Garlic Dobrynya: variety description + reviews

There are many varieties of garlic that are planted in spring or late fall. Dobrynya garlic refers to a winter species intended for planting before winter. Among its counterparts, the variety stands out with many positive characteristics, which attracts gardeners. First of all, it is valued for frost resistance, strong immunity and ease of care.

History of variety breeding

Dobrynya garlic is the result of selection, obtained relatively recently. It received a similar name in honor of the character of folk tales – the second hero after Ilya Muromets.

Included in the group of winter varieties, arrow type. Introduced into the State Register of the Federation in 2002 as a self-sufficient garlic variety. Recommended for cultivation in any regions of the Federation, on private garden plots and small gardening farms.

Description of the variety of garlic Dobrynya

Garlic Dobrynya: variety description + reviews

Garlic Dobrynya belongs to a variety with a late ripening period. Harvesting is started 125-130 days later, after the first shoots appear in the spring. It is popular among gardeners, especially in central Our Country, due to its resistance to low temperatures.

A detailed description of winter garlic varieties Dobrynya:

  1. Forms fleshy dense foliage of a greenish-white color, up to 60 cm high. The width of the leaf plate is 2 cm.
  2. The root crop (heads) is rounded, light gray in color, with lilac veins. Includes up to 12 shares, with a total weight of about 60 grams.
  3. The pulp is dense and fragrant, sweetish, with a slight sharpness in taste. Has a cream color.
  4. The surface shell of the teeth is scaly with a lilac tint.

The content of dry matter in the garlic head is about 40% and sugar – 24%. In 100 grams of the product, up to 10 mg of ascorbic acid is noted.

Characteristics of the garlic variety Dobrynya

The characteristic of Dobrynya winter garlic includes a number of its advantages, thanks to which it occupies a leading position among other varieties. First of all, they include: consistently high and abundant yields, frost resistance, high resistance to diseases and pests.

The Dobrynya variety is universal in use: it is actively involved not only in cooking, but for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes (an effective anti-cold remedy). Suitable for fresh consumption, as well as a preservative and aromatic additive in preparations for the winter. It is added to meat, fish dishes and soups, which transforms their taste beyond recognition, and adds a touch of piquancy.


Dobrynya garlic is a late-ripening arrow variety. About 130 days pass from the day of disembarkation to full ripening. The heads are large, consist of at least 10 parts, each weighing 5 g. In general, the root crop increases its mass, about 55-60 g.

Garlic Dobrynya: variety description + reviews

The variety is famous for its high yields – 2-2,5 kg per square meter of planted area.

Important! The quality of vegetable ripening is largely influenced by the correctly selected time period of planting. It is recommended to have time to land 30-45 days before a serious cold snap. It depends on the climate of the region where it is planned to grow Dobrynya winter garlic. The standard period is from September to mid-October.

Early planting in warm weather encourages vigorous growth. Green sprouts that appear prematurely freeze out. Consequently, part of the crop will be ruined, and the rest will give small heads. With late planting, the seeds will not have time to germinate and form a strong root shoot. If the garlic successfully overwinter, then in the spring they begin to grow less intensively.

Disease and pest resistance

The winter garlic variety Dobrynya has a stable immunity, especially against phytophthora. Pests bypass it, as they do not tolerate a sharp aroma.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Like all vegetable and fruit crops, Dobrynya garlic is evaluated from two sides: advantages and disadvantages. The first category includes:

  • stable high yield;
  • cold resistance;
  • counteracting Fusarium wilt;
  • worthy consumer and taste qualities;
  • the possibility of long-term storage, with the preservation of the original indicators (about six months).

Of the obvious shortcomings, drying out and rotting of the bulbs during keeping for more than 6 months are distinguished.

Planting and caring for garlic

Despite the unpretentiousness of Dobrynya garlic in care and resistance to various negative external factors, the observance of a number of agrotechnical measures during planting and the right timing affect the yield.

The winter variety Dobrynya, according to climatic conditions, is suitable for cultivation on the territory of Our Country and neighboring states: Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus.

Planting dates for garlic 

The optimal period for planting Dobrynya winter garlic is mid-autumn, approximately 1-1,5 months before the onset of the first frost. The dates vary depending on local climatic features: in the south – until the beginning of November, in the middle lane and to the north – all of September. Then the garlic cloves will successfully take root until December and safely overwinter, as they will not have time to germinate.

Important! With late planting, garlic does not have enough time to grow new roots, then it is likely to freeze, even at -10 ° C.

In order to successfully navigate the planting dates, it is recommended to control the degree of soil cooling by measuring with a thermometer. The optimal indicator is + 12-13 ° С.

Preparation of beds

Variety Dobrynya is not particularly capricious, but does not tolerate depleted and dry soil. The site is selected sufficiently illuminated, since the culture for fruit set requires the absorption of ultraviolet radiation, at least 2-3 hours a day. The ideal precursors of Dobrynya garlic are: strawberries, tomatoes, potatoes.

The future location of the garlic is dug up, while adding potassium-containing additives and superphosphate, each 25-30 g per 1 sq. m. If necessary, flavor the soil with organic matter: leaf compost, rotted manure. The clay composition is diluted with river sand or peat.

Form the beds and let them stand for two weeks. This is due to the fact that garlic of this variety grows small in an excessively loose substrate and is not stored for a long time.

