Gardener’s lunar calendar for March 2019: favorable days for caring for plants + dates prohibited for work

The beginning of spring can be very changeable and unpredictable. However, the growth rate, fertility and general condition of cultivated crops are influenced not only by the weather, but also by the phases of the moon. The gardener’s lunar calendar for March 2019 will tell you what work in the garden can be done in the first month of spring.

How does the moon affect plants?

The main landmark of every gardener and gardener is the climatic features of the region. But over time, farmers began to notice that the development and fertility of cultivated crops depend not only on the weather. The moon, sun and other celestial bodies have a huge impact on all living organisms on our planet. Gradually, people learned to identify and correctly use the lunar rhythms in gardening and horticulture. This is how the first sowing calendars began to appear.

Today, the lunar sowing calendar is a reference book for every gardener and gardener. During the period of the new moon, the growth and development of plants is suspended, since the night star is located between two planets – the Sun and the Earth. During this period, it is recommended to trim the crowns of fruit and ornamental trees and shrubs, treat the garden with microbiological preparations to prevent pest invasions and the development of diseases.

Gardeners lunar calendar for March 2019: favorable days for caring for plants + dates prohibited for work

The growing moon promotes the growth of deciduous and flowering crops. When the month increases, gardeners and gardeners are engaged in sowing seeds, planting seedlings and seedlings. Please note that seedlings of fruit trees and berry bushes are planted on the eve of the new moon.

The full moon is the perfect time to gather medicinal herbs and fruits. Harvested during a full month, the crop retains its taste and commercial qualities for a long time. The waning moon involves a lot of work in the garden and in the garden: sowing seeds, collecting roots and fruits, pruning plants, fertilizing, removing weeds and loosening the soil.

Video “Lunar calendar – is it necessary or not?”

This video shows how the lunar cycles affect the growth and development of plants.

Lunar calendar of the gardener. Needed or not. How do lunar cycles affect plants.

Work Schedule

The correct distribution of work in the garden and in the garden is a guarantee of an excellent harvest of cultivated crops.

The beginning of the month

In the first days of March, the moon is in its waning phase. Since during this period the plants are in the stage of rest and rest, it is better to refuse to carry out active work in the garden. Devote the beginning of the month to inspecting the territory of the personal plot and drawing up a work plan for the coming month.

Gardeners lunar calendar for March 2019: favorable days for caring for plants + dates prohibited for work

From March 1 to March 5, it is recommended to start cleaning the garden and removing weeds that have appeared from under the snow. Prepare garden tools, purchase planting materials and means for treating plants from pests and diseases. If traces of the presence of insects were found on shrubs and trees, crops can be treated with new generation insecticidal preparations. The new moon falls on March 6th. On this day, you should not plant and replant plants, as the root system of seedlings will be too weak and unstable to various natural disasters.

Gardeners lunar calendar for March 2019: favorable days for caring for plants + dates prohibited for work

From March 7, a new lunar phase begins, contributing to the rooting, growth and development of vegetation. The next few days should be devoted to gardening. During this period, you can do planting and transplanting seedlings, watering and fertilizing, loosening the soil and removing weeds. The first days of the growing moon are not suitable for pruning plants and their shoots. “Wounds” in trees and shrubs take a long time to heal and recover.

Work in mid-March

According to the lunar sowing calendar for gardeners and gardeners, mid-March – from the 10th to the 20th day – falls on the growing month. As you know, the moon during the growth period has a beneficial effect on the viability of plants. Almost all gardening work will give good results.

So, the middle of the first month of spring can be devoted to the following work in the garden and in the garden:

  • sowing seeds of flowering crops;
  • planting and transplanting seedlings of ornamental, deciduous and fruit trees and shrubs;
  • propagation of trees by cuttings and pinching;
  • watering plants growing on the territory of the garden plot;
  • application of mineral fertilizers to the soil;
  • loosening of the soil;
  • active struggle to remove the emerging weed grass.

Mid-March is not the best time to trim tree crowns and remove roots. The lunar sowing calendar says that during this period, tall cultures accumulate their strength at the top. Damaged shoots will not be able to recover quickly.

Cases at the end of the month

The full moon in March falls on the 21st. The full moon suggests peace and lack of excessive activity. It is better to refrain from planting, transplanting and pruning trees. If you want to do something useful for the garden, prepare and fertilize the soil, remove weeds and spray plants with protective preparations.

Starting March 22, the moon begins to wane. The waning moon contributes to the development and strengthening of the lower part of the plants, so during this period it is worth performing root feeding of crops growing in the garden. Watering should be reduced to a minimum or completely refrain from moistening the soil. While the forces of plants are concentrated in the roots, it is recommended to do the processing of crowns.

The end of the first spring month is the optimal period for pruning shrubs and trees in the garden.

Gardeners lunar calendar for March 2019: favorable days for caring for plants + dates prohibited for work

A gardening calendar drawn up in accordance with the phases of the moon will tell you how to properly organize work on the site in March 2019. From the literacy of the processing of garden plants depends on their growth, development and fertility.

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