There are games that bring people together. As Matroskin said: «joint work, for my benefit, brings together.» That is, if people do one thing together: push a car, build a house.
Proverbs and sayings
Proverbs and sayings are written, each on a strip of paper. The strips are cut into two semantic parts. For example,
Kutuzov arrived / to beat the French.
Gruzdev called himself get in the body.
My grandmother and I wrote about 200 pieces in this way.
Now the first halves are mixed in one box, and the second halves in the second.
Everyone takes one half from one box and the other from the other.
It might turn out something like
Kutuzov arrived — climb into the back.
He called himself a weight — it is easier for a mare.
I no longer remember successful examples, I only remember that my stomach ached and we played with the whole family (from 15 to 60 years old), and almost every day. True, there was still such an effect that they could not remember the original sayings …
The game of blinkers
An ingenious game — «in blinkers.» Chairs are placed in a circle, and there should be almost half as many chairs as there are players. More precisely, if there are n chairs, then there are 2n -1 players . A player becomes behind the back of each chair. Starting position — «hands at the seams» . The rest of the players sit on chairs. Thus, no one sits on exactly one chair. The task of the player who is standing behind the back of an empty chair is to lure one of those sitting to him with the help of a wink or some other grimaces. The task of the rest of those standing is to keep the one who is sitting on “your” chair. That is, if you notice that your ward is blinking, you must quickly put your hands on his shoulders and hold him. You can’t keep the ward all the time (hands at the seams!) And it’s also impossible to return someone who has already jumped up.
An excellent game, proven by experience in numerous companies!
Drudles (puzzles for the development of imagination and creativity) are tasks in which you need to guess what is shown in the picture. The basis of a drudle can be scribbles and blots.
Perhaps you remember from childhood this comic riddle picture from the series “What is drawn here?” It seems to be drawn nonsense — some kind of lines, triangles. However, one has only to find out the answer, and the outlines of a real object are immediately guessed in incomprehensible squiggles. See →