Luntik movie

The leech in the most active way wins back his helplessness and strains the Saviors to serve himself.

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The film «Winnie the Pooh»

Donkey’s soul hurts. Games played by the Victims.

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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​A person in the state of the Victim plunges into the state of the Child, feels himself in a hostile world and escapes from the Persecutors, calling on the Saviors (demonstrating to them his helplessness and his suffering).

The victim is playing manipulative games. Variants of games of the Victim are various.

Karpman triangle

In this game, the Victim finds a real person, whom she puts in the role of the Savior from the Persecutor. At the first stage, she demonstrates to the Savior her helplessness and her suffering, at the next stage she herself turns into an Aggressor (Predator, Persecutor) and takes revenge on the Persecutor and Savior (because she saved badly). See Karpman Triangle.

An extended version is the game Alcoholic.

Yes-But game

One of the manipulative interpersonal games, where the author of the game explicitly asks for help in solving a problem, and in a hidden way, over and over again, presents the interlocutor (Savior) as an idiot, and himself as an unfortunate victim of this idiot and life in general. See Game Yes, but

Donkey Eeyore

Donkey Eeyore is always bad, and he, small and unfortunate, is helpless in the face of a large and hostile world. Saviors can’t help him…

Victim of treason

The husband cheated, the wife suffers, walks with a dead face and unhappy eyes. There is no mood, no strength, everything is terrible and everything is annoying. A simple analysis shows that this is not quite a program, not quite something that a woman cannot influence — more often it is a subconscious revenge on her husband and an incompletely conscious intention to extract more bonuses from the current situation. Make the husband guilty — and then use it. See →

Parents, you don’t love me

«Parents, you don’t love me!» — such a sad or even more energetically accusing phrase of the child in the face of the parents knocks them down. Indeed, what will you answer here, if you are thrice caring? Most importantly, you will never understand here: is it an unsatisfied need of a child for love or entertainment to twist with parents and squeeze something out of them? And what to do? See →


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