Games for children from year to year, developing, teaching: teacher’s advice to parents
Games help children develop cognitive and mental activity, fine motor skills, teach the baby to perform interrelated actions with various objects. For proper coordination of movements, it is necessary to focus on sports games for children from one year old, which help to form dexterity. Well-organized activities can help you develop focus, focus, and patience. The more interesting and varied the child’s games are, the easier it will be for him to move on to adulthood.
Teacher advice for parents
In order for the baby to develop correctly, to have good physical and mental health, it is necessary to engage with him as much as possible and do it better through various games. They help the child develop cognitive activity, speech, master various knowledge, and form elementary ideas.
Educational games for children from year to year help the child to develop better.
With the help of games, it will be easier for the kid to get acquainted with the world around him, to learn to speak. When organizing games for crumbs, you must adhere to some rules:
- Do not play games for too long, the baby quickly gets tired and begins to lose interest in the game process.
- You do not need to include many different objects in the game, this will scatter the visual attention of the crumbs.
- Games that contain small objects develop fine motor skills very well, but at the same time you need to carefully monitor the crumbs, at this age they pull everything into their mouth.
- A one-year-old baby cannot concentrate on any one activity, therefore, it is better to select complex games.
- You can not scold a child if something does not work out for him, or instead of playing, he throws toys.
- To complete the game, you need to turn his attention to some other activity.
Before giving your child any objects for play, you should make sure that they do not pose a threat: they do not break, do not have sharp corners and small details. The safest solution would be to purchase didactic, play sets: boards with inserts, cubes, balls, pyramids.
It is imperative to include physical exercises in the game, create opportunities for movement, such as walking, squatting, jumping, crawling, throwing a ball, and so on. You can supplement the games by listening to children’s songs and teach the baby to clap, or tap to the beat, move to the music. During the games, it is very important to talk with the child, explaining the movements, names of objects, colors.
To organize the developmental activities of a one-year-old baby, it is not necessary to buy expensive play sets, you can use improvised tools and make toys for further games with your own hands.
The teacher’s advice to parents will help the kid choose games taking into account his interests and characteristics.
With the help of the ball, you can play the following games:
- Bowling. Line up a row of plastic bottles, and give the kid the task to knock them down with a ball.
- Rolling. Show the kid how to roll the ball and ask him to push it in your direction.
- Labyrinth. Create something like a tunnel out of the chairs and ask the crumbs to roll a ball there.
With the help of improvised means, you can play the following games:
- The similarity of objects. You should take three identical objects, for example, cubes. Name them and let the child take turns holding them. Then replace one cube with a ball, put it next to it and ask the kid to give a cube. It is imperative to praise if he was not mistaken.
- The concept of color. For such a game, you need two toys of the same color: cubes, balls, napkins, ribbons. Mix everything, take one item and ask the crumb to find the same one.
- We memorize objects. Put different objects in a box and take them out one by one, while saying what it is and what color. When the box is empty, ask the kid to put the items back, telling him what to put.
Little children like to play hide and seek, while it is not necessary to hide, you need to pretend that you do not see and continue to search.
It is good to play with your child in the pyramid, which consists of multi-colored rings. Show the baby how she is going, while saying what color the ring is put on. Remove all rings from the axle and ask the baby to do the same.
Theatrical scenes help to diversify the emotional world of children. Show stories using a variety of toys. For example: a dog makes a woof-woof and eats from a bowl, a bird flies and pecks grains, a bunny jumps and hides from a bear, a doll dresses up, combs her hair to be beautiful. In this case, it is better to come up with situations from life, for example: the bunny ran away from the bear and hid in the house, the dog saw him and made a woof-woof, a cat ran next to him and said meow-meow.
Educational games help develop motor skills and coordination.
One-year-old children need to be introduced to the objects around them, what their features are and what they are used for. At the same time, for a better perception, reduce their names into an affectionate form.
It is good to conduct music lessons, singing stimulates the baby to make new sounds, develops speech, helps to acquire a sense of rhythm. Sing songs, dance and clap, encourage him to sing along and repeat movements.
Walking in the fresh air is a great way for intellectual and physical development. Any things that are around are suitable for educational games. You can touch them, smell them, and be sure to name your actions, for example: “This is a beautiful flower, it smells delicious”, “This is a bug, it is small and runs to its house.”
In autumn, you can invite the child to collect a bouquet of leaves, then throw them up and offer to catch. In winter, play snowballs, make a snowman. Well, in the summer, you won’t have to invent something for games: a ball, a swing, a sandbox and a lot of other interesting entertainments.
Games for children from year to year simplify the child’s acquaintance with the surrounding, adult world, helping to improve new opportunities. The main task of parents is to use every such opportunity to influence his further physical development, because at the age of one, the baby is going through an important period of life with great interest looking at the world with huge eyes.