Garden ivy evergreen: planting and care
Garden, evergreen ivy is an ornamental plant that has won recognition in landscape design. It is unpretentious and grows very quickly, decorating the territory and even buildings. Consider the varieties of culture and the rules for its cultivation.
Garden ivy refers to both parasites and ornamental plants, with the help of which it is customary to ennoble sites.
Garden ivy looks like maple leaves collected on canvas
If the culture enters the territory by accident, summer residents try to get rid of it as soon as possible, since the plant can curl around the building and expand the cracks in the facade. Otherwise, with the help of ivy, it is possible to create the most incredible design solutions, as well as decorate the territory with a hedge.
Common species:
- Common is a frost-resistant liana that independently climbs the walls of buildings and trees. It is distinguished by green, rather large leaves and aerial roots, with the help of which the plant can climb up all kinds of supports.
- Colchis is a more whimsical species with large leaves and flowers collected in the shape of umbrellas.
Most often, landscape designers turn to the use of ordinary ivy, because it is less whimsical and looks great on the walls of houses, and also forms a dense green hedge and practically does not require maintenance.
Planting garden ivy, care
In order to decorate the territory of a house or summer cottage with green vines, you just need to plant ivy on the site. If you want your plant to grow faster, the best place to plant is sandy ground in the shade.
For disembarkation, small pits or trenches are prepared, at the bottom of which it is recommended to make drainage. Shoots with young roots are placed at the bottom, after which the plant should be instilled so that at least 10 cm of the culture remains above the ground.
Ivy is very fond of moisture, so do not forget about systematic watering. If the plant ceases to have enough water, it will begin to turn yellow and slow down its growth.
As the ivy grows, it begins to bloom, usually in the middle of autumn. It is important to know that the flowers of the culture are considered poisonous and exude a repulsive odor. Many gardeners prefer to simply pick off the flowers that appear, only this must be done strictly with rubber gloves.
If you can’t wait to decorate the landscape of the site with a green plant, you can turn to fertilizers that accelerate growth.
Remember, in addition to watering, it is important to clean and spray ivy from all kinds of insects and ticks
Are the rules followed? As a matter of fact, that’s all the care measures. Be sure: very soon a beautiful decoration will grow on your site, pleasing the eye with its greenery and freshness.