Planting garlic

The teeth for planting garlic Dobrynya are selected carefully, exclude: damaged, moldy, rotten, chipped. The bottom should be even, without any violations of integrity.

Garlic Dobrynya: variety description + reviews

Advice! Planting material of this variety is selected from large heads so that the lobules are not small, respectively. The division of garlic bulbs is carried out immediately before planting, otherwise the bottoms will dry out.

The winter variety Dobrynya is planted according to a certain scheme:

  • rows located at a distance of 25 cm from each other;
  • the interval between garlic – 13-15 cm;
  • to a depth of 3 to 5 cm.

Failure to comply with these rules leads to freezing of Dobrynya garlic in the winter.

Garlic Dobrynya: variety description + reviews

The teeth are stuck bottom down, not particularly compacting. Sprinkle top with soil mixture. After completion of work, watering is not required. For regions with frosty winters, one nuance is implied – mulching beds with garlic with straw, sawdust or other plant waste. With the first spring warmth, such protection is removed to open access to light, air and moisture.

Cultivation of garlic

Further cultivation of Dobrynya garlic is not much different from similar varieties. Main agrotechnical measures:

  • systematic loosening of the substrate;
  • elimination of weeds;
  • moderate watering from a watering can;
  • appropriate and timely feeding.

Garlic Dobrynya: variety description + reviews

The first time plantings are fed in early spring, after loosening. For this, ammonium nitrate is used, at the rate of 13 g per sq. m. With depleted soil, it is recommended to additionally add organic top dressing or complex mineral compositions.

The procedure is scheduled again in 10-12 days, then it is necessary to add nitroammophoska, in the amount of 35 g per ten-liter bucket of water. In mid-July, when garlic is actively increasing its volume, the soil mixture is flavored with dissolved superphosphate.

Water the garlic ridges regularly and plentifully, but without creating waterlogging. Two weeks before the planned digging of the crop, watering is completely stopped. To speed up the ripening of the onions, the upper part is exposed, raking the ground 2-3 days before harvest. If you cut off the arrows released by garlic in June, then its amount will eventually increase significantly.

Harvesting and storage of crops

The readiness of garlic for digging is determined by its appearance: the foliage turns yellow, dries out, falls to one side, the scales thicken. It is not worth delaying with harvesting work, since overripe garlic tends to break up into separate components.

Garlic Dobrynya: variety description + reviews

It is advisable to harvest in dry weather, then it is more convenient to spread the vegetables for drying in the open air. In the rain, garlic is placed under a canopy. When the tops are completely dry, they are cut off, leaving a few centimeters at the base of the bulbs. Be sure to shorten the roots.

For long-term storage of the Dobrynya variety, a room with working ventilation and good drying will be required. The optimum temperature regime is from 0 to +4 °С. Garlic is packaged in nets or small boxes.

Attention! Without problems, the Dobrynya garlic variety is stored for 4-6 months. Then the vegetables begin to rot.

How to propagate garlic

Gradually, the Dobrynya variety is losing its original performance and needs to be updated. It is recommended to rejuvenate garlic plantings every 3-4 years. For this, air bulbs are used, which are formed on winter garlic in early spring, when it shoots arrows.

Garlic Dobrynya: variety description + reviews

Seeds from them are sown immediately and at the end of the growing season they produce single teeth. The following year, they form into full-fledged bulbs.

Diseases and pests, methods of control and prevention 

Garlic of the Dobrynya variety is rarely attacked by pests and practically does not get sick if you follow the basic agricultural practices for growing. But in the process of active growth in the summer, cases of damage are not excluded: fusarium, root rot. Of the parasites, the most dangerous are: root mites, nematodes, onion flies and hoverflies.

The cause of Fusarium wilt is excessive moisture, against the background of consistently warm weather. You can understand that garlic is withering by yellowing and withering foliage. Affected heads become loose, slimy and easily removed from the ground.

Rot occurs during storage of garlic. The teeth soften, become covered with small sores and partially rot.

Since garlic is eaten, treatment with fungicides and insecticides is unacceptable. The only way to combat diseases and pests is to plant healthy material, proper care, and compliance with the principles of crop rotation. Diseased plants are dug up and disposed of. The plot after this can not be planted with garlic in the next 4 years.


Dobrynya garlic is considered the best among winter varieties, due to a wide range of advantages. First of all, the variety is valued for its ease of cultivation and resistance to diseases, so it is suitable for beginner gardeners to gain experience.

19.07.2018/2/XNUMX Excavation of experimental Dobrynya. #XNUMX


Garlic variety Dobrynya is popular, as evidenced by multiple positive reviews. However, not everyone is delighted with him, so you should familiarize yourself with the variety from both sides.

Potapova Olga Ivanovna, 36 years old, Kirov
I liked the Dobrynya variety, because I don’t like too spicy garlic. And it has a spicy taste, with a pleasant spicy taste. I plant it every year and collect a good harvest. The only downside is the short shelf life. This variety is not suitable for long-term storage, so I do not plant much. Enough for 3 months for food, I process the rest.
Mekhamedov Marat Ignatievich, 55 years old, Saratov
The variety of garlic Dobrynya really grows large and in large quantities. As for the taste, there are also no complaints: stocky, juicy, moderately spicy. But I was not satisfied with the short shelf life. I grew it for two years in a row, but by the spring I always remained without garlic. Variety Dobrynya is more suitable for winter harvesting.

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