Garden quinoa

Associations with the word quinoa arise, to put it mildly, not good. Gardeners know how hard it is to get rid of such a harmful weed, because the quinoa grows everywhere: in vegetable gardens, in gardens, along roadsides, in fields. In the past, it was often used as food. During the war years, this plant saved many people from death. In France, it even got the name “bonne-dame”, which translates as “pleasant lady.”

Description and useful properties of the plant

Red quinoa, garden quinoa, French lettuce, mountain spinach – this plant has many names. But it is this species of the quinoa genus of the amaranth family that is cultivated as a vegetable crop.

The garden quinoa has a branching erect stem, reaching a length of almost two meters. The leaves of the plant are oblong, slightly sour in taste and have a different color. The flowers, in tone with the leaves, are also either greenish or reddish. And the seeds – black in a cream shell, retain the ability to reproduce for three whole years.

This herb grows in Europe and Asia. A little later, it was introduced and spread throughout the USA, Canada, New Zealand and Australia.

In the old days in Rus’, during crop failures, quinoa seeds were ground and added to rye flour when baking bread. Now no one knows what this bread looks like. They say that he strongly resembled the earth: he was rough and callous, tore his throat and crunched on his teeth. In some cases, it caused intestinal and stomach pains. But be that as it may, it was thanks to such bread that people survived.

Growing quinoa began from ancient times. It was sown in ancient Rome and Greece. Even now you can find bright multi-colored plantings of plants with red, yellow and green leaves. Where did the name of the species come from: garden red, garden green and garden red.

Garden quinoa has a slightly salty, spinach-like taste and is virtually odorless. This herb is rich in saponins and alkaloids. Contains a large amount of protein, fiber, micro and macro elements, essential oils. This plant contains oxalic acid, a nutritious vitamin complex represented by vitamins A, E, PP, ascorbic acid and others. The seeds contain starch, fats, sugars and protein.

Saponins have a very good effect on the female body, normalize the synthesis of hormones. Also, these substances have an effect on the nervous system: they effectively relieve stress, relieve depression, and calm.

It is believed that saponins help to normalize metabolic processes, improve the condition in diseases of the urinary system and liver.

In folk medicine, decoctions and infusions of quinoa are widely used to treat skin diseases and purify the blood. Often such a plant is used to remove warts.

The garden quinoa herb has antibacterial properties and a diuretic effect. It is used to strengthen the immune system and restore the protective properties of the body.

Infusions based on this plant are gargled with inflammatory processes, and decoctions help well with a strong cough, accompanied by sputum.

It also helps with gout, removing swelling from the legs. With the help of quinoa, you can get rid of constipation, as its seeds have a laxative effect.

Since ancient times, such a plant has been used as a powerful hemostatic agent and is used to heal wounds and burns.

Contraindications to the use of quinoa are:

  • period of pregnancy;
  • individual intolerance to the components that make up the plant;
  • urolithiasis and gallstone disease;
  • peptic ulcers, gastritis and colitis.

It is not recommended to abuse its intake in order to exclude the possibility of unwanted allergic reactions.

This plant is also used for culinary purposes. Soups are made from it, where they add it instead of sorrel. Use the plant as an additive to salads and vegetable side dishes. From the seeds of the plant, you can cook a wonderful porridge with milk, as well as add them to various marinades and starter cultures.

And in France, they even put it in various casseroles and soufflés.

In addition to all this, the quinoa is a very beautiful plant and is often used for decorative purposes to decorate a personal plot, vegetable garden or garden.

Quinoa cultivation and plant care

Quinoa is the most unpretentious plant of all hitherto known. It even grows on its own, like a weed. Quinoa grows in any soil, it does not have to be fertile for this and survives in almost any climate.

Reproduction of the plant occurs with the help of seeds, which are immediately planted in open ground or soaked for several days before planting.

Usually grass is sown from late spring to mid-summer. At the same time, it is desirable to fertilize the soil well and plant the quinoa in a well-lit area of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbthe garden or vegetable garden.

The seeds are buried a couple of centimeters, keeping the distance between the bushes about forty-forty-five centimeters. Literally on the fifth or sixth day, the first sprouts of the plant already appear. It is advisable to pinch the quinoa as it grows so that it forms a large number of leaves. If it is necessary to grow seeds, then you need to leave it to grow in length. Then the fruits grow more closely and it is much easier to collect them.

Plant care consists in regular watering, loosening the soil and weeding. Cut off the leaves of the quinoa as they ripen, like spinach. You can save the leaves for the winter by freezing them in the refrigerator or pickling them.

Quinoa cutlets

For preparation it will be required:

  • quinoa leaves – 200 grams;
  • onions – 50 grams;
  • chicken egg – 1 piece;
  • oatmeal – 30 grams.

Chop the leaves and onion, mix with the egg and oatmeal. Add spices and salt, form cutlets from the resulting mass, roll them in breadcrumbs and fry.

Hemostatic decoction of quinoa

For cooking, you need to take twenty grams of dried grass, pour it with a glass of boiling water and leave to infuse for several hours. This decoction also has diuretic properties.

In conclusion

Quinoa is a fairly common plant in our latitudes. It grows in almost any climate and under any conditions. Such a plant is often used for decorative purposes, and due to its valuable chemical composition, also for medical purposes. Quinoa contains a large amount of protein, so it is quite a nutritious product. Not in vain, it was taken in the hungry and post-war years. Now it is successfully used in cooking for making first and second courses, salads and even desserts.

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