Garlic, apple cider vinegar, chestnuts what else will help with your varicose veins?
Garlic, apple cider vinegar, chestnuts what else will help with your varicose veins?

If you have spider veins on your legs, it may be the beginning of varicose veins. If we act quickly, the risk of varicose veins will be significantly reduced. If we already have them, we can reach for some proven home remedies that will certainly help us.

What harms varicose veins?

  • overweight
  • high heels
  • tight clothes
  • uncomfortable chairs
  • standing and sitting for long periods of time
  • high temperatures
  • birth control pills
  • frequent pregnancies
  • constipation

Drugs in the home pantryGarlic with butter. Regularly used reduces swollen veins within a month. Pain and discomfort disappear. We need white garlic with a white skin – grate it on a fine grater and mix it with two parts of cow’s butter. Lubricate the prominent veins and their surroundings at night. Then cover it with parchment paper and wrap it with an elastic bandage to keep it warm. In the morning, remember to wash your feet and make sure they don’t get cold.

Green cucumber slices.You need more time for the effects than in the case of spreading with garlic butter, but you can use them throughout the tomato season.

Feathered livebearer tincture.Put the washed leaves of the livebearer into a half-liter jar and fill it with 70% alcohol. Leave the jar in a dark place for about 10-14 days and pour it into a bottle. Rub the prepared tincture on the legs and feet before bedtime. The pain will disappear in the first night. If we already have large varicose veins, the treatment may take up to 4 months.

Grated potato wraps.We wash a few potatoes, rub them on a grater. Then put the paste on your feet. Wraps reduce pain and inflammation.

Rubbing with apple cider vinegar.We can use apple cider vinegar in rubbing the legs, in compresses or drinking it. To drink, prepare a drink of 1-2 teaspoons of vinegar, a teaspoon of honey and a glass of warm water. We drink the drink prepared in this way every morning on an empty stomach.

Dandelion root ointment.We can dig the roots ourselves, wash them, clean them. Grind the cleaned roots on the fine mesh of a grater, pour water and cook slowly over low heat until a thick mass is obtained. Leave the mass to cool and rub with pig fat or lard in a 1:1 ratio to obtain a thick ointment. It should be stored in the refrigerator. The resulting ointment should be applied to the legs at night, covered with parchment and wrapped with an elastic bandage to keep the compress throughout the night. We wash our feet in the morning.

Cayenne pepper drink.It improves blood circulation and allows you to relieve the pain associated with varicose veins. One teaspoon of powdered cayenne pepper should be poured with a glass of hot water and mixed well. The drink should be drunk three times a day for about 1-2 months.

Olive oil.Olive oil should be mixed with the same amount of liquid vitamin E and slightly heated. The mixture prepared in this way should be massaged into the places where varicose veins appeared for a few minutes. The activity should be repeated twice a day for about 1-2 months.

Chestnuts.Chestnut fruit has anti-inflammatory and swelling-reducing properties. In addition, they strengthen the walls of blood vessels, thanks to which varicose veins become less visible. Ready-made preparations with chestnut can be purchased at a pharmacy – their regular use will significantly reduce leg pain and swelling.

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