At primary school age, study comes first, but games for children of 7 years old remain an important part of life. In the game, the child trains speed of reaction and dexterity, logic and imagination. Physical and mental activity relieves emotional stress, makes it possible to communicate with peers, therefore all games at this age are developing.
A growing body needs as much movement as possible. Modern children are fond of technical innovations that spoil their eyesight and posture, do not give an opportunity to “throw out” energy. The cardiovascular system does not receive the necessary load, metabolism suffers, and sleep is disturbed. Sometimes parents think that they should devote all their time to school or preparation for school, and playing games is a waste of time, a distraction from the main activities. In fact, by playing, the guys learn to be friends and get to know the world around them. Outdoor games are especially useful.
Children 7 years old need games in nature
For children of 7 years old, a lot of active fun has been invented. These are both new and traditional Russian folk amusements, such as “Salki”, “Hide and Seek” and “Zhmurki”. In the game “Pumpkin” the participants throw a light inflatable ball to each other. The player who could not catch him becomes a “pumpkin”. He squats down, the rest of the guys surround him and throw a ball at him. The one who drops the ball becomes a new “pumpkin”. The player who managed to never be in the center of the circle wins.
A group of kids can play Confusion. While the leader turns away or leaves, the participants stand in a circle, take each other’s hands. The task is to get confused as much as possible, turning, crawling and stepping over. When the ball is ready, the children call the host and ask him to unravel them back. In another version of this game, there is no leader. Players with their eyes closed reach the center of the circle and grab the first hand they come across. When all left and right palms are clasped, you can open your eyes and try to untangle.
“Skipping rope”, “Rubber bands”, “Classics” are games known to many generations of girls all over the world. Until a few years ago, everyone knew their rules. Now they are gradually being forgotten. Children’s leisure time is increasingly occupied by electronic entertainment.
“Classes” is the favorite game of little girls
The classic yard games are very addicting. It is worth trying to play each of them.
- “Classics”. The required components are a chalk-lined field of 10 squares and a cue ball, which is usually a flat jar of sand. You need to move around the cells on one leg, pushing the cue ball in front of you. Do not touch the chalk lines. The one who does this leaves the game and waits for his turn to try again to complete all 10 classes.
- “Tens”. There are 10 rounds in this game. In each, you need to jump rope in a certain way: with two legs, on one leg, forward, backward, with a cross. The exercises become more difficult with each round. Their variety depends on the imagination of the participants.
- “Rubber bands”. The game is designed for three girls. Two hold the elastic with their feet, one jumps over it, performing a series of figures. The difficulty depends on the height of the elastic. The first level is an elastic band at the level of the ankles, the second is at the level of the knees, and the third is at the level of the hips.
Children can always add something of their own, complicate tasks, come up with restrictions and conditions. For example, “rubber bands” can be played in pairs, jumping synchronously. In the “classes” the arrangement of cells changes, new fields are included.
Boys love to compete. Competitions, races, wrestling are suitable for them. The boys enjoy playing “Merry Starts”, where teams compete in performing simple actions at speed: throwing the ball, jumping in bags or just running a race.
In the game “Prize”, two players stand in front of a chair on which something is lying. It can be a paper-wrapped toy or a box. “Prize” must be grabbed at the count of “three”. The presenter begins to count, but each time instead of “three” he says “three hundred”, “thirteen”, “thirty-five”. The most attentive wins.
The group of guys will like the game “Scouts”. In this competition, in addition to dexterity, coordination and visual memory, leadership skills are required. In the center of the room, you need to arrange stools and chairs so that you get as many passages between them as possible. The “scout” must go around all objects from different sides, paving the way. “Commander” observes and remembers the road. His task is to lead his squad in exactly the same way, without forgetting anything. Roles can be changed. Each new “scout” will create his own route.
A child’s brain needs as much stress as muscles. Logic games train thinking and observation. An example of such a game is “Puzzles”. To play it, two identical postcards are enough. We cut one into several pieces of different shapes, the other will become a model, looking at which the players will put the pieces. The task only seems simple. To do it, you need to imagine a picture in your mind, choose a suitable fragment, rotate it and place it correctly. The kid learns to build an algorithm of actions, analyze his work, make decisions. The image is kept in memory all the time, allowing you to see the whole in detail. Puzzles can be played at speed if you distribute sets of the same difficulty to the participants.
In logic games, you have to think about every move.
“Notes” is another game that will be of interest to seven-year-olds. Cut the sheet into 10 pieces. On one side of each part we write its number, on the other side – the place where the next one is hidden. There is a treasure map on the back of the last note. The goal of the players is to find all the notes to get to the treasure.
In the game “Superfluous Word”. The child needs to determine which of the listed words does not fit the rest.
- Table, bed, window, armchair.
- Evening, morning, hour, day.
- Cat, dog, bear, horse.
- Notebook, textbook, diary, pen.
Many such combinations can be made. The game will become more difficult if you allow the children to become the leaders themselves and come up with new riddles.
Classical checkers, chess, backgammon, dominoes and modern board games develop well their logic.
There are so many games in the world for seven-year-olds. Street and board, for logic and attention, new and those that our ancestors played. Children themselves will never know about them if adults do not undertake to teach, set an example and captivate them.