medium;
  • purpose is universal;
  • yield – up to 1,25 kg per 1 m²;
  • resistance to diseases is high;
  • the variety tolerates sudden changes in temperature;
  • cultivation geography – all of Our Country.


The ripening period of garlic Gribovsky depends on the climatic conditions of the region and the variety:

  • Gribovsky 60 – the most early (vegetation period – 87-98 days);
  • Gribovsky 80 – on average, matures for about 100 days;
  • Gribovsky Yubileiny – medium-late (the crop ripens in 100-105 days and longer).

Garlic Gribovsky winter: planting and care

According to summer residents’ reviews of winter garlic Gribovsky, the weight of the average head ranges from 22-44 g, but some gardeners managed to grow specimens reaching a weight of 100 g. With good care, more than 1 kg of Gribovsky garlic can be harvested from 1,5 m². Productivity is directly affected by factors such as:

  • observance of crop rotation;
  • choosing a suitable location;
  • landing according to the scheme;
  • timely feeding and watering;
  • good planting material.


Garlic Gribovsky is characterized by good resistance to heat and frost. The variety perfectly adapts to various climatic conditions, which allows you to grow a crop in all regions of the Federation. It perfectly tolerates sharp temperature fluctuations, unstable weather conditions. This variety of garlic has a high immunity to diseases of both bacterial and fungal origin.

Advantages and disadvantages

Each variety has its positive and negative qualities. The advantages include:

  • frost resistance;
  • drought tolerance;
  • versatility of use;
  • immunity to diseases;
  • good adaptation to weather conditions;
  • high or medium keeping quality;
  • pronounced spicy taste.

The disadvantage of Gribovsky garlic is the tendency to release arrows, however, this is a characteristic feature of many winter varieties.

Planting and care

Garlic varieties Gribovsky are planted in the fall about a month before the onset of frost. In central Our Country and in particular in the Moscow region – this is the end of September – the first days of October. Depending on the region of cultivation, planting dates may vary. Too early planting can lead to untimely germination of cloves, late planting threatens with poor rooting and freezing.

The site for planting garlic should be in a well-lit sunny place. It is not recommended to plant a crop in a lowland, where meltwater accumulates in spring, the close occurrence of groundwater is also unacceptable. The variety will show its full potential on loose nutrient soils (sandy loam, loam), growing in heavy clay soil will not bring a rich harvest.

On the beds for garlic, rotted manure or compost is scattered at the rate of 5 kg per 1 m². The earth is carefully and deeply dug up and left to settle for 2 weeks.

For planting choose even healthy cloves of medium or large size. To prevent fungal diseases, planting material is soaked in a solution of fungicide or potassium permanganate. The tines are placed in the furrows with the pointed tip up without being pressed into the ground, as this may slow down the growth of the roots. Planting depth – 2-5 cm, distance between rows – 30 cm, between bulbs – 10 cm. A layer of mulch (hay, straw) can be placed between the rows – this will prevent the rapid evaporation of moisture and the drying of the top layer of soil, and will also inhibit the growth of weeds .

Garlic Gribovsky winter: planting and care

Warning! It is not necessary to plant garlic where onions or potatoes used to grow, since these crops are affected by the same diseases.

Legumes, cucumbers, cabbage are considered the best precursors of garlic.

Further care for garlic Gribovsky comes down to watering, fertilizing, loosening the soil and weeding. In dry weather, in the absence of precipitation, garlic should be watered once a week. After watering, the soil is loosened and weeded.

The yield of the Gribovsky variety will increase if in the spring the plantings are fed with chicken manure and fertilizers with a high content of nitrogen and phosphorus. The first time the beds are fertilized after the snow melts, then in early and mid-April.

In June, arrows should be removed from Gribovsky garlic when they reach a length of 10-15 cm. If this is not done, the plant’s strength will be spent on flowering, and not on the formation of the bulb. Only a few arrows are left for sowing next year.

Comment! By the appearance of the arrows, you can determine the degree of ripening of garlic.

3 weeks before the planned harvest date, the garlic is stopped watering and feeding. During this time, the heads will acquire a rich taste and aroma, will not be watery. Garlic is pulled out in dry weather, dried in a shady, well-ventilated place, cleaned and sorted. It is best to store garlic in a dark, cool and dry place.

Diseases and pests

In very rare cases, if the rules of agricultural technology are not followed, the variety can affect diseases such as:

  • fusariosis;
  • bacteriosis;
  • neck rot;
  • white rot;
  • green mold;
  • downy mildew;
  • rust.

To avoid possible problems associated with these diseases, you need to choose healthy planting material, remove weeds in time and loosen the soil, and do not abuse frequent watering.

Garlic variety Gribovsky can be attacked by onion moth and garlic nematode. In order to prevent these pests, it is necessary to adhere to the rules of crop rotation, burn the tops after harvesting, carefully dig the soil in spring and autumn.

Advice! If longitudinal yellow stripes are found on the leaves of garlic, yellowing of the leaves and drying out of the tips, it is urgent to treat the plants from the onion moth with the preparation “Iskra”, “Summer Resident” or “Metaphos”.


Garlic Gribovsky winter will be appreciated by lovers of spicy. Growing it will not be much trouble even for a novice gardener. With minimal effort, you can get a decent harvest and provide the whole family with a healthy vitamin product for the whole winter.

Digging garlic under the hay variety “Gribovsky Yubileiny” 17

Reviews about garlic Gribovsky

Zaitseva Alena Mikhailovna, 51 years old, Tambov
I have been growing garlic Gribovsky for more than 10 years. The description of the variety, photos and positive reviews are fully justified. I plant it in the winter on a bed fertilized with manure, in the spring I spill it with infusion of bird droppings and actually forget about it until the arrows build up. I water infrequently, in mid-August I stop watering, in general. Although Gribovsky is inferior in size to other varieties, but his taste is excellent and there are at least problems with him.
Letyagina Elvira Aleksandrovna, 40 years old, Moscow
I’ve been gardening recently, but even I, a beginner, heard from the corner of my ear about Gribovsky dill, Gribovsky zucchini, and tomatoes. After reading the description of the variety and reviews of garlic Gribovsky, I decided to plant it. I did everything according to the rules and already in the first year I received excellent lying garlic from my own garden! The taste is very spicy, but this is how real garlic should be. An excellent helper in the prevention of colds, especially in winter. I advise everyone to plant!

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