Garlic Bogatyr: variety description

Garlic Bogatyr belongs to large-fruited varieties of domestic selection. A variety that has recently appeared on the market has attracted the attention of not only gardeners, but also housewives. This happened due to the unique properties of Bogatyr: its resistance to diseases and pests, as well as cold resistance.

History of variety breeding

The history of variety selection is not intended for the masses. The originator LLC Premium Seeds prefers to keep both the history of selection and the parent varieties a secret. Since the variety is annual, and the inflorescence is barren, it can be assumed that this is a hybrid. How much the company cared about housewives who do not want to clean small slices is unknown. But the garlic heads turned out to be superbly large.

Garlic Bogatyr: variety description

Description of garlic Bogatyr

The main product when growing a variety in this case is its underground part, where large slices are formed. The ground part, even in green form, is of lesser importance. For greens, it is more profitable to use other varieties.

In the description of winter garlic Bogatyr, they especially emphasize the fact that it is unprofitable to plant it in the spring. This is a strictly winter variety. Spring planting is carried out only to enlarge the garlic cloves for the next year.

The length of the upper leaves of the Bogatyr variety is from 20 to 60 cm with a fairly decent average width of 1,5 cm. Leaf growth begins from the outside. The sheet consists of 2 parts. The lower part is white and performs protective functions in relation to the garlic clove. At the top, the purpose is standard: to help the plant accumulate nutrients.

After the outer leaves have sprouted, the rest begin to grow from the inside. This form of rosette provides the leaves of the Bogatyr with mutual support.

In the end, a false stem appears, in the middle of which an arrow grows. Because of this structure, the leaves of Bogatyr garlic do not fall to the ground, even at maximum length. This description of garlic Bogatyr confirms the photo below.

Garlic Bogatyr: variety description

When the vegetable ripens, the leaves begin to turn yellow from below. After complete drying, when the tops take on a white color, the crop can be harvested.

Important! The number of leaves indicates the number of lobules in the underground part of the plant.

The number of above-ground leaves of garlic Bogatyr does not exceed 10 pieces. Slices are usually up to 9. One sheet is “responsible” for the arrow.

The color of the outer layer of freshly dug garlic is bright purple. After drying, the protective layer becomes light brown.

Characteristics of the garlic variety Bogatyr

The originator himself in the description indicates that the winter garlic Bogatyr is high-yielding. Data on the number of kilograms taken per square meter, however, does not indicate. It rests on a very large size of heads with an average weight of 80 g. The largest can weigh up to 115 g. With a maximum number of slices of 9, the weight of one is 13 g.

The company that developed the variety also guarantees a high yield of the variety on any soil. The variety has one more feature, usually unusual for winter plants. According to consumer reviews, winter garlic Bogatyr has excellent keeping quality and can be stored for six months without losing its properties.

Garlic Bogatyr: variety description


Since the manufacturer himself does not indicate the yield, you can try to calculate it based on the scheme for planting slices. Garlic Bogatyr has a powerful root system with a total area of ​​50 cm². It is recommended to plant it at a distance of 45 cm between rows and about 17 cm between slices. This means that 1-6 slices can be planted on a length of 7 m. The width will be 2 rows. That is a total of 14-16 slices per m². Each clove will produce a head of garlic with an average weight of 80 g. That is, the yield of the winter variety of garlic Bogatyr is about 1,2 kg / m².

Care for Bogatyr is the same as for other varieties of garlic. It follows from the advertisement from the originating company that only the “plug and forget” situation can affect the yield without weeding and loosening the soil. Otherwise, the Bogatyr variety is very unpretentious.

The timing of harvesting is determined by the condition of the leaves. Garlic is not touched while it has green tops. After drying, the vegetable is dug up and dried a little before being stored.

Garlic Bogatyr: variety description

Disease and pest resistance

Due to the fact that garlic Bogatyr is a winter variety, it has time to grow before pathogens multiply. Thus, the variety bypasses the vast majority of diseases.

Of the pests, the variety is resistant to the nematode. The rest of the insects are either repelled by the smell of garlic itself, or the winter variety ripens before pests appear.

Garlic Bogatyr: variety description

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The advantages of the variety include its taste characteristics. The cloves have a pronounced garlic flavor and are spicy enough to add flavor to the dish. Good keeping quality is also one of the Bogatyr’s virtues. The size of the slices can be both a plus and a minus. In preparations with a large amount of garlic, it is better to use large and easily peeled Bogatyr slices.

But it is impossible to consume fresh garlic of this size at a time. And in this case, the advantage turns into a disadvantage. If you need cloves of different sizes, the Cavalier garlic variety is more suitable.

Garlic Bogatyr: variety description

Comparison of characteristics of winter garlic Cavalier and Bogatyr

Both varieties are very similar at first glance:

  • winter crops;
  • shooters;
  • large heads with an average weight of 80 g;
  • winter hardy;
  • give good yields on all types of soil;
  • do not lose taste and smell during long-term storage.

But there are also differences between varieties. There are no more than 9 large cloves in the Bogatyr’s head, usually 7. Cavalier can produce up to 16 lobules, usually 8-12. The teeth of the Cavalier are large, but have different sizes: some are larger, others are smaller.

The protective scales of the Bogatyr in dry form are light brown, those of the Cavalier are white. When fresh, the Bogatyr’s protection is purple, the Cavalier’s is white with a slight purple tint. The depth of planting of the teeth also differs.

Garlic Bogatyr: variety description

Planting and caring for garlic

The specificity of winter varieties of garlic involves planting teeth in the fall after harvesting the summer crop. The landing site is chosen so that in the spring it would be well warmed by the sun. In autumn, this should be a dry enough area so that the cloves do not rot until spring. Garlic grows well after 4 garden crops:

  • cucumbers;
  • carrots;
  • zucchini;
  • potatoes.

