Garden care in spring: work in the garden and vegetable garden. Video
The yield level of the garden directly depends on how you work in it in the spring. After all, it was at this time that the foundations for a high harvest were laid: the soil was fertilized, berry bushes were planted, greenhouses were set up.
Garden maintenance in spring
Each season plays a special role in the cultivation of the crop. In spring and summer, the main process of growing plants takes place, and in autumn and winter, caring for the garden is reduced to feeding the soil and protecting trees and shrubs from hypothermia. True, in the spring, before cultivating the beds, you need to carry out a number of preparatory work.
How to maintain a garden in March
Despite the fact that there is still snow in March, a number of works are already accumulating in the garden that need to be done. At this time, caring for ornamental shrubs and fruit trees mainly consists of freeing them from snow.
It is better to work with snow in the spring in the second half of the day, then the sun is already hot and the crust is melting
Especially it is worth paying attention to the root part. A dense snow crust accumulates here, which must be destroyed with a pitchfork or a shovel.
With the arrival of the first warm days, gardeners begin to work on water retention. Everyone has their own tricks here, but everything will directly depend on the relief of the site. You can dig an earthen rampart 20 cm high around its perimeter.
Overloading the earth is best done in the fall, because in the spring it will be more difficult to dig up the mounds.
Some gardeners sprinkle peat on the snow. As a result, it will melt faster, and on the resulting thawed patches the earth will absorb water from adjacent row spacings.
How to care for your garden in April – May
In late April – early May, a hot working season begins for summer residents. It is not so because the air temperature rises already high above the 0 mark. During this short period, you need to have time to carry out a lot of preliminary work. Namely: – cut off dead branches; – plant, if necessary, fruit-bearing trees, using root shoots; – finish planting seedlings; – mulch with organic matter or pine bark holes around fruit trees and ornamental shrubs; – apply mineral fertilizers at the rate of 30-40 g per 1 square meter; – protect berries, low-growing and early-flowering trees from early frosts; – free grapes from winter shelter.
Planting ornamental and vegetable crops
Spring is the time of flowering of many bulbous plants: daffodils, tulips, snowdrops, etc. And nerina, dahlias and cannes should be planted in the ground after the end of frost. Already faded bulbous ones should be dug out 30-40 days after the appearance of the last bud.
You can plant vegetables in the ground after the onset of steadily warm days. However, sowing under film or in a greenhouse for some of them can be started as early as late April – early May. It is only necessary to first warm up the earth to the desired temperature.