Gargling with hydrogen peroxide – use, solution preparation and effects

Gargling with hydrogen peroxide is a natural way to fight fungal, viral and bacterial infections. Rinse with hydrogen peroxide was already used by our grandmothers because it helped in eliminating the unpleasant symptoms of angina. How do I prepare a gargle? Can using hydrogen peroxide on the throat cause any undesirable effects?

Hydrogen peroxide – properties

Hydrogen peroxide belongs to the group of inorganic chemical compounds and consists of two hydrogen atoms and two oxygen atoms. In professional nomenclature, it is also known as hydrogen peroxide or perhydrol. Hydrogen peroxide was discovered in 1818 by a French chemist, Louis Thenard. Hydrogen peroxide is characterized by high oxidizing properties, and in high concentrations it can also be irritating. Hydrogen peroxide available in pharmacies is a 3% solution. and 30 percent It is not sold in higher concentrations for safety reasons. Hydrogen peroxide is a traditional element of every home medicine cabinet. It has been used for years to disinfect wounds, and also as a bactericide in the disinfection of drinking water. From a medical point of view, hydrogen peroxide can also be used for gargling.

Gargling with hydrogen peroxide – what helps?

Gargling with hydrogen peroxide is a pain relief measure. This method of treatment can also be used in children, as long as they have learned to gargle and we are sure that they will not swallow the solution. Rinsing the throat with hydrogen peroxide is also recommended for pregnant women, although it is worth consulting a doctor before each attempt, for the sake of the health of the future mother and baby. Hydrogen peroxide treats sore throats because it has disinfecting, bactericidal, virucidal and antifungal properties. The hydrogen peroxide compound effectively removes the infection and prevents the development of new ones.

Gargling with hydrogen peroxide – how to prepare the solution?

The gargle solution is very easy to prepare with hydrogen peroxide. Before that, prepare half a glass of lukewarm water and 3% hydrogen peroxide. Then a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide is added to a glass of water and mixed thoroughly. The solution prepared in this way is ready for use. For the treatment with hydrogen peroxide to be effective, gargle twice and repeat the activity several times a day. With this method of treatment, a sore throat should disappear after a few rinses.

You can also use Otulin NaturSpray on the throat Herbal Medica – a preparation available at a favorable price on Medonet Market.

Gargling with hydrogen peroxide – can it be harmful?

It is assumed that the use of hydrogen peroxide for a sore throat is safe. However, there are some contraindications that exclude the use of this method of combating a sore throat. First, hydrogen peroxide orally cannot be used by transplant recipients. This prohibition is based on the assumption that after the transplant, the immune system is strongly weakened, and hydrogen peroxide has properties that stimulate this system. This, in turn, can lead to the body rejecting the transplant performed. It is worth remembering that rinses cannot be performed without first diluting the solution. Failure to comply with this recommendation may result in respiratory tract burns and many complications, including: stroke, pulmonary embolism, heart attack, mental disorders or convulsions. Consumption of undiluted hydrogen peroxide was fatal in several cases. Therefore, special care is recommended when preparing the gargling solution.

If you do not want to use hydrogen peroxide to gargle for various reasons, we recommend Herbal Monasterium sugar-free Mirra and Propolis lozenges for the throat, which reduce discomfort and soothe inflammation.

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