
We all know about “we live once” (and this is not a draft), that it is important to live “our life”, as fully as possible, etc. And, nevertheless, we manage to enter into very peculiar relationships with life, which are more like games.

But not those that a child plays in order to develop and learn about the world, but those that replace real life.

I do not pretend to draw up an accurate classification, but in my practice (and in life) I observe the following options:

  • “Oh, if you are like that, then I….”

I want everything to be «in my opinion» as planned. But, alas…

Get offended, run away to another room/city/country/reality, lie down and think how unfair she is and well, and let her first come to apologize and give me what I want, and then we’ll see…

As if life would be a bargain. Will not.

  • «Yes, but…»

Life offers opportunities — work, new acquaintances, ideas, but they all depreciate.

“Yes, of course, this work is interesting, BUT the road will take a lot of time.” “Yes, indeed, this gym near the house is a good opportunity to do health, BUT you have to pay money!” etc. etc.

As if these offers will keep pouring in forever. Will not.

  • “Now, now, I’ll finish it and come…”

There is LIFE and there is vanity (conveyor of affairs). THERE — dreams and opportunities for their realization, here — there is some kind of current occupation, urgent work that you can do endlessly, like dusting, postponing «for later» the rest of your life.

Like she’ll be waiting forever. Will not.

  • “I’ll sit down and wait for the corpse of the enemy to float by…”

Why move if you can wait until everything works out “by itself”: the employer will persistently invite you to work, friends will “drag” you to rest, and in your personal life “everything will work out”. Of course, there are chances (as in everything and always), but they are approaching zero.

It’s like life is a fairy godmother. No, not her.

  • “For others, yes, life! And I have — ugh … »

Nearby, especially if you look closely, there are always people who have “fatter sheep”, “greener grass”, and “brighter sun”. And the more you focus on it, the worse your own situation seems (and becomes!) Envy takes a lot of time and effort. They are not left to change their lives. And why?

As if lives could be the same. Can not.

What is it for me?

We play and play. The problem is that life does not play along in such games, and tends to end. And a situation arises when «life is not lived like that», «not one’s own», etc.

I know that psychological articles need to be filled with practical recommendations, but in this case I don’t see a universal algorithm for self-help.

Perhaps the best thing to do is MAKE A DECISION whether to keep playing or take a better look at your life, prioritize, join hands and move on together.

«In sorrow and in joy, until death do us part.»

What games are you playing with your life?

Take care of yourself!

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