Garlic during pregnancy: can pregnant women use garlic?

Garlic during pregnancy: can pregnant women use garlic?

Garlic is one of the healthiest foods with an impressive array of medicinal properties. So, this seasoning has anti-inflammatory, antihelminthic, expectorant and other actions, garlic helps prevent many diseases and perfectly disinfects, helping with cholera, typhoid, tuberculosis and other diseases. But garlic also has several properties that should make pregnant women limit their intake.

Benefits of garlic during pregnancy

On the one hand, the many health benefits of garlic have a positive effect on a woman’s health during pregnancy. This product contains many vitamins, trace elements and other useful substances, among which folic acid is especially important – a vitamin necessary for the proper development of the fetus. This acid is not synthesized by the body and must be supplied with food, but it is contained in a small amount of fruits and vegetables (onions, cabbage, beets and several others), so it is useful for pregnant women to eat garlic.

Garlic perfectly kills viruses, which are especially dangerous for a woman in a position. Regular consumption of small amounts of garlic during pregnancy will reduce the risk of a cold, which is usually not very harmful to the body, but can negatively affect the development of the fetus. Garlic works well for vaginal infections, for example, it is a good prophylactic against candidiasis, which causes a lot of anxiety for many pregnant women.

It should be borne in mind that pregnant women should not take many antiviral drugs, so it is better to protect yourself from infections with the help of garlic.

Garlic helps with constipation and hemorrhoids, lowers blood pressure, improves heart muscle function, but its qualities are especially important for pregnant women, such as its ability to increase immunity, improve selenium absorption, relax smooth muscles, stimulate blood circulation and dilate blood vessels.

Harm of garlic during pregnancy

Garlic should be treated as a medicine, not a healthy product. That is, in small doses, it does one benefit, and it can be eaten by pregnant women, but frequent and excessive consumption of garlic can be harmful. This seasoning thins the blood, so you should not eat garlic before childbirth, so that there is no severe bleeding, which is possible with a cesarean section or difficult childbirth. Even at the beginning of pregnancy, large amounts of garlic can cause nosebleeds, in which case this product should be discarded. And in the last trimester, you need to sharply limit its consumption, since garlic has a bad effect on the taste of breast milk.

In addition, garlic is allergic, and during pregnancy there is an increased risk of allergies.

Garlic must be carefully combined with certain medications, mainly anticoagulants. It also lowers blood sugar and increases insulin production, which may not always be good for a pregnant woman. Garlic can cause hypothyroidism due to its ability to absorb iodine.

You will read about methods of dealing with insomnia in the next article.

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