Gangrene (gangrene) – symptoms, causes, treatment, prevention

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Gangrene is a rapidly developing tissue necrosis caused by infection with anaerobic bacteria. Gangrene usually develops in deep, poorly cleaned wounds, but it can also appear in the lungs or intestines – that is, in places where there is the right temperature and humidity. In the case of gangrene, it is necessary to act quickly, otherwise amputation is often necessary.

What is gangrene?

Gangrene is mainly associated with infections during ancient armed conflicts. Poor sanitation on the battlefield makes it an ideal place to spread gangrene. However, individual cases of gas gangrene also occur today. Gangrene (gangrene) occurs when a wound is infected or damaged by some tissue (irreversibly) as a result of, for example, burns, crushing, chilling or limited blood access. This disease can affect any part of the body, but most often it appears in the area of ​​the lower limbs, fingers, feet and forearms. Gangrene that attacks internal organs is very dangerous to our health and life.

Types of gangrene

There are two main types of gangrene.

1. Gangrene wet, also called proper. Here, the following subtypes are distinguished: common gangrene and gas gangrene. Gas gangrene is the most dangerous type of disease – it progresses very quickly and, if not stopped in time, ends in death.

2. Gangrene dryotherwise called alleged. In this case, the tissues do not rot, but dry up. Sometimes this happens with cardiac arrest or obstruction. This can happen as a result of untreated diabetes, frostbite, or an extensive blood clot.

Gangrene – symptoms

The symptoms of gangrene appear suddenly and you must seek treatment as soon as possible. A few days after anaerobic bacteria enter the wound, the following appears:

  1. edema,
  2. pain (if the necrosis is deep, there is a complete loss of sensation in the area of ​​the damaged tissue),
  3. in the case of gas gangrene, there are bubbles filled with purulent discharge and gas (the substance filling the bubbles has a rotten smell),
  4. the crackling of the swelling at the touch is also characteristic, caused by gas bubbles under the skin,
  5. infected wound turns brown or black in color,
  6. the sick person is dim and weak,
  7. there is increased heart rate and breathing with a simultaneous drop in blood pressure,
  8. the fever is not high – usually up to 39 degrees Celsius.

The causes of gangrene

As for dry gangrene, it occurs when the blood supply to a certain part of the body is restricted or blocked. It can also appear from a bacterial infection due to a contaminated wound (this can lead to wet gangrene). So what is the cause of the limited blood supply to the tissues?

  1. narrowing of the arteries due to diabetes or atherosclerosis;
  2. destruction of tissues as a result of wounds (stabbed, bruised);
  3. frostbite;
  4. treatments;
  5. blood clots that form in blood vessels.

Gangrene is favored by:

  1. diabetes,
  2. weakness of the body,
  3. old age,
  4. atherosclerosis,
  5. tobacco,
  6. diseases of the blood vessels (Buerger’s disease, Raynaud’s syndrome),
  7. disturbed immune system,
  8. high levels of cholesterol and fats in the blood.

Diagnosis of gangrene

The diagnosis of gangrene is not difficult, a simple medical examination is sufficient. However, additional tests are necessary to assess the general condition of the patient; recognize diseases that make treatment difficult and determine which bacteria is responsible for tissue infections. It is also important to check what antibiotics will bring the patient to treatment results.

Treatment of gangrene

Treatment of gangrene is designed to reduce the area where the tissues have been damaged and to eliminate bacterial infection, so that the patient can avoid disability and even death. The treatment of gangrene can be divided into general and pharmacological.

1. General treatment:

  1. gangrene should always be treated in a hospital under the supervision of doctors, in the surgical department;
  2. patients should drink plenty of fluids, especially if gangrene is accompanied by high temperature;
  3. patients should use vitamin preparations and micronutrients;
  4. during illness, a high-calorie and protein-rich diet is important so that damaged tissues can recover faster – except in cases when it is caused by, for example, diabetes or atherosclerosis, when you should use a diet usually with a reduced amount of calories;
  5. if an amputation is necessary: ​​physical rehabilitation and psychological consultation are important;
  6. patients should rest in bed to control the progression of necrosis and avoid possible infection.

2. Drug treatment consists in patients taking:

  1. pain medications;
  2. anticoagulants;
  3. preparations that improve blood flow in arterial and venous vessels;
  4. of course, antibiotics that affect a large number of bacteria. They not only eliminate, but also prevent bacterial infection at the initial stage of gangrene (antibiotics are usually administered intravenously).

Surgical treatment of gangrene

In addition to general and pharmacological treatment, surgical treatment is also used. The main surgical procedure is the removal of dead tissue, sometimes several treatments are required as gangrene develops. Surgeons should also change dressings regularly. Unfortunately, there are situations when gangrene does not respond to any treatment methods, then it is necessary to amputate the entire limb or part of it.

Specialist preparations supporting wound healing can be used to support gangrene treatment. On Medonet Market you can buy, for example:

  1. Diabetegen Healing cream for diabetics,
  2. Diabetegen Forte Healing cream for diabetics,
  3. Diabetegen Skin regenerating ointment for diabetics.

Gangrene prophylaxis

In order to prevent gangrene from occurring, all wounds should be thoroughly cleaned – especially if they have come into contact with, for example, soil. If the wound is deep and you are not sure if you can clean it thoroughly yourself, consult a doctor.

Tooth gangrene

The pulp of the tooth is a place where anaerobic bacteria have very good conditions for development. Tooth pulp gangrene can develop as a result of tooth necrosis. Symptoms of an ongoing infection include swelling and pain.

Thorough treatment of tooth decay is very important, because if neglected, it can spread the infection. Most often it is necessary to remove the tooth surgically.

Complications of gangrene

The complications of gangrene include:

  1. getting bacteria into the bloodstream and consequently spreading them throughout the body,
  2. expansion of gangrene, which requires limb amputation,
  3. septic shock,
  4. development of disseminated intravascular coagulation.

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