Garlic from worms, recipes

Garlic from worms, recipes

Although the level of development of modern medicine is quite high, the problem of human infection with worms is still very acute. Some scientists believe that more than 30% of the population suffers from parasitic invasions in the world. Therefore, helminthiases are a global problem for all mankind.

Since ancient times, people have coexisted with parasites and learned to deal with them. It is garlic that is the product that allows you to effectively eliminate worms from the body. However, it must be applied correctly. The unique bactericidal properties of garlic have a pathogenic effect on helminths, while they are absolutely harmless to human health.

Does garlic help with worms?

Garlic from worms, recipes

Garlic is a powerful parasite killer and it really does help get rid of worms. In 1947, the Swiss researchers Stoll and Siebek discovered the special amino acid alliin in garlic, which is not found in proteins. In the cells of the garlic clove, alliinase is contained in vacuoles that are fenced off from the cytoplasm by their own membranes, while alliin is evenly distributed in the cytoplasm. The destruction of the garlic cell leads to the contact of alliinase and alliin, as a result of which allicin begins to form, which has a powerful bactericidal and antifungal effect. However, it is important not to expose the garlic to high temperatures, since alliin is destroyed by such processing.

Phytoncides contained in garlic contribute to the cleansing of the intestines from worms. Once in the human body, they produce a pronounced antihelminthic effect.

Recipes using garlic that help get rid of worms:

  • Recipe №1. It is necessary to take two large cloves of garlic, finely chop and pour them with warm boiled water (50 ml) in the morning. This mixture is washed down with 500 ml of plain water. Drink water with garlic before going to bed. It is important to drink garlic without chewing! This is very important, otherwise you will harm your stomach and heart. The course of treatment is 3 days. A week later, it will need to be repeated.

  • Recipe №2. Alcoholic tincture of garlic helps with worms. However, it can only be used for the treatment of adults. To prepare the tincture, you need to crush 10 cloves of garlic and pour them with 400 ml of alcohol. After that, the resulting mixture is placed in a dark place for a week. During this time, she will be saturated with phytoncides, which will be detrimental to worms. The finished product should be filtered and taken before meals, 20 drops, 3-4 times a day. Store the tincture in a dark place, away from sunlight. A good addition to the treatment will be taking laxatives.

  • Recipe №3. Effective for the treatment of worms garlic oil. It is used both to get rid of parasites and to prevent helminthiasis. It will take 1 kg of garlic, which should be crushed to a mushy state. The resulting slurry is transferred to a sealed container and left for half an hour so that the juice highlighted by garlic stacks down. After this time, the top layer of garlic is removed (half of the mixture).

    Then take 1 liter of unrefined vegetable oil and pour the bottom of the gruel. The resulting mixture is removed in a dark cool place for 2 weeks. Shake the oil mixture from time to time. After two weeks, the resulting infusion is filtered through cheesecloth, then stored in the refrigerator.

    Apply garlic oil 1 tablespoon, holding it in your mouth and sucking like candy. It is not necessary to swallow such a mixture, especially if a person has diseases of the digestive tract. Keep the oil in your mouth for about 10 minutes. At first it will thicken, and then it will become liquid. It is at this time that it must be spit out. You need to carry out the procedure 4 times a day. If it is difficult to keep the mixture in the mouth, then rye flour can be added to it and mixed thoroughly.

    As for the intake of garlic oil inside, then this should be done 3 times a day with meals. The dose should not exceed 2 tablespoons.

    Garlic from worms, recipes

  • Recipe №4. It is useful for helminthic invasions to use a garlic-honey mixture. To prepare it, you need 300 g of fresh garlic, which is mixed with 500 g of honey. This mixture is heated in a water bath, but not brought to a boil, the exposure time on fire is 40 minutes. Periodically, the mixture must be stirred and the resulting film removed from it. After cooking, garlic with honey must be cooled. Take this mixture 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals. Store garlic with honey in the refrigerator.

  • Recipe №5. Garlic inhalations help with helminthiases. With their help, you can get rid of the larvae of worms that parasitize in the lungs and bronchi. It is necessary to peel the head of garlic and grind it on a fine grater. The resulting slurry is quickly rubbed over a pre-prepared bandage and put in a teapot, which is tightly closed with a lid.

    Then the spout of the teapot is taken into the mouth and, pinching the nose with the fingers, slowly inhale the garlic aroma. The procedure can be carried out up to 5 times a day. The inhalation time is from 2 to 15 minutes, with a gradual increase in the interval. For each procedure, you must use freshly prepared garlic. It is important to monitor your breathing, the breath should be calm.

