Garden shredder for grass and branches: how to choose

Working on a garden plot confuses many with its laboriousness. Fortunately, today, in the age of technological progress, any summer resident can facilitate his physical labor with mechanical inventions. One of the most effective helpers in this regard is a garden shredder. Any debris on the site, like unnecessary branches or dry grass, quickly disappears thanks to the chopper. And most importantly – stores provide a huge selection of technical products. In this article, we will try to figure out how to choose a garden shredder and what you should pay attention to when choosing.

Description of the device

A garden shredder, or, another name, a shredder, resembles a meat grinder in its internal structure. All sorts of garbage that gardeners constantly encounter is crushed – pieces of tree bark, dry branches, cones, old grass, weeds. After grinding, all this garbage turns into large sawdust. This happens due to the fact that the receiving funnel is crushed by sharp knives garbage.

Garden shredder for grass and branches: how to choose

At its core, the shredder has a powerful engine, due to which the grinding of heavy materials occurs. There are two sources for starting the engine – this is electricity and gasoline, but we’ll talk about this later. To begin with, we will study the internal structure of the chopper. It consists of only three elements – a hopper, an engine and a grinding system itself.

The first element in importance is the bunker. It acts as a filter, that is, it does not allow foreign objects to the grinder. Otherwise, clothes, hose, metal objects can get into the mechanism and the shredder will immediately break. The bunker is present in almost all electrical appliances that are unsafe for humans. Also, the function of the hopper is to pass the processed garbage or what is left of it.

Garden shredder for grass and branches: how to choose

The function of waste processing is performed by the grinding system. It consists of knives or a cutter. Knives can process garbage – branches, stems up to three centimeters. The cutter, in turn, copes with larger debris – up to eight centimeters. For safety reasons, you must wear safety goggles when working with the shredder, otherwise the sawdust may harm your eyesight. You should also protect your hands with garden gloves.

The whole mechanism is driven by the engine, it is important to choose for yourself which type to use. First of all, it will depend on what kind of garbage you are dealing with. Also, the shredder is equipped with a control device and, if necessary, you can slow down or speed up the grinding system.

Garden shredder for grass and branches: how to choose

A device such as a reverse also goes to the garden device. It will allow you to clean the knives if necessary. Having considered the internal structure of the garden machine, we will try to determine which power source is best suited for work.

Electric or petrol

One of the advantages of an electric shredder is its low noise. Also speed – such a mechanism is able to crush a branch with a diameter of 4-5 centimeters. They are inexpensive and easy to use. Disadvantages include low mobility due to short electrical noise. An electric shredder is sensitive to voltage drops and their power is low (1,6-2,6 kW.).

Garden shredder for grass and branches: how to choose

In terms of power, the gasoline shredder comes to the fore. Its capabilities allow you to process garbage of any complexity, suitable for branches up to 8 centimeters. Ease of use provides the ability to move freely with the car around the entire perimeter of the suburban area. The gasoline type of mechanism in its structure has a two-stroke or four-stroke engine. Such a device works quickly and efficiently, but the noise level of the engine is quite high. The gasoline chopper needs a special fuel mixture – it can be oil or gasoline. This results in low financial costs.

It is difficult to give an unambiguous assessment – what type of food to choose. With a gasoline unit, you can move freely and cope with any type of debris. But a large amount of gasoline exhaust and high noise levels are not very beneficial for our body. Electrically, in this regard, it is much simpler, but if you need to work in a place remote from the outlet, then you will not be able to use such a grinder.

Video “Nuances when choosing a chopper”

In this video you can hear tips on choosing a garden shredder.

Fiskars universal pruner

Benefits of working with a chipper

The chipper is the cutting mechanism of the shredder and they are knife, screw and cutter-based. This element is needed for quickly grinding grass and branches, and it is the main action of the meat grinder. The main advantage of the chipper is that the mechanism copes with branches of different sizes from 1 to 8 centimeters. If you need to grind more garbage, you can use complicated types of chippers.

For example, cutter-based chippers process large branches, rough materials. Schenkovye provide the so-called grinding of debris, after grinding, this type of chipper is quite effective. Knife aggregates provide fast chopping of small branches and grass, but are not intended for heavy waste.

Garden shredder for grass and branches: how to choose

In any case, each chipper has a built-in protective system that prevents the unit from unnecessary load and foreign objects. Chippers are also divided according to the field of application. There is a class of amateur mechanisms for processing grass, small branches. They are usually used in small gardens, still not rich in various plants.

The middle chipper is represented by a steel shaft and a knife mechanism. The advantage of such a unit is that it is able to independently suck up garbage into a funnel for grinding. Suitable for working with old tree branches and provides a fairly safe operation. 

Garden shredder for grass and branches: how to choose

For the most complex debris, only a professional chipper working on a cutter is suitable. The powerful petrol engine provides fast processing of garbage of any complexity. Such a unit is often used in industrial gardening. Based on the characteristics of your own garden, you can quickly decide how to choose a garden vacuum cleaner.

Which to choose

But often there are areas where the amount of overdried grass and dry branches require a special approach. Then you need to study the recommendations for choosing a shredder professional gardeners. The first is to take as a starting point the maximum amount of work on the site and analyze the most difficult waste. Then it will immediately become clear to you whether you need a complex unit or a simple, electric one is enough.

The next criteria are brand, shredder weight, and price range. So, there is a rating of shredders, with a description of each unit. Moreover, such a rating was compiled by professional gardeners. It is better to choose a shredder with a speed control function. Then you can change the type of chopping branches. It is also more convenient to use a garden machine with a special pusher.

Garden shredder for grass and branches: how to choose

Convenient is a chopper with two holes for processing branches. For example, for large debris and for small ones, like grass and weeds.

It is good if pre-cutting knives are attached to the garden machine. Then the unit will serve you much longer. Also in the set should be attached additional knives and tools for cleaning the grinder.

Be mindful of your own safety. The noise of the chopper should not exceed 84 dB, otherwise it will harm your hearing. Be sure to wear protective goggles and gloves when working with the shredder. Make sure that the number of branches in the car does not exceed the norm. The chopper will help to quickly get rid of unnecessary branches for everyone who does not like to do it with their own hands. When choosing a chopper, stick to the characteristics of your garden and then the unit will last for more than one year.

Video “Overview of shredders”

In this video, you can see an overview of garden shredders, as well as find out what they are for.

Overview of garden shredders

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