Gardener’s lunar calendar for December 2022: the best sowing days for gardeners

Different cycles of the moon affect the plant world in different ways. In the first month of winter, when there is practically no agricultural work in the garden, a caring amateur gardener will find something to work on. From our today’s article, you will find out what tips the gardener’s lunar calendar gives for December.

Auspicious days

Seeds planted in the first two weeks of the lunar month will grow upwards. Root crops, on the contrary, in the last 14 days grow in depth. When a new month appears in the sky, as well as on a full moon, it is impossible to disturb the soil and plants.

Gardeners lunar calendar for December 2022: the best sowing days for gardeners

When working in the garden, it is necessary to remember in which sign of the Zodiac the queen of the night is located. They can be divided into the following groups:

  1. Fertile: Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio.
  2. Medium fertile: Capricorn, Taurus, Libra and Sagittarius.
  3. Barren: Aquarius, Aries, Gemini, Virgo and Leo.

It would seem, what kind of sowing work can be discussed when it is December? Winter is not at all an obstacle for a gardener, because you can do what you love both in a heated indoor greenhouse and grow plants on a windowsill. Winter sowing does not mean at all that the seeds will sprout worse than in spring.

The gardener’s lunar calendar for December 2022 consists of the following periods:

  • December 1-6 – the moon is waning;
  • December 7 – new moon;
  • December 8-15 – the moon is growing;
  • December 16-21 – the moon is growing;
  • December 22 – full moon;
  • December 23-29 – the moon is waning;
  • December 30-31 – the moon is waning.

In an open area, you can fix the snow cap on bushes and seedlings, level the mulch scattered by the wind. Trees in the garden should be inspected for rodent damage. If damaged bark is found, it must be treated with garden pitch.

Landing dates, types of work allowed on certain days of the month should be compared with the lunar calendar for 2022, which will be considered in detail.

Video “Gardening work in December and January”

From this video you will learn what garden work to do at the end of the year, in December and January.

Garden work in the winter: what to do in the winter?

What to do at the beginning of the month

The moon is a source of power, affecting receptivity, fertility and adaptive abilities. Routine exercises in the winter garden should be performed, focusing on the position of the night star:

  1. December 1. Lunar day – 24. Zodiac sign – Virgo. The phase is decreasing. The day is good for sowing root vegetables. It is welcome to plant decorative flowers. You can not water the sprouts.
  2. December 2–3. Lunar day – 25-26. Libra. The phase is decreasing. Plant herbaceous perennials. Water the sprouts.
  3. December 4–5. Lunar day – 27-28. Zodiac sign – Scorpio. The phase is decreasing. Soaking wheat seeds for germination. Keep soil moist and clean, lime if necessary.
  4. December 6. Lunar day – 28–29. Zodiac sign – Sagittarius. The phase is decreasing. Plant and care for flowers without damaging them.
  5. December 7th. Lunar day – 30. Zodiac sign – Sagittarius. Phase – new moon. Physical activity on a frosty day – to clear the snow. In the sleeping garden, check the snow covers of the bushes, correct the mulch.
  6. December 8th. Lunar day – 1-2. Zodiac sign – Sagittarius. The phase is growing. Seeding of leafy, melon and fruit crops, seedling transplantation. Basal watering, it is recommended to make organic matter.
  7. December 9–10. Lunar day – 2-4. Zodiac sign – Capricorn. The phase is growing. Plant and transplant beans. Careful seed care. Budding is highly discouraged.

Work for mid-December

In the previous chapter, the influence of the Earth’s satellite on caring for plants according to the gardener’s lunar calendar for the first decade of the month was considered. Next, the next 10 days will be analyzed:

  1. December 11–13. Lunar day – 5-7. Zodiac sign – Aquarius. The phase is growing. Inspect the seedlings on the site, arrange mousetraps. Remove excess debris from the area. Check the safety of the crop.
  2. December 14–15. Lunar day – 8-9. Zodiac sign – Pisces. The phase is growing. Plant seedlings. You can not treat plants from pests, but you can cut them.
  3. December 16–18. Lunar day – 9-12. Zodiac sign – Aries. The phase is growing. Replace the earth layer in pots. Sanitary pruning of curly mustaches, removal of overgrowth and unwanted vegetation. But what can not be watered: the roots need more air.
  4. December 19–20. Lunar day – 13-14. Zodiac sign – Taurus. The phase is growing. Sowing of peanuts, legumes and greens is carried out. Watering and fertilizing seedlings is only welcome. You can collect seeds.

Procedures for the New Year

New Year’s Eve fuss can significantly affect the garden plot. On the eve of a big holiday, there may not be time for the routine work of caring for seedlings. But the last decade of the month is a very important period, given the winter solstice, when the height of the sun at noon is minimal:

  1. 21 December. Lunar day – 15. Zodiac sign – Gemini. The phase is growing. Most energizing day. It is recommended to actively engage in the repair of greenhouses and greenhouses, correct the mulch and cover the snow on the bushes.
  2. Dec 22. Lunar day – 15-16. Gemini. Phase – full moon. Fertilize and water seedlings. Pruning, picking, pinching, grafting should be postponed until a more successful period.
  3. December 23–24. Lunar day – 16-18. Zodiac sign – Cancer. The phase is decreasing. You can plant vegetables, harvest crops, weed weeds and make wine.
  4. December 25–26. Lunar day – 19-20. Zodiac sign – Leo. The phase is decreasing. Rest day: having sorted out supplies for the winter, you can safely go enjoy the fresh air.
  5. December 27–28. Lunar day – 21-22. Zodiac sign – Virgo. The phase is decreasing. Division and transplantation of perennial flowers, any pruning and cleaning. But it is better to refrain from abundant watering.
  6. December 29–30. Lunar day – 22-23. Libra. The phase of the moon is waning. Harvest from the beds. Thinning seedlings and weeding will come in handy. Spraying is not recommended.
  7. Dec. 31. Lunar day – 24. Zodiac sign – Scorpio. The phase of the moon is waning. Sow greens and onions, cut off the tendrils of strawberries. You can not save water when watering.

Gardeners lunar calendar for December 2022: the best sowing days for gardeners

The lunar calendar is one of the most ancient on our planet. All living things depend on the night luminary, but it is in our power to turn its power to our advantage.

Properly using the acquired skills and strictly adhering to the advice of astrologers, you can enjoy fresh and healthy vegetables all year round. In addition, sprouts and seedlings will be ready for the new spring season, all that remains is to transplant them into the ground.

Author: Svetlana Golitsina


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