Virtual games, as well as any other, where the player «lives» the life of his character, actually have much more in common with reality than it seems at first glance. Even without realizing the very fact of projecting our views, beliefs and principles onto the gaming reality, we inevitably do this every time we sit down at the computer. That is why, in the game, as well as in life, there are successful ones, and there are losers. Let’s try to look at both from the outside, what distinguishes the «victim» from the «author» and how to change the fate of the character, and at the same time your own?
Two sides of the same coin
Those who have been participating in online games for a long time and productively can confirm that all players, or rather their behavior models in virtual reality, are divided into two large groups, we will conditionally call them “victim” and “author”.
The first, with all their initial enthusiasm and serious attitude, inevitably turn out to be losers. Their game does not stick, incomes do not grow. Add to this an unjustifiably large conceit and a complete unwillingness to use gratuitous help and support from more experienced players — this is a typical portrait of a “victim”.
The latter are also very active and active. They are not afraid to ask others, are interested in any gaming activity, willingly try new ways to earn money and do not despair if the results do not appear immediately. Such players gradually become Leaders and willingly share their experience with beginners. It is worth taking a closer look at each group — this will help to avoid many mistakes and achieve success in the game. And maybe in life.
Caution: «victim»!
Speaking of «victim», we, of course, do not mean a person who is ready to sacrifice his own well-being for the happiness of other players. Although this is what happens as a result, only these sacrifices are not voluntary, but rather, natural. Finding such a loser is quite simple:
- The «victim» from time to time goes the same way: lighting up with the idea of an easy, as it seems to her, victory, she registers herself in the next game with pleasure. The main thing that attracts her to virtual games is the opportunity to earn at least game currency.
- Such a player starts rather briskly, without trying to learn as much as possible about the possibilities of the game, without consulting with other players. He is sure that all games are the same, and the players think only about their own benefit.
- After some time. The «victim» suddenly discovers that her initial pressure does not produce any results. The player is just marking time, wasting his time aimlessly. Enthusiasm instantly disappears (he does not even think about finding out the reason for his own failures!). AT As a result, leaving one started business, he rushes with renewed vigor into another project.
Himself an «author»
The second type of players, which we conventionally designated as «authors», is fundamentally different from «victim». These players don’t do anything for nothing. Before registering in the game, they carefully study it, study the forums and ask the «old-timers». They come into the game already fully prepared, knowing exactly what and how they are going to achieve.
As a rule, for the «authors» the game is not an end in itself. They perceive it as a convenient tool for realizing their own plans and ambitions.
Having thought over the strategy of the game from the beginning, achieving success, they never stop, analyzing past steps and striving for more. Gradually, such a productive approach brings them to the highest gaming levels.
See the target. Believe in yourself…
In fact, winning the game is not the ultimate goal of a successful player. In addition to the pleasure that gaming can bring with the right thoughtful approach, in addition to interesting communication with like-minded people and earning money, it is the game that can give you the opportunity to fulfill your dreams.
Playing and winning, you inevitably gain confidence in your own abilities, gain invaluable experience in communication and doing business, learn to predict and take risks…
By getting used to success in the game, you can succeed in real life. After all, everything has already been worked out to automatism, which means it will definitely give its results.
Virtual games are small universes where each of us can learn to be successful, sociable, make the right decisions and predict events and results.