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A family picnic is an unforgettable holiday, especially when there is something to keep young children busy. After all, do not forget that in addition to your holiday, you need to organize leisure activities for your children. And so that they do not get bored, we present you the five most relevant outdoor games with babies.
1. “Rubber bands”. We think this game requires no introduction and is familiar to everyone. For this fun game, all you need is a regular long elastic band. The ends are tied to form a kind of circle. Next, two players put their feet in rubber bands and stand far from each other. And kids jump through the resulting strips of elastic. Moreover, each time the exercises become more difficult, and the elastic band rises higher and higher.
2. “Edible-inedible”. The game, familiar to everyone from childhood, has not lost its relevance at the present time. Its essence is simple: the baby stands in front of you, and you throw the ball and name any thing. If it is edible, then the child must catch the ball, and if not, then hit it off.
3. “Dragging”. This is the perfect game for fun outdoors. You must first draw a clear line on the ground. Next, two players are required, who, holding hands, stand exactly opposite each other and half a step from the drawn line. The task is simple: the winner is the one who pulls the opponent over the line.
4. “Fisherman and Fish”. The “fisherman,” or the driver, stands in the middle, and children gather around him. In the hands of the “fisherman” is a rope, which he rotates around him. The task of the children is to jump over the obstacle, and those who could not do this drop out of the game.
5. “Obstacle course”… A fun game that kids will surely appreciate and does not require much effort. All that is needed is ropes, buckets, basins and any other suitable items. As it is not difficult to guess, the winner is the one who comes to the finish line first, overcoming all obstacles.
Going on a picnic, take care of the list of necessary things: take a first aid kit, wet wipes, water. Make sure that children are not overworked in the heat. By the way, milk whey is an excellent salvation from thirst.