Gardener’s lunar calendar for september 2022: auspicious days

The lunar sowing calendar for September 2022 will help every gardener to properly plan and organize work on the territory of the garden plot. Today we will tell you what to do in the garden, depending on the phase of the moon.

Things to do at the beginning of the month

Gardeners lunar calendar for september 2022: auspicious days

September is rich in a whole list of works that need to be done in the garden at this time of the year. In order to correctly draw up a work plan for the month, it is recommended to focus on the gardener’s lunar calendar for September 2022. So, according to the calendar, the days of the new moon (September 9) and full moon (September 25) are considered an unfavorable period for carrying out any manipulations for harvesting and ennobling the garden plot.

Adhering to the recommendations of the lunar calendar for 2022, at the beginning of the first autumn month, you need to start improving and cleaning the garden plot: weeding and removing weeds, whitewashing trunks, digging the soil in the trunk circle and watering fruit trees and berry bushes. Also, in the first decade of the month, organic fertilizers are applied to the soil: humus, compost, etc. The main purpose of feeding plants with organic matter is to prepare the garden for the upcoming prolonged cold weather.

НThe beginning of September is the optimal period for planting seedlings of ornamental and fruit crops in open ground, as well as planting tulips and daffodils. Harvested fruits and berries are stored for long-term storage or processed. Some fruit crops of late ripening should not be touched yet; under favorable weather conditions, you can leave the fruits to ripen on tree branches.

Work in mid-September

According to the lunar sowing calendar for September, in the middle of the month, preventive spraying of fruit and berry crops grown in the garden should be carried out. This event is carried out in order to destroy harmful insects and their larvae that live under the bark of plants. With the advent of spring, the larvae will turn into adult insects that actively destroy the orchard.

Do not forget to treat ornamental plants, which often become a favorite object of insects. Flowers from verandas and open areas of the garden are transferred to a house or a winter greenhouse. In mid-September, it is recommended to dig out of the ground and send for storage the root part of dahlias, gladioli and anemones.

Gardeners lunar calendar for september 2022: auspicious days

Focusing on the lunar calendar compiled by experts for September 2022, it is recommended to prune fruit trees, berry bushes and grapes from the 10th to the 20th of the month. During this period, both sanitary and anti-aging pruning can be done to form a crown and improve fruiting for the next year. All branches cut from trees and shrubs must be burned, as they are often a haven for harmful insects and pathogenic microflora.

Mid-September is considered a favorable period for pinching and removing mustaches on strawberries and strawberries.

What to leave at the end of the month

Gardeners lunar calendar for september 2022: auspicious days

At the end of September, when the weather still pleases with warm and fine days, it’s time to start ennobling the garden and preparing the plants for the upcoming winter. During this period, cleaning, digging, loosening and mulching of the soil in the near-stem circle and in garden beds is carried out. Most shrubs cut or bend branches to the ground and sprinkle with mulch from fallen leaves from trees.

According to the lunar calendar, in the last days of September, flowering perennials are transplanted and propagated: iris, peony, lily, delphinium, etc. You can start harvesting garden rose cuttings for rooting and grafting cuttings of fruit crops.

Under favorable weather conditions, the end of September is considered a good period for planting plum, cherry, apricot, currant and honeysuckle seedlings. According to experts, vaccinations, propagation by cuttings, stepchildren and layering of plants grown in the garden plot will be successful.

Signs of September

Gardeners lunar calendar for september 2022: auspicious days

September is considered one of the busiest months of the year. During this period, gardeners harvest fruit trees, berry bushes and beds, tidy up and ennoble the territory, actively process the harvested crops and begin to prepare the crops grown for the upcoming winter.

An important role in the life of every summer resident, according to the gardeners themselves, is played by the weather features of the region. To guess what surprises the weather will bring in the near future or for the next growing season, our ancestors also tried to focus on various signs.

We bring to your attention a few folk signs and customs for September:

  1. The clear sky and warm sun on the day of the holy martyr Agathonikos of Nicomedia promised warm weather for the next four weeks.
  2. The abundance of rowan berries in the garden predicted a rainy and cold autumn.
  3. Traditionally, the beginning of the Indian summer fell on Semyonov Day, which falls on September 14th. If this day is sunny, warm and windless, then you can count on a warm autumn. Young seedlings planted on the territory of the garden plot during this period take root well and endure the frosty winter.
  4. Hoarfrost on fruit and deciduous crops on Mikhailov’s Day predicted a harsh and snowy winter.
  5. Good weather on Malaya Prechistaya (September 21 – Nativity of the Blessed Virgin) is considered a harbinger of a warm, calm and fine autumn.
  6. If the leaves on a birch tree growing on a lawn or in a garden began to turn yellow from the bottom up, then you should not prepare for early sowing in the spring.
  7. Thunderstorms and strong thunder at the end of September predicted a warm and calm winter.

Focusing on the signs of nature and the peculiarities of the weather, our ancestors knew how best to prepare the garden for the upcoming cold weather. Today, folk signs and customs have not lost their significance, many gardeners plan work in the garden and in the beds in accordance with the “tips” of nature itself.

Video “Care for the soil of the garden in September”

An indicative video that will help gardeners and gardeners get a good harvest and prepare the soil for winter.

Autumn tillage

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