
Probably, every person knows about the existence of types of temperament, which were identified by Pavlov I.P. The temperament of a child is easier to determine than the temperament of an adult, since children do not yet know how to disguise it. This allows you to find an approach to the development of the child, based on the characteristics of his nervous system.

This article describes games that are suitable for sanguine people.

Sanguine children are active, cheerful, optimistic. They can easily switch to another activity. As a rule, there are no problems with adaptation.

Collective games. Sanguine children love to communicate and interact with people. Collective games will allow them to do this to the fullest.

Collective games for interaction

«Look Up»

Children become in a circle. The host asks to look down, all the children lower their heads and look down. Then, at the command of the leader “Look up”, the children raise their heads, look up, and then sharply turn their eyes to one of the participants in the game. If the views of the two participants coincided (i.e. they looked at each other), then these two participants approach each other, express their joy in any way (hug, shake hands, shout, etc.) and go out of the circle together. The game continues until there are 2-3 players left in the circle.

Architectural Bureau «Zodchy»

Children are given materials for needlework (adhesive tape, scissors, newspapers, threads, paper, boxes, etc.) and are invited to create any architectural object (bridge, house, shop, fountain, etc.) at the set time. The package is determined by the goals and age of the participants.

For example, children aged 10-12 receive 5 sheets of cardboard, adhesive tape, a balloon, scissors, a marker, 3 cones, a disposable plate. The children are given the task of 30 minutes to agree and build a rocket using all the materials offered. At the same time, you can do anything with materials — cut, glue, crumple, fold. The main thing is the result.

In addition to the interaction of participants in this game, creativity is revealed, leadership abilities are manifested, as well as resourcefulness, activity, and perseverance.

Collective games can be both mobile and intellectual.

Mobile collective games

Catch the dragon’s tail

The facilitator tells the legend about the Chinese dragon, which could not catch its tail (you can think of any eyeliner for the game) and invites the children to try to turn into this dragon. Children stand behind each other, holding hands around the waist of the one who is standing in front. Thus the transformation took place. The dragon starts to move. Next, the tasks are distributed. The task of the “dragon head” (the child standing first) is to catch the “tail” (the last child in the ranks). The task of the «tail» is to escape from the «head». After the «tail» is caught, a new «head» and «tail» are selected.

hide and seek reversed

In this game, only one person is hiding, and the rest are looking for him. Each seeker searches for the one who has hidden himself. When one child finds a hiding person, he does not notify the others about it, but quietly hides in the same place next to the hiding person. The next participant who discovered the shelter does the same. The game continues until one seeker remains and finds all the others who are sitting in the same shelter.

Lake and sea fishing

The host invites the children to go fishing. From the company of children, two «fishermen» are selected, who join hands and form a «net». The rest are fish that can move freely around the field and try not to get caught in the net. The task of the «fishermen» is to run up to any fish and, without disengaging their hands, place the fish in their «net». The caught fish becomes the third «fisherman», thus the «net» expands. The game ends when there are no more fish left and all the children form one big circle.

Intellectual collective games

Quizzes, quizzes, games in the format “What? Where? When?» stimulate the cognitive activity of the child. Sanguine people are distinguished by perseverance, observation, so it will be interesting for them to solve various logical puzzles, answer questions about the world around them, discussing them with the team.

Combine physical activity with intellectual help quests and games on the stations. In this type of game, children are invited to move from object to object and perform various tasks that require both the work of thought processes and physical activity, as well as the activation of creative abilities.

If the child is not in the team, you can, of course, take him individual games.

As mentioned above, the sanguine person is observant, assiduous, attentive, so they are perfect for him. games that require concentration and mental work.

Paper games

This includes crossword puzzles, puzzles. The game is also perfect for a sanguine person, in which several other words of different sizes must be made from the letters of one long word.

Find differences

The child is presented with two pictures that differ in several details. The task of the child is to find the differences and indicate them.


Ordinary riddles, rhyming, tricky riddles will do. Any riddle will allow the child to think, dream up, and some are even able to cheer.

«Will you go to the ball?»

This game develops attention well. The child is stipulated the conditions of the game “Do not call black and white, do not say “yes” and “no” (the conditions can be complicated or simplified depending on the age of the child) and any question is asked that requires an affirmative or negative answer. The task of the child is to find the answer, observing the rules of the game. For example:

— Are you going to the ball?

— Certainly

— As usual on a horse?

— On horse

— What color is your horse?

— Gray


Questions can also be asked about the daily life of the child. For example, does he like to walk, what color is his favorite toy.

A sanguine child loves to learn new things, willingly takes on new business, projects. Therefore, he will be interested in doing a matter that requires the work of imagination, creativity.

1. Drawing on a free or given topic

2. Writing fairy tales, fables

3. «Finish the drawing»

The child is given a sheet of paper on which a figure is depicted. It can be a broken line, a wave, a few circles. The location of the figure is in any part of the sheet. The task of the child is to turn the sheet the way he wants and finish it so that the given figure is part of the drawing. Younger children can be offered to draw not a figure, but a drawing blank (house, forest, etc.)

Of course, one cannot do without physical activity.

1. Ball games

2. Classics

A game that everyone probably knows. Cells are drawn on the asphalt, inside which numbers from 1 to 10 are written. The child stands in front of the start line, throws a pebble on the first cell and jumps on one foot through the cells back and forth. On the way back, he picks up a pebble and throws it again, but this time on the second cell. Jumping methods may differ, new ones may be invented.


The host invites the child to learn movements (you can think of any). Example: «Earth» — sit down, «Air» — jump, «Water» — depict waves with your hands. The child listens to the command, repeats after the leader and remembers the movements. And then the host says one command, and shows another movement. The task of children is to listen carefully and show the movement whose name they hear.

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