The Bogatyr variety can also be planted in the fall, but in this case a single-pronged head will be obtained. This is a little agricultural trick. The yield with single-toothed heads is low, but next year, during winter planting, such a “tooth” will produce larger garlic. Experienced gardeners use this technique, wanting to enlarge the slices.

Garlic Bogatyr: variety description

Planting dates for garlic

Planting time for winter crops varies from region to region. Bogatyr should be planted 1-1,5 months before frost. In the northern regions, this is usually mid-October. In the southern regions, you can plant in December. Especially considering that in December in the south, trees often even begin to bloom. Planting a winter variety there in the middle of autumn means destroying young shoots. Therefore, when landing, they are guided by the annual weather forecast.

Garlic Bogatyr: variety description

Preparation of beds

Garlic is an unpretentious plant and does not need special preparation of the beds. When planting in autumn, fertilizers are not added. They will be required in the spring. If the soil is fertile, you can do without top dressing at all.

The selected area is cleared of the remnants of summer crops and dug up to the depth of a spade bayonet. Earth clods are crushed with a rake. On the finished site, at a distance of 45 cm from each other, grooves are laid with a depth of 13 cm.

Advice! Garlic can be planted in holes made with a special marker.

This method eliminates the need to manually make grooves and allows you to evenly place the cloves.

Garlic Bogatyr: variety description

Planting garlic

There are 2 ways of planting: in the hole and in the groove. When planting in a groove, the cloves are placed on the ground and sprinkled with loose earth on top. In this case, the heads are larger.

Garlic Bogatyr is planted in rows at a distance of 45 cm from each other. A space of 16-18 cm is left between the cloves. A prerequisite for the Bogatyr is that the bottom of the cloves should be at a depth of 13 cm.

Important! This is the difference between the winter varieties Kavaler and Bogatyr.

Cavalier requires a depth of 6-7 cm.

Garlic Bogatyr: variety description

Cultivation of garlic

When frost occurs, beds with winter garlic are mulched and left until spring. All procedures for hilling, loosening, removing weeds, etc. begin only in the spring.

Garlic is one of the few crops that are insensitive to weeds. But even it must be weeded. It is better to remove weeds from garlic beds by cutting off the aerial parts so as not to damage the garlic root system.

Loosening and watering is carried out as needed. Loosen the soil carefully and shallowly so as not to damage the heads.

Garlic Bogatyr: variety description

Harvesting and storage of crops

After the leaves have dried, the garlic is dug up. The root system is still “alive” at this time. Because of the powerful roots, Bogatyr garlic must be cut from below, otherwise there is a great chance of damaging the garlic cloves.

The leaves are not pruned when harvesting. In dug out plants, the roots are cut short. Garlic is tied into bundles for the tops and hung in the shade in the air to dry. After the heads have dried, the tops can be cut off and the garlic stored in a cool place.

Garlic Bogatyr: variety description

How to propagate garlic

Since the inflorescences of the Bogatyr variety are barren, it can only be propagated by planting lobules. Bogatyr does not have additional small “bulbs” that would allow him to grow garlic without harming the household. For divorce, you need to leave selected heads with large slices. But the possibility of vegetative propagation of the hybrid can be considered good luck, since usually such plants cannot be bred on their own. The need to plant Bogatyr every year is a minor inconvenience compared to the result.

Garlic Bogatyr: variety description

Diseases and pests, methods of control and prevention

Variety Bogatyr is considered resistant to diseases. This is achieved through winter plantings, when fungal diseases do not yet have time to develop. Bottom rot occurs only at high temperatures and high humidity. But the Bogatyr can also get sick.

When ripe, the tops turn yellow from below. If the leaves begin to turn yellow from the ends, it means that the garlic lacks potassium and nitrogen. This usually happens in the southern regions.

Garlic Bogatyr: variety description

Late-planted garlic can be damaged by insects that appear in late May or June. But winter varieties have time to grow before the mass summer of pests.

Measures to combat diseases and pests are standard for all garden crops:

  • crop rotation;
  • cleaning up dead parts of plants;
  • digging the soil for the winter, in this case in parallel with planting cloves;
  • disinfection of planting material.

Against infections in the spring, you can water the garlic with a solution of potassium permanganate. In parallel, carry out feeding with potassium.

Garlic Bogatyr: variety description


Garlic Bogatyr is well suited for autumn home-made preparations and, especially, for making adjika. Resistance to diseases and winter planting of the variety allows you to get good yields.


Valiev Evgeny Vasilievich, 38 years old, Samara
I like to eat adjika in winter. We cook our own recipe. We need a lot of garlic, so we have garlic beds for half a garden. We grow our own tomatoes. We buy the rest. Yes, my wife hates peeling garlic cloves. They put me in jail for cleaning. Until I came across this winter variety, garlic juice burned all my fingers. The teeth are small, the skin is protective thin. When cleaning, the teeth were damaged, and the juice fell on the hands. But now I don’t know grief: the teeth are large, the skin is tough and thick. It became very easy to clean. And fast.
Afanasyeva Olga Aleksandrovna, 41 years old, Berdyansk
I like the variety not only because it is winter, which means that you can avoid the usual summer diseases of garden crops. It is also good because one tooth is enough for a 3-liter can of preservation. In the manufacture of normal homemade sausage, these slices fit much better. The smell and taste cannot be distinguished from the old varieties, but it is much more convenient to clean and grind in a meat grinder. So I completely switched from the old varieties with small cloves to Bogatyr.
Winter garlic Bogatyr

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