Gargling and drinking willow tea. This is how North Korea is fighting the coronavirus
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COVID-19 is on the rise in North Korea. Authorities are advising citizens to use painkillers and “traditional medicine” measures to fight the coronavirus, such as gargling with salt water and drinking willow leaf tea, writes the British daily The Guardian.

Coronavirus in North Korea

As highlighted in a statement by the North Korean agency KCNA, quoted by the Guardian, in recent days the production of drugs and medical supplies, including sterilizers and thermometers, has been “rapidly” increasing in recent days. Pyongyang was also supposed to turn to Beijing for support. Three Air Koryo airline planes returned to North Korea from China on Monday carrying medical supplies, the British daily said using an anonymous diplomatic source.

North Korea has been claiming coronavirus free for more than two years of the pandemic, but the Pyongyang government last week announced the detection of the first COVID-19 case. Since then, there have been over 1,97 million cases of “fever” and 63 deaths informed the «Guardian».

  1. Also read: Kim Jong Un’s increasingly serious problem. “The greatest crisis since the great famine”

Kim Jong Un identified those responsible for the epidemic

South Korean Yonhap news agency reported Wednesday that North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has criticized officials for reacting to the country’s first COVID-19 outbreak. The dictator allegedly accused them of an “immature” attitude that contributed to the deepening of the crisis.

Another South Korean news agency, Newsis, said, citing a spy agency, that the coronavirus epidemic had spread to its northern neighbor following a massive April military parade that passed through downtown Pyongyang.

North Korean authorities probably do not have enough tests to confirm or rule out the presence of the coronavirus. It is unclear how many people with “fever” suffer from COVID-19.

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