    It is possible to combine garlic with onions, horseradish, black radish or fir oil, if a person does not have an allergic reaction to these components.

  • Recipe №6. Garlic applications well help to fight helminths, in whatever organ they parasitize. For application, you need to take a clove of garlic, cut it in half and attach it to the heels. Fix the teeth with adhesive tape. With such applications, you can walk all day and leave them overnight. During movement, garlic softens and heats up, and biologically active substances are absorbed through the skin. Through the circulatory and lymphatic systems, they spread throughout the body, having a detrimental effect on worms. Already after 10 days from the start of using the applications, a taste of garlic will appear in the person’s mouth, which indicates the effectiveness of the method.

Contraindications to the use of garlic from worms

Garlic from worms, recipes

Contraindications to the use of garlic for worms – this is what a person must definitely pay attention to before starting treatment.

Do not use garlic for the following diseases:

  • Diseases of the stomach and intestines: erosive gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, enteritis.

  • Acute or chronic pancreatitis.

  • All diseases of the urinary tract: pyelonephritis, cystitis, acute and chronic renal failure, kidney stones, etc.

  • All diseases of the bile ducts and liver: cholangitis, cholecystitis, hepatitis, gallstones, etc.

  • Anemia.

  • Pregnancy. During the bearing of a child, it is necessary to consult a doctor about the possibility of using garlic to treat worms.

  • Age up to a year.

  • People with cardiovascular diseases should use garlic with caution.

  • Epilepsy. Garlic contains sulfanyl-hydroxyl ion, which can penetrate into the vessels of the brain and into the brain itself. This will contribute to the emergence of new attacks of the disease.

  • Diseases of the blood. Garlic can cause profuse bleeding in bleeding disorders in hematological patients.

  • Allergy. You can not use garlic with individual intolerance. In addition, you should be especially careful when applying garlic topically, as its improper use can cause burns.

  • Overweight. Garlic recipes should not be used frequently by people with weight problems, as it increases appetite.

  • Enemas with garlic should not be done to people during any acute infectious diseases of the intestine.

  • Frequent use of garlic solutions can provoke the formation of paraproctitis and fistulas.

Before using any recipe with garlic for the treatment of worms, you should consult with a specialist.

Milk with garlic for worms

Garlic from worms, recipes

For the treatment of worms, milk with garlic in the form of enemas is used. To prepare the solution, you will need a glass of milk and a medium head of garlic.

After the cloves are cleaned, it must be boiled in milk until they become soft. The finished mixture is cooled, the garlic is removed from the milk and an enema is made to the person. The course of treatment can be 3-5 days. For an adult, 200 ml of liquid is enough, and for children, 100 ml of the composition.

It should be remembered that the temperature of the injected fluid is very important. The optimum temperature is 30 °C. With such indicators, there is an increase in intestinal motility and due to this, helminths will leave the body along with feces. Warmer decoctions of garlic will promote the absorption of harmful substances from the intestines, which can cause serious poisoning.

Enema from worms with garlic

Garlic from worms, recipes

Above was a recipe for an enema from worms with garlic and milk, but you can also use ordinary water for this purpose. To prepare the solution, water is boiled and cooled to 70 ° C. Then take 5 crushed garlic cloves and pour 150 ml of water. The resulting solution is infused for 12 hours, after which enemas can be done. The composition is preliminarily filtered. To enhance the antihelminthic effect, you can add tansy to garlic.

Before the procedure, you need to clean the intestines from feces. A garlic solution is introduced in the form of microclysters, with a volume of 50-100 ml. The duration of treatment is a week.

“Recipe for Genghis Khan”

Garlic from worms, recipes

Ordinary garlic helps to cleanse the body not only of worms, but also of viruses, fungi and bacteria. Garlic treatment is a very popular method that is widely used in traditional medicine. Moreover, it is quite justified from a scientific point of view. It has been proven that garlic has a tonic, strengthening, antibacterial, antihelminthic, immunomodulatory and detoxifying effect on the human body.

It is generally accepted that the garlic treatment method was first used by Genghis Khan himself, who used it to rid his army of parasites. Modern healers offer two methods of cleaning with garlic – fast and long.

Quick cleansing of the intestines with garlic. On the day when it is supposed to cleanse the body, it is necessary to limit the consumption of fatty and heavy foods. You need to have dinner no later than 18-00. After 4 hours, a person should eat 100 g of pickles, sauerkraut or a green apple. This is necessary in order to create an acidic environment in the stomach. Then you need to eat 200 g of chopped fresh garlic. This portion is about the size of a glass. You can drink garlic with brine of sauerkraut, cucumbers or tomatoes. The brine can be replaced with tomato, carrot or apple juice.

Sometimes after eating garlic in large quantities, a person may experience pain in the abdomen. In order to eliminate them, you need to massage the stomach with gentle movements in a clockwise direction. In the morning, after waking up, you need to have breakfast with sour foods. It can be sauerkraut, tomatoes or cucumbers. You should drink tomato juice or brine of sour vegetables. A person can dine with familiar products.

At four o’clock in the afternoon, you need to do an enema to cleanse the intestines. With the help of an enema, dead parasites and toxic substances will be removed from the body. To prepare a cleaning solution, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1800 ml of water;

  • Chamomile infusion (200 ml of boiling water should be poured over a tablespoon of flowers, kept for 20 minutes and strained);

  • 15 ml natural apple cider vinegar;

  • Tablespoon of sea salt.

All components are mixed and injected into the intestines with the help of an enema. It is best to empty it into a pot or other container to determine the type of parasites that will come out with the feces.

As a rule, after cleansing, a person’s stool is not disturbed, and the breath remains fresh. However, an unpleasant odor can come from the body, which is due to the release of garlic components through the pores. The stronger the smell, the more toxins were in the body. In order not to experience discomfort, it is best to carry out the procedure during a vacation or on weekends.

Garlic from worms, recipes

Prolonged cleansing of the intestines with garlic. This method of getting rid of worms is softer. The full course is 30 days. Every evening, the patient should eat a head of garlic, which is pre-chopped. Wash down garlic juice with pulp. Tomato, carrot, peach, plum or any vegetable drink is suitable for this purpose. It is important to use juice, not nectar.

Before you eat garlic, you need to eat sauerkraut or a green apple. At the very beginning of treatment, it is best to choose small heads of garlic. When the body adapts, fresh onions can be added to the garlic. As with a short course of cleansing, you need to eat right, enriching the intestinal microflora with beneficial bacteria.

The result of such cleaning will be noticeable on the condition of the skin. Age spots, acne, keratomas will disappear from it, a decrease in the vascular network is possible. A similar course of treatment can be repeated 1 time in 6 months. The best time is spring and autumn.

Since garlic is equivalent to drugs in its effectiveness, it has a number of contraindications, including:

  • Pregnancy and lactation.

  • Exacerbation of diseases of the digestive tract.

  • Hepatitis.

  • Pancreatitis.

  • Cholecystitis.

  • Kidney inflammation.

  • Epilepsy.

  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

People who have similar health problems should avoid garlic treatment. They shouldn’t even just eat it. In any case, before starting treatment, you should consult with a specialist.

Ogulov about the recipe for “Genghis Khan”

Garlic from worms, recipes

The recipe for “Genghis Khan” has been known since ancient times. It was used to treat almost any disease in the field. Each sick person was given a glass of chopped garlic, which was offered to be washed down with sour milk. As a result, all parasites came out of the human body, including tapeworms, which were very difficult to get rid of in ancient times. If a person was infected with tapeworm, it was important to track whether the head of the parasite came out. This was the key to successful therapy.

It is important not to chew garlic, but to swallow it, as the cardiovascular system may not be able to withstand such a load. This rule is especially true in relation to the proposed recipe.

1,5 liters of plum juice and 250 g of garlic should be purchased in advance. The slices need to be crushed so that they are more convenient to swallow, but they should not be made very small. Chopped garlic should be laid out on a flat dish, and not in a pile. Thus, the juice will not fall on other slices. The garlic should be left for 30 minutes so that the edges are slightly weathered. If he gave juice, then it must be transferred to a clean dish. After that, you can start swallowing the slices. You need to do it right.

Garlic is placed on the tongue and swallowed while taking a sip of juice. This will allow the lobules to pass through the digestive tract more easily. Plum juice can be replaced with tomato or apple juice. A fermented milk drink is also suitable for this purpose. After all the slices are swallowed, you can go to bed. In the morning, all the worms that were in the intestines will leave the body.

Once again, you need to clarify: the garlic in this recipe cannot be chewed, it must be swallowed. Once in the intestines, such a volume of garlic fills it completely, so the parasites will simply have nowhere to “hide”. It is good if a person refuses to drink liquids throughout the day and night. If thirsty, it should be quenched with fresh apples